Roulette World

Two thousand three hundred and five new works by Liu Zhenghong (Part 2)

The false ghost tree has now become the second core of Yunding's defense system.

The first core, of course, is that Ye Zhongming got the defensive formation from the Sioux. Compared with the one set up by the agent of the Sioux tribe before, the defense formation of Yunding is directly exchanged from the patriarch of the Sioux tribe. The defense system is completely at the level of the main base of the middle race of the universe.

As for why it is not the most advanced, it is really because the resources on the earth are limited, and the materials uploaded from the sky are too expensive, and the price/performance ratio is extremely low.

But even so, there is absolutely no one on Earth who can break through the defense here.

The magic whale will not work either.

In addition to the defense of the formation, there is also the 'life defense' of the false ghost tree.

Now, this mutated life that has been in the cloud top from the beginning is already a top-level existence of level nine, and its growth method is very special. It has completely integrated its roots and branches into the villa.

Its root is the deepest part of Yunding, and has even enveloped the entire mountain. Now, in every direction leading to Yunding, there are roots of the false ghost tree. You have no idea which flower, plant, or tree is the false ghost. part of the tree body.

Maybe it's the core of a flower, maybe it's a blade of grass, maybe it's a branch of a tree...

The branches and leaves of the false ghost tree are inside Yunding Villa.

The vines on the city wall, the flowers in the garden, the twigs under the eaves... are all false ghost trees.

It is now Yunding's all-round, all-weather monitoring and weapon system from the villa to the mountain.

And in the villa, the trunk of the false ghost tree has also grown from the ground, and it is now over ten meters high. If the underground part is included, this big tree is almost over sixty meters high.

Perhaps in the ten years of the end of the world, this height is not outstanding among mutant plants, but you must know that the roots and branches of the false ghost tree are extremely large due to the needs of the top of the cloud, and most of the nutrients are nourishing these places. It is the rear position of its growth.

When Ye Zhongming came to the ground, what he saw was the real trunk of the false ghost tree, and it was also the place where the false fruit was produced, which was called the first crown by the people in Yunding.

Yes, the part on the ground, is called the second crown, or false crown.

The hypocritical ghost tree cannot speak like the Yama tree, but it is still possible to communicate through spiritual power.

The moment he saw Ye Zhongming, the hypocritical ghost tree was excited, it sent out a series of unexplained mental waves, and the whole villa shook slightly at this moment.

"Okay, it's not been a day or two since I've known you, who are you going to show to?"

Ye Zhongming said angrily.

Sure enough, it is a hypocritical ghost tree, and it can still pretend to be happy to see Ye Zhongming, but what is the strength of the King of Cloud Top now, the mental power is much higher than before leaving the earth, and you can feel it casually. This guy is doing it on purpose. Yes, to cover up the fear in my heart.

In the past, Ye Zhongming was not very friendly to it... It belongs to childhood and has shadows.

"You gave it... the Roselle gene?"

Ye Zhongming only took a closer look and saw the difference.

Liu Zhenghong nodded, "Not only that,

I also picked two other excellent plant genes and put them in it. I have to say that the fusion degree of mutant plants in this aspect is much higher than that of mutant animals. "

"Pull the machine over here." Liu Zhenghong said to the surveillance researcher next to him, who immediately pulled over the simple and rough version of the Fu Leila tester and connected it to the false ghost tree.

Ye Zhongming looked at it and felt that the error rate of this thing must exceed 30%.

"It's been three and a half months since the False Ghost Tree evolved to level nine, and there are probably more than three hundred humans who evolved at the same time as it, for example, Fu Leila."

Liu Zhenghong looked at Ye Zhongming and nodded, and continued: "I injected Fu Leila medicine for the false ghost tree a month and a half ago. I injected 10ml for the first time, and within 24 hours, its Fu Leila increased by 30 points. Three days later, that is, after it felt that the side effects had completely disappeared, it injected 10 ml again, and it rose by 25 points within 24 hours, and three days later, it took another 10 ml, and Fu Leila rose by 20 points."

"Although I calculated this increase within 24 hours, in fact, the side effects will cause the increase of Fu Leila to stop during the period from the 24th hour to the 50th hour, but the daily Fu Leila increases After all, it’s not much, so I ignored it.”

Ye Zhongming expressed his understanding of this point. When Fu Leila had just evolved to Nine Stars, Fu Leila changed relatively quickly, but on average, there was not much per day.

"After three times, I increased the dose, 20ml each time, the first 24 hours of Fu Leila increased by 51, the second 24 hours of Fu Lei La increased by 41, and the third time Fu Lei La increased by 31."

"I then increased the dosage to 50ml each time."

Hearing what Sister Hong said, Ye Zhongming cast a sympathetic look at the hypocritical ghost tree.

"Furreira increased to 60, 34, 12."

Liu Zhenghong pointed to the hypocritical ghost tree and kept talking, "Afterwards, I increased it to 100ml again, but the Fu Leila stopped increasing, and the side effects began to increase."

"I calculated that the hypocritical ghost tree injected 240ml of medicine in more than a month, and Fu Leila increased by 304 points, which did not count the ones it increased normally, nor did it count the last 100ml that was invalid Potion."

"In the past few days, I have injected another 100 ml, but Fu Leila has not changed, and the side effects are very serious. In the end, I cut off a thick stem about 30 meters long."

"That is to say, this potion can't increase Fu Leila indefinitely, and it will vary from person to person?" Xia Lei said aside.

"It should be like this. Because the False Ghost Tree is ours, it is the most cooperative, and the test is the most complete. It is the most valuable reference. Although the tests of other nine-level mutant animals will also increase, the data is very small. I won’t talk about it, but the conclusion should be the same.”

Ye Zhongming was amused when he heard the dissatisfaction in Sister Hong's tone. After more than a month, Leila was not satisfied with the extra payment of more than 300? If this is in the sky, it will be sold for a sky-high price.

At the same time, the king of Yunding also sighed, Liu Zhenghong is Liu Zhenghong, really...perverted, this thing is equivalent to the medicine of Changxu Aquarium Rank 5 or above.

"What are the side effects? How much does it cost to manufacture?"

Ye Zhongming is more concerned about this. If the side effects are serious, the loss outweighs the gain. If the cost is too high, the actual application area will also become smaller.

"The cost is not bad. It's about five nine-level magic crystals. I think the side effects are different for different beings. The most side effects are malaise and weakness, followed by hyperactivity to the point of abnormality. Calcification of some organs, loss of sensation, etc., but basically they can be recovered after treatment, at least when I experimented, the chance of side effects that cannot be recovered is less than 1%.

Ye Zhongming touched his ears, and one percent cannot be restored, which is actually quite a high percentage.

"There's... one more, function."

Except for being a little excited when I first met Ye Zhongming, the hypocritical ghost tree who had been quiet all the time suddenly expressed his meaning with spiritual power.

When everyone looked over, it shook the first crown a few times, and several thick branches were cracked.

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