Roulette World

Two thousand two hundred and ninety: The dispute between land and sea (on)

The start of the battle was a bit of a surprise for both sides.

On the human side, it is because Park Soo Young's evolution has not yet been completed, so she has been relatively conservative. The sea beasts are also dispatching troops, and the number is constantly increasing. It is obvious that they want to complete their efforts in one battle.

They probably also know that what stands in front of them is the most powerful human group on this land, and if they are defeated, there will be no large-scale resistance in the future.

It's just that the magic whale's control over sea beasts cannot be comprehensive. Outside the core circle centered on it, a team of "half blue ray crabs" with a number of about 10,000 accidentally broke into the defense zone of the resistance zone.

Since I arrived in the resistance area for the first time, I am still adapting to the situation, and I am getting to know everything about sea beasts.

In addition, the experience of the resistance area in large-scale battles is incomparable to that of the Genting Department. Facing the ferocious sea beasts, their fighters are a little nervous, and they attach great importance to everything, and even look a little nervous.

They are afraid of making mistakes, afraid of being looked down upon by Yunding, afraid of losing their style and weakening the name of the resistance zone.

So when these car-sized mutated crabs approached their defense zone and began to burrow into the ground, the frontline commander in the resistance zone judged that the enemy was about to attack.

The attack order was issued immediately, and the frontline fighters in the resistance zone launched an attack.

The defenders of the Genting system would know that this is just a habit of this mutant life, especially in sunny weather.

They're just enjoying the comfort of the mud.

Being attacked, the half-blue ray crabs of course have to fight back. As members of the army of magic whales and sea beasts, they have been winning all the time, and have long developed a violent personality. These more than ten thousand mutant crabs raised their iconic pair of The big pincers fired blue rays at the camp in the resistance zone.

The human defense measures splashed debris under the rays, and the ground also vibrated slightly.

The attack from the resistance area landed on the sea beasts at the same time, blasting the carapaces of many lives, and the light green liquid flew into the air, stimulating both sides' desire to fight.

The resistance area knew that this was their first shot, so they were extremely serious. It can be said that the frontline team almost gave their all, and this small group of mutant crabs was defeated after a few minutes of persistence.

What the resistance zone wants is not only victory, but also instant success, and total annihilation is their goal.

They launched a charge, jumped out of the defensive body, and chased the fleeing half-blue ray crabs.

The distance between the respective camps of humans and sea beasts seems to be far enough, but in the last days, the distance depends on the level of strength and the range of abilities.

The resistance zone felt that this distance was enough for them to catch up with their opponents and wipe them out. Unfortunately, just as they had a hand-to-hand encounter with the mutant crabs, the "Ankang Beast Squad" from the sea beasts launched an attack.

This kind of sea beast is also a long-range troop. Their attack is based on the water system. When the iconic big mouth sucks one, it will be a powerful water column. When it hits the target, it will be like being hit by a car. The soldiers were immediately beaten to a halt, and even began to retreat.

Although the resistance area is not as good as Yunding Villa now, it is still a veteran force anyway. Facing setbacks, they fought back vigorously, and the huge war fortress behind them also began to join the battle, providing sufficient long-range firepower.

All of a sudden, on the battlefield, either the east wind overwhelms the west wind or the west wind overwhelms the east wind.

Back and forth to change the posture of attack and defense.

Originally, only the troops responsible for today's defense mission participated in the battle in the resistance area, but as the battle progressed, more and more troops were involved, and the battlefield area was gradually expanding.

After Yunding discovered the situation, they kept sending people over to inquire about the situation, but at this time the resistance zone had already started to move, and there was no time to take care of Yunding's affairs at all.

If it was just the chaos in this place, maybe it could still be suppressed, but Yao Shijun also fought.

Compared to the passive participation in the war in the resistance area, Yao Shijun took the initiative to attack.

They are separated from the resistance area by the long battle line of Yunding Mountain Villa. As "foreign troops", they saw the movement in the resistance area, saw the energy in the sky, and knew that there was a fight, but they didn't know the specific situation. But everyone is fighting, so we can't just do nothing here. It just so happens that the sea beasts are also a bit chaotic. Seeing this situation, Yao Shijun chose to take the initiative to attack, so he also fought on his side.

The two sides have passively entered a state of war without being prepared, and no one wants to retreat first, because it will suffer a lot of losses.

With the continuous input of troops from both sides, the real decisive battle broke out.

"In the 7th defense area, the double-headed dragon sea giant appears!"

"At the junction of the 90th defense area, there is their alien horse army. Adjust the focus of the air defense and stop the venom they spray!"

"Defense Zone 2, Zone 2, their main force has appeared, the Longbeard Corps has landed! Repeat, the Longbeard Corps has landed!"

"Immediately ask for reinforcements if the battle damage exceeds 20%. This is the order of Sister Lei. All teams are not allowed to fight to the death without permission!"

"Air troops set out to fight for air supremacy!"

Orders and information announcements sounded in the medal of war merit one by one, and the entire Genting war machine started to move.

They were indeed not fully prepared, but they were only short of Park Xiuying. It was not unacceptable to go to war now.

On the side of the sea beasts, although the demonic whale is also waiting for reinforcements to come in a steady stream, it has already crushed humans in number, and it will not avoid the battle now that it is fighting.

The largest conflict between humans and sea beasts broke out like this, and the entire coast was filled with energy. Looking from the sky, the current situation is comparable to a large area.

"The Naga Warfare Legion has appeared, let's go." Because the Wuhuanqian team is performing a special mission this time, Deacon Tong and Deacon Shui have been staying by Xia Lei's side. After seeing their target appear, and After the other people in the headquarters said hello, they set off with the team.

They will take over from the current team carrying the Naga Warfare Legion and complete their mission.

A masked team crossed the battlefield and confronted one of the main forces of the sea beasts, the Naga Warfare Legion.

"Has the magic whale been detected?"

Xia Lei turned to ask the technician next to her.

"not yet."

"The red-haired and undead ichthyosaurs should not move for now, the air force will be handed over to the deputy, and Yangos will assist."

Xia Lei kept giving orders, "Rocky Cross is ready!"

Although the magic whale hadn't appeared yet, Xia Lei knew that the monster was in the nearby waters. It must be looking for a good fighter, and planned to inflict heavy damage on Yunding as soon as it made a move.

"Yan Wangshu and Dihuang Wan have both played, and now the only ones in the reserve team who can inflict damage to the magic whale in the air and long-range are the red-haired and undead ichthyosaurs, isn't it a bit too little?"

Guangyao on one side is worried.

Xia Lei smiled, "Also, they said, they haven't moved for too long, and they plan to move around."

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