Roulette World

Two thousand two hundred and ninety-nine melee, decision and arrival (on)

Xia Bai and the demon whale clone under the red makeup guards exploded after a few seconds, turning into nothingness. Xia Bai's body dangled in the air for a while, and then fell towards the ground. The red makeup guards were taken to the sky by the clone, and after the clone disappeared, they fell directly to the ground, all formations were messed up, and many people were still pressed together.

It can be clearly seen that some soldiers of the Red Makeup Guards are already motionless, and they don't know what the situation is.

Yang Gesi turned around, quickly approached the battlefield, and caught the boss of the red makeup guard before Xia Bai landed.

The evil dragon didn't even look at the magic whale, and quickly left the battlefield.

As a high-level life form, it can feel that when the magic whale uses its skills, the energy fluctuates quickly and strongly, which is something that Yangos can't match at present.

This is the gap.

In the face of beings stronger than itself, the evil dragon is very cowardly. It has the courage to save Xia Bai, and is willing to take risks because it thinks it is its duty. If it doesn't come, it will be skinned when it returns. cramp. But let it challenge the magic whale, the dragon really dare not.

Unless gang fights.

It's just that the demonic whale, which the evil dragon didn't even look at, suffered what should be the most serious injury since the war started.

Its huge body was at least one tenth smaller, because it was cut off by the energy knife, and now its blood dripped profusely from the wound, looking like heavy rain on the ground.

Apart from the body, the head of the Demon Whale was also injured, which seemed to be nothing at first glance, but just like looking at it from Xia Bai's angle just now, one could find a deep depression on the top of the Demon Whale's head, which could even be called... pit.

The outer skin there had been completely smashed, the bones were shattered into pieces the size of a fingernail, and blood and unknown body fluids continuously seeped out from inside, forming a viscous liquid pit in the ability.

This may be the most serious injury the magic whale has ever suffered since it became a ninth-level life form!

Although the king in the sea did not fall directly like Xia Bai did, his body swayed in the air for a long time, but he still stabilized.

It's just that the liquid in the hollow of the head was shaken and fell to the sea surface, probably because the pain was too severe, which caused the demon whale to let out a suppressed and low roar.

Afterwards, it dived directly, and its target was not the human line, but the sea water. After the body plunged into it, it was able to catch it moving rapidly along their own line, and there was a huge wave caused by the movement on the sea surface.

Humans can't go into the sea to fight the magic whales, and they can't cross the line of sea beasts, so they can only do nothing.

Xiaohu's cavalry team rushed to the location of the red makeup guards at the first time, and began to treat them. What made him look bad was that, at least for now, more than a dozen soldiers of the red makeup guards had obviously lost their vital signs. What's more, when the master is in danger, many war beasts choose to block the danger for the master. ,

Even if the casualties don't increase any more, the death of more than a dozen red makeup guard soldiers at one time is a rare major loss for Genting this year!

At this time, a lot of light had already shone on the body of the red makeup guards, and they themselves had swallowed a lot of potions.

The main force of the Little Tiger Cavalry bypassed the red makeup guards, intercepted the sea beasts who wanted to come to pick up cheap, and covered their teammates to retreat to a safe place.

After about five minutes,

The magic whale jumped out of the water again, rushed between the lines of the two sides, and opened its mouth wide to the human side.

Immediately on the human side, the Rocky Cross also began to adjust the angle, and they have been fully charged.

But the next move of the magic whale surprised the human side.

I saw a powerful monster dragging its crippled body, and began to spit towards the human side... sea beast.

Just now, this guy kept swimming in the sea, and he actually swallowed the sea beast behind him, and then sprayed it out here.

Countless sea beasts crossed the line and landed on various places in the human camp. The magic whale spit while flying. This process lasted for more than two minutes!

During this period, it is not that human beings have not counterattacked. Rocky Cross, War Fortress, Magic Crystal Cannon, Howitzer, etc. were all launched. They wanted to stop this behavior of the magic whale, but they were all shot down by the falling in midair. The densely packed sea beasts blocked it.

In the process, these counterattacks did cause a lot of damage to the war beast, but the magic whale vomited too much in its stomach, and it was still moving, constantly changing positions.

The entire human front is in disarray.

Because the magic whale is mainly aimed at the Genting front, the reserve teams that Yunding originally wanted to reserve have to go out to protect the magic crystal cannon positions, long-range troop positions, etc. that are in danger of being broken. .

The teams in front were also uncomfortable. They were still fighting against the frontal sea beasts, but the enemy came from the rear, and they became enemies. Many sea beasts fell directly into the battle formation, and the large number rushed away from them. , Although a small number were killed quickly, the corpses were an obstacle at this time, which greatly affected the movement of the battle formation.

Many teams that originally had the upper hand fell into a passive or even dangerous situation because of these sea beasts that fell from the sky.

I don't know how many orders are being passed on, and all the human fighters have been mobilized to try their best to resist this attack from the sea beast.

More than two minutes later, the demonic whale finished spitting, its body slowly descended, fell into the sea again, and disappeared from the sight of humans. It did not appear again for a long time, like a shadow pressing on the hearts of humans in battle.

This battle lasted for two full days and two nights, and it slowly ended at the fifty-second hour of the battle. The sea beasts failed to advance an inch, and humans failed to defeat their opponents.

For more than two days, the magic whale never appeared again.

When the fighting stopped, all the humans were silent, silently looking at the endless stumps and broken arms around them.


Listening to the news from his subordinates, Shanglong probably understood the situation of the war between humans and sea beasts.

It's not too difficult to get the news. After all, there are too many sea beasts. No matter which king, whether it is a dragon or a magic whale, it is impossible to control every one of them.

After grasping the news, Shanglong is now able to confirm two things. The first one is that the magic whale was injured, and it should not be serious. The second thing is that the sea beasts are temporarily unable to fight another big battle in a short period of time. Even if they still have an absolute advantage in numbers and an extremely fast reproduction speed is guaranteed, it is not possible to regroup in a few days or even a dozen days .

After confirming these two things, Shanglong began to disperse his subordinates, and it and other top life forms hid in the rear.

It wanted to determine whether the magic whale went to other places to heal its wounds.

It's about its decisions.

The news came quickly, and the demon whale really dived to the deep sea in the north, where the environment was more suitable for it to recover.

From the above dragon's understanding of the life in the sea, it is absolutely certain that the demon whale will not return within at least five days. can do it.

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