Roulette World

Two thousand two hundred and ninety-three duel (2)

A practice of Yao Shijun is that the teams ranked higher are stronger. Of course, it can also be said that a strong team will rank higher.

This situation is slowly changing after Mu Hanyi went to heaven.

Although the first and second armies are still there, and they have been rebuilt and strengthened, the strongest Yaoshi army is now the third army.

Now, they are at the forefront.

Compared with Yunding's overall strength and expertise in war equipment in the resistance zone, Yaoshi Army pays more attention to melee combat. They have changed from the complementary of far and near in the early days of the end of the world to the current combat mode that focuses on melee combat and supplements long-distance combat.

Based on heavy armor and heavy weapons, they formed what they called heavy infantry.

The slow marching speed of these soldiers is not suitable for chasing and rapid marching, but now this kind of frontal confrontation is their favorite way.

From the very beginning, they put on heavy armor and entered the battlefield. Those sea beasts were as fragile as a piece of paper in front of them.

The most powerful Yaoshi Third Army has embarked on a path of extremes.

Their evolutionary levels are very high, generally seven stars, captain level characters are eight stars, and army commanders are nine stars. Each of them is wearing heavy armor, at least green level, more than 30% are all blue equipment, and even a small part of all gold exists.

Their movements are uniform, and they fight exactly as they did at the peak of the cold weapon era. Raise the shield, draw the sword, raise the shield, draw the sword... This is their fighting style, and most of their skills even assist this fighting style.

They will have such and other shortcomings, but as long as they can exert their due strength on the battlefield that suits them, their power is extremely amazing.

Even if some skills or attacks are not blocked by their shields and fall on the body, heavy armor can also produce excellent defense. After all, this kind of battle armor does not require many abilities, as long as it is strong enough, if it can increase a little strength or a little agility, that would be even better.

As the most powerful team of Yaoshi Army, the third army is like an arrow, constantly killing towards the depths of the sea beast camp.

Compared with before, the fighting style in the resistance area is more peaceful, and they are more willing to use various tactics.

The combination of near and far, the combination of skill attacks and physical attacks, relying on firepower points and commanding heights, plus the support of as many as ten war fortresses, allowed them to fight smoothly at the beginning.

This kind of long-distance and melee dominance made the people in the resistance area a little complacent. They kept looking in the direction of the Yunding camp, hoping to see the surprised eyes of the other party.

Unfortunately, all they saw was the shadow of the sea beast.

In the first half hour of the battle, whether it was Yao Shijun or the resistance area, they encountered some resistance, but generally everything went smoothly, which made them full of confidence.

It's just that the situation started to change after half an hour.

More sea beasts arrived on the battlefield, and Yunding's camp was too thick, so these later sea beasts or sea beasts that could not get up before began to try to seek breakthroughs from both sides.

Don't think that these sea beasts don't have any organization. On the contrary, they may indeed lag behind in command. After all, they have high-level existence wisdom, but human beings have risen to the height of art a long time ago, such as command skills.

This is temporarily unmatched by mutant life forms.

But even so, they still know how to take advantage of their numbers and are constantly looking for breakthroughs.

Those races in the sea who can land directly and fight on land with undiminished combat effectiveness have placed their breakthroughs on both sides of the human front.

Led by four ninth-level beings, they stepped on the corpses of their own kind and began to land and fight across the muddy middle ground.

The Yaoshi army and the resistance area began to fall into a disadvantage, not because they didn't want to continue the momentum of triumphant advance just now, but because they lacked the means to stabilize the battle situation when they faced an enemy whose number was several times that of their own.

Their top evolutionaries were entangled by the opponent's existence at the same level, their long-range firepower was suppressed by the opponent, and they were exchanged for casualties by sea beasts in close combat. All of a sudden, they were in danger.

Thinking of the annoyance in their hearts when Yunding sent people to say that it was enough to stabilize them, the big powers in these two countries felt a little bit embarrassed.

They kept shrinking the front that they had just expanded, reducing the area of ​​engagement in order to reduce the pressure.

Life on both sides is difficult, but the Genting camp is in a dominant state.

In terms of the number of top lives, Genting has eighteen people present!

Fourteen of them are fighting at various positions on the front line, using them as nodes and skeletons to prop up the entire Yunding front line.

Another thing I have to say is that there is really a gap between the top life and the top life. For example, although the cavalry team did not participate in the battle, the little tiger played a huge role!

He said to his subordinates that the credit can also be obtained when the team is not fighting, so he was in the rear and launched... Ling Lan borrowed troops.

Now this ability derived from the eyes has been upgraded by Xiaohu to the highest level, which is the third level.

He stood there dumbfounded, a powerful energy was gathering in mid-air above his head, and a moment later, three hundred humanoid metal flying machines appeared above the sea beast camp.

Each one has only a half-human body, and the part facing the ground is a barrel-shaped structure with a diameter of one meter.

The moment they appeared, these semi-humanoid metal aircraft blasted out a series of thick columnar lightning from the barrel below!

After flying out, these lightning bolts turned into arm-thin shapes. They formed a thunderstorm area and struck downward.

The few flying creatures among the sea beasts were immediately turned into charred corpses in such a dense thunderstorm attack, and the lightning even passed through them and landed on the Naga Warfare Legion below.

Then, these humanoid metal aircraft launched a second wave of attacks. This time, there was nothing in the sky that could stop these thunderstorms. The thunderstorm formed by the splitting of columnar lightning began to baptize the main force of the sea beast below!

If you are in a thunderstorm, even if you raise your head, you can only see the lightning in the sky, but you cannot see those metal aircraft.

Deacon Tong and Deacon Shui also cooperated with the attack at this time, dragging the four Naga of the ninth level, in order to let the thunderstorm achieve the greatest results.

Then came the third wave of thunderstorms!

Before the third wave, these flying metal flying machines moved to new locations.

Xiaohu woke up from the stunned state, and those metal flying machines disappeared, and his ability to borrow soldiers from Ling Lan entered a long cooling-off period.

He sat cross-legged on the back of his battle beast, poured medicine into his mouth and said vaguely to the military merit medal: "Sister Lei, let Uncle Atai leave me a hole later, and I will cut in from there!"

"I feel...that magic whale seems to be there, let's make bait!"

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