Roulette World

Two thousand two hundred and ninety-seven duel (6)

The huge sickle cut into the body of the demon whale, but this time it was no longer dodged strangely like before. The blade cut into the thick black horny skin, and a lot of blood gushed out from it.


The sickle did not continue to cut downwards, but broke into pieces with a bang in Xia Bai's voice!

Many people don't know why this is the case.

"Don't look at me, I don't know." Liu Zhenghong shrugged and said to the people around him: "I can only guess that this chick, the scythe in her hand, the armor on her body, and even the wings on her back can be destroyed. Recover."


Liu Zhenghong's tone fluctuated a bit, and the others seldom saw such a situation, so they all pricked up their ears.

"If Xia Bai can't be instantly reduced to nothing or burned to ashes and cut into slag, it is very likely that she...wouldn't die."

Even Xia Lei gave up watching the battle in the sky at this time, and instead looked at Liu Zhenghong in surprise.

"Let's watch it first, and I'll talk to you after it's over."


The magic whale finally recovered a little from the series of attacks. Instead of fighting back immediately, it plunged headlong into the sea.

How could Xia Bai let it leave? He quickly followed behind the demon whale with his bare hands, hitting the monster's body continuously with his fists.

Later, he even rushed into the sea with the magic whale.

Many people on Genting's side exclaimed.

In the middle of the sea, that is the home field of the magic whale, its various abilities can reach a perfect state, it is simply unwise for Xia Bai to follow.

But soon the figures of Demon Whale and Xia Bai rushed out again.

No one knew what happened in the few seconds below the surface of the sea, but the body of the magic whale seemed to be better, and the big hole made by the Rocky Cross and the wound cut by the scythe were no longer bleeding.

Xia Bai was even more embarrassed. One wing was obviously broken, but there was a lump of flesh on her hands, which seemed to be ripped from the demon whale.

The Demon Whale flew into the air again, ignoring Xia Bai who was still relentless behind him, opened his mouth wide and sprayed out a huge jet of water towards the red makeup guards on the ground.

This guy is determined to get rid of the red makeup guards first.

From its point of view, it was the red makeup guards who continuously provided Xia Bai with strength that made this woman so vigorous.

It's a pity that the energy shield covering the red makeup guards seemed invincible, and it once again withstood the attack of the magic whale.

The ground where they were standing was cracked due to this ability, but the energy shield was not broken!

However, compared to the previous ones, there were some cracks on it this time.

The magic whale roared, and slapped Xia Bai with its tail, but she blocked it with both fists, but was also pushed away by the force.

After that, the magic whale rushed down from the sky and crashed into the red makeup guards.

Under the energy shield, Xiao Min smiled when he saw the magic whale swooping in.

She left a broken book and other equipment on the ground, it was "The Story of the Mountain\

,"A scroll-type item that can increase the strength of passport-type equipment or skills for a certain period of time.

The protective shield they are using now is the ability issued by one of their two big team books. After the blessing of Shanshan Ji, a one-time book bought by Yunding with a piece of purple equipment, its firmness has reached an unprecedented level. high.

"bring it on!"

After Xiao Min said something, a piece of equipment similar to a rocket launcher appeared on her shoulder, except that the one on her shoulder was a real cannon with a diameter of 1.5 meters.

On her back, she was carrying an extremely complicated huge metal box with streamers moving on it.

The members of the Red Makeup Guard behind her collectively stretched out their palms forward when Xiao Min said, and through the function of the team book, the power was transmitted forward, and in an instant, it was handed over to the three standing behind Xiao Min. Human energy hits in a metal box.

Afterwards, the muzzle light on Xiao Min's shoulder was shining brightly, a beam of light gushed out, the cracked energy shield was instantly shattered, and the beam of light rushed towards the magic whale without stopping.

Le Dayuan, who hadn't spoken all this time, looked at him from afar and nodded.

He got inspiration from the combat robot that only Ye Zhongming could drive to exert its full power, and designed and manufactured this weapon, which the researchers called 'Questioning Heart'.

The name sounds elegant, but its actual meaning is something else entirely.

Because this weapon needs too much energy to fire once, and it is very difficult to control, that's why it's called "asking the heart", which means that if you want to use this thing, you have to ask your heart first, whether you can do it or not.

Of course, the conditions for using this thing are harsh, or in other words, it should not be used by an evolutionary alone at all. Even a nine-star evolutionary cannot exert its full power after using it once, and it consumes a lot. It can hardly be used again in a day. war. But the power is enough, at least in Le Dayuan's view, the damage of this thing is no less than the Rocky Cross!

However, almost at the same time that the beam of light touched the magic whale, it suddenly froze in the air.

This weird scene caught many people by surprise, and the red makeup guards were also caught off guard.

At this time, everyone saw that around the red makeup guards, the water column intercepted by the energy shield just now turned into a large amount of sea water, which had begun to solidify at some point, and became a continuous piece of ice, sealing the entire red makeup guards. In a world of ice and snow.

The magic whale opened its mouth, swallowed the frozen energy column in one gulp, and chewed it up like a popsicle.

Then it continued to stretch its body, trying to swallow the red makeup guard in one gulp.

With a bang, the red makeup guard who had turned into an ice sculpture instantly broke through the ice layer on his body, and an energy fire bird flew out from the crowd.

Because it was too close, the firebird collided with the body of the demon whale that couldn't dodge, and then exploded.

The magic whale was bumped and retreated a certain distance, and there were obvious burn marks on the head.


At the same time, the ice fragments that were broken free by the red makeup guards, as well as the ice blocks on the ground next to it, exploded, and the entire team was directly washed away. These were all eight-star members, and more than half of them fell to the ground. , On several of the female warriors on the periphery, blood could be seen flowing out of several bodies, and they couldn't sit up even after struggling.

The magic whale was very surprised. It didn't expect that its weird serial skills didn't kill these human warriors. The continuous attacks all had offensive power. From the impact of the water column to the freezing and then to the explosion, all of them were enough to instantly kill this level. Why is it that these female warriors were only injured, but none of them died?

The king of the sea set his eyes on the armor on them.

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