Roulette World

Two thousand two hundred and ninety-five duel (4)

The appearance of the magic whale attracted the attention of the entire battlefield.

After Ye Zhongming left the earth, there has never been a life that is so widely known and feared.

In the past, Ye Zhongming's name was like a big devil, pressing on top of all the forces. In the later period, it spread to Europe, America, Southeast Asia and the extreme north, faintly becoming the number one person in the world.

The real peak of Ye Zhongming's reputation was when Mo Ye killed Wang Ranran. At that time, Ye Zhongming was no longer on the earth, but he left behind the legend that all his subordinates could kill nine-star evolutionists.

Now, the magic whale has become the nightmare of mankind.

This demonic whale showed strong fighting power before, even Yunding Villa, whose top life was like a cloud, had nothing to do with it, and even suffered a disadvantage.

Even, no one has seen what it looks like when this monster makes a full shot.

Because no one can force it to go all out.

Xia Bai wanted to try, so she made a move.

After Ye Zhongming left, Xia Bai was silent a lot, which made her become more pure and pursue power more wholeheartedly.

She is the benchmark, so the red makeup guards have become unusually low-key, even when hunting nine-level lives to obtain top-level magic crystals, they will not show up.

Most of the time they only stayed in Yunding Mountain Villa, and they would go out only very occasionally. No one knew where they went or what they did.

But there is one thing that everyone can feel, that is, the red makeup guards are even colder, so cold that strangers are not allowed to enter, and too cold to stay away.

So no one knows how strong the current Red Makeup Guard is.

In the past, everyone estimated that if they didn't care about casualties, they could kill the three newly promoted ordinary nine-star evolutionists together.

It's a pretty scary thing.

Of course, some people don't believe it. After all, every nine-star evolutionary, even if they have just evolved, has already entered another level and is closer to a 'god'. They shouldn't be able to kill non-top existences.

Even within Yunding, there are different opinions on this. Some people think that the red makeup guards can be stronger, and they can deal with four nine-stars together, especially after Xia Bai becomes a nine-star!

However, some people think that when facing top-level life forms, other levels, even eight-star evolved ones, have no possibility of gathering a crowd to fight against them. If Xia Bai is included, they can deal with two at most, and there may be a huge risk casualties.

Today is the first time for many people to see the magic whale, and it is also the first time for many people to see the red makeup guards who have disappeared from people's sight for nearly a year.

Now, many people are shocked by this huge black sickle phantom.

Can you imagine what it would be like for a transport plane to be surrounded by another giant scythe while flying at low altitude?

Everyone feels small and invincible.

At the end of the phantom of the sickle is a human with a mask. She is covered in black armor, and behind her is a pair of extremely black wings. Beside her, dozens of black feathers are slowly lingering around her.

She hung in the air like that, with one hand hanging naturally, and the other hand holding the end of the black sickle.

big and small,

In this moment there is a stark contrast.

The phantom of the sickle streaked across the sky, and also across the body of the magic whale.

Many people exclaimed at this moment.

Because they saw that the black sickle cut directly across the body of the magic whale.

This is... a hit? !

It was just that they realized something was wrong right away, the body of the magic whale flickered and shifted to the side.

Get away!

Many humans sighed incomparably in their hearts.

The first attack is usually the most sudden and the most powerful. If the first attack is avoided, the situation of the battle may turn sharply and become very unfavorable.

Everyone admits that Xia Bai is very strong, even in the entire Yunding, no one can say that she has won a duel. But compared to the Demon Whale who had already killed many lives of the same level, everyone habitually put Xia Bai in the weak position.

"It seems that it is not too late, the time is just right."

At the central position of the Yunding headquarters, the figure of Liu Zhenghong appeared in the portal. As soon as he appeared, he looked up at the sky and said with a smile.

Xia Lei and the others smiled wryly, and they could only surround Sister Hong in the middle to prevent her from having an accident.

"Little Yezi has gone to the sky. If anyone in Genting can deal with the magic whale, I like her the most."

While talking, Liu Zhenghong saw that the phantom of the sickle in Xia Bai's hand disappeared. After recovering the entity, this special existence on the top of the cloud calmly rose to the same height as the magic whale, and the red-makeup guards were directly below Xia Bai A little behind.

"Because different from us."

Everyone else knew a little bit about Xia Bai's specialness, but they didn't know exactly how it was different.

The red-makeup guards with special masks raised their weapons at the same time, and streams of energy gathered together, connecting with Xia Bai in the air.

Under the watchful eyes of countless beings, Xia Bai, who had received the energy, suddenly swelled up until he was no smaller than the magic whale.

Swelled with her, as well as the armor on her body, and the black sickle she had always used.

This is an incomprehensible phenomenon.

A person, even a nine-star evolutionary, can't violate some laws, right?

"Xia Bai is the only existence in the entire Yunding Villa that doesn't need equipment. Many times, I don't know if she still belongs to the human category."

Sister Hong's eyes have a strange color flowing, not an adjective, but a real color in the eyeballs.

This is her ability, but no one knows what she is observing.

"After she evolved, the path she took is beyond our comprehension."

Following Sister Hong's words, Xia Bai, who had become extremely huge, flapped his wings, and the sickle in his hand began to spin. With the release of the white sickle, these black winds flew towards the magic whale like strands of unjust souls.

After the demonic whale showed its weird abilities at the beginning, it finally moved in the face of these black winds.

The long hairs around its mouth fluttered, and small bright blue crystals spewed out of it, as if the seawater had frozen into small ice cubes.

They fluttered forward with the wind, towards Xia Bai's side.

At a certain moment earlier, those fluttering black winds and crystal crystals suddenly became violent. The black wind dispersed, making Xia Bai's head and sides look like the end of the world, while the blue crystals blew up a storm. , as if one of the densest meteor showers has descended on the world.

The two sides collided and entangled in mid-air, and then the energy that diffused was like an explosion, attacking in all directions.

All the lives under them are staggered by this energy, and they can only stick to the ground tightly so as not to be blown away.


Xia Bai's body rotated, the black sickle swung out, and a black energy lotus landed on the sickle.

A column of water rose from the sea below the magic whale, turning into a huge animal head, which swallowed Xia Bai from below.

The two sides started the second confrontation before the first collision was over!

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