Roulette World

Two thousand three hundred and one melee, decision and arrival (below)

The nine stars of Yunding are almost in full swing.

The previously prosperous Demon Whale first fought against the combination of Xia Bai, the Red Makeup Guards, and the Yupo Black Cat. Although Yunding didn't put in all its strength, the Demon Whale also had the upper hand.

Now, Yunding and the sea beasts have been fighting for several days in a row. The people are exhausted, and the nine-star evolutionists have already participated in the battle. More than half of them have been injured, and the injuries are not serious. The result of such a price is to kill four sea beasts. top life.

Xia Bai's injuries haven't healed in the past few days, and the same is true for the red makeup guards.

The injuries caused by the magic whale's ability are not so easy to remove.

Yangos was also injured. When the dragon killed a top marine life, it exchanged its own serious injury for the opponent's life.

Now in the entire Yunding, the only top beings that can fly to the sky to fight against each other are the red-haired undead ichthyosaur and Yang Feng, and the Yama tree that can maintain the full combat effectiveness of the top life in the air.

In terms of other weapons, the Rocky Cross has been kept, but the threat of magic crystal cannons is much smaller, mainly because the previous battles have consumed too much.

The sea beast, which was already on the verge of collapse, immediately stabilized its position, and the dragon, which had been holding on behind, retreated and fled the moment it sensed the appearance of the magic whale.

Therefore, the sea beasts of the Demon Whale Division now have only the human camp as their enemies.

After so many days of fighting, human beings have always been in the upper hand, and the addition of the gene army has established the victory. Therefore, in terms of number, the number of sea beasts is only about the same as that of human beings, but there are also seven figures. Under the leadership of the magic whale There is a high possibility of a comeback.

After all, once the front line is messed up, there is actually not much difference between millions and tens of millions.

"It seems that today I can only work hard."

Xia Lei smiled lightly.

Yes, Yunding is now passive because of the appearance of the magic whale, but Xia Lei doesn't think it will fail, it's just that people may die, many people will die.

Among the top forces in Yunding, Xia Bai and the red makeup guards can't do anything for the time being. It's not that they are too injured to move, but that they are not in good condition and their effect is limited.

Tang Tian was sitting in Yunding, Yang Gesi, Banyan Giant Bear, and Deacon Tong were seriously injured and had already been sent back to Yunding. The cats were all wounded, and their combat power was weakened.

This injured lineup is already huge.

The top lives that can still maintain peak combat power, but there are still Xia Lei, Guangyao, Jiubao, Yangfeng, Hongfa, Undead Fish and Dragon, Yama Wangshu, and... Zhao Xiangxue, who has been hiding in the dark.

Eight top-level lives, plus almost the same number of other ninth-levels who were injured but still had a certain combat power, Xia Lei didn't think she would be afraid of a magic whale!

Yes, maybe people will die, and more than one will die, but the final victory must be Yunding's.

Xia Lei's heart has gradually hardened. After unifying the country, she has gradually put away the style of only asking about results in the development period, and began to cherish the lives of every strong man in the cloud.

But now, in the battle concerning the fate of Genting, she decided that anyone can sacrifice, including herself.

"Teacher Park?!"

A voice of surprise inserted into the tense atmosphere between the two sides,

Everyone looked over and saw Park Soo Young appearing from the teleportation platform, walking over with a slight smile.

"I thought I was going to miss it, but I didn't expect that there would be a final battle!"

Teacher Park came out in a white robe, very calm and indifferent, but attracted everyone's attention.

She just gives people a feeling.


"Goddess of Light?" Xiaohu asked, opening and closing his mouth.

Park Xiuying became a nine-star, and at the same time upgraded her career to the highest level!

Pu Xiuying glanced at the demon whale who was also paying attention to her arrival. Instead of answering Xiaohu's question immediately, she raised the silver cane in her hand and murmured a few words to the sky.

After that, a ray of light appeared in the midair. At the beginning, it was in a state of budding flowers, and then began to bloom. During this process, countless light spots fell and merged into the evolutionary body.

"The injury... is getting better!"

"Not just injuries!"

Many evolutionists exclaimed in this way. They found that their physical injuries and exhausted physical and mental strength were quickly recovering!

"Universal benefit." is the name of this ability.

Pu Xiuying stunned everyone with the first ability she used, but she didn't stop, but raised her staff again, only this time her target was Xia Bai.

A ray of light hit Xia Bai and entered the body of the commander of the Red Makeup Guard. The entry site was originally on the left side, but at the same time, the ray appeared again on Xia Bai's right side, and extended to Liang Chuyin beside her. It is the top existence of all injuries.

"The upgrade of the Chain of Gentleness?" Liang Chuyin said, feeling the warm power lingering in her body.

She felt the injury improve.

This situation was naturally seen by the magic whale in the sky, and it knew that it could not wait any longer, otherwise this new human being might heal everyone.

It moved its body silently, and its huge body began to blur, and then the entire whale body instantly fell towards the camp of Yunding, directly hitting the place where the top life gathered.

The body of the magic whale in the sky does not seem to be moving, but in the process of landing, the same virtual body keeps appearing, which makes it use the virtual body to connect the sky and the ground, and it looks like there are countless It's like two magic whales stacked together.

Many people moved. Although they were all being treated, they did not relax their vigilance against the magic whale.

It's just that the magic whale's seemingly extremely difficult skill this time was bounced back instantly as if it had hit something.

Everyone turned their attention to Park Soo-young.

I saw that her other free hand had just been put down, and in the direction this hand was pointing at, a light shield composed of countless hexagonal energy shields covering almost half of the sky was protecting the side of the human line.

"An answer to prayer." Park Soo-young smiled lightly, "It won't last long. If the magic whale is still at the same strength as before, it can defend itself twice! By the way, you can attack unilaterally."


While shouting, Xiaohu and the others obeyed Xia Lei's order, and launched all the long-range attacks, directly submerging the magic whale in the air.

On the ground, the human camp also took the lead. The top life naturally had top life to deal with. Their task was to kill as many sea beasts as possible, so that the magic whale was left in an even more isolated state.

As a result, the battle, which had been suspended for a short time, heated up again as the two sides fought again.

No matter which part of life in Luhai is clear, this is the last battle.

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