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2019 The Secret of Red Silk (Part 1)

Ye Zhongming glanced around, and found that several cavalry teams were gathering as far as he could see, and the largest number of them exceeded 10,000.

To be able to counterattack in such a short period of time when the entire camp was suddenly attacked and the entire camp was in chaos, it is obvious that there is an excellent commander here, and these orcs have very good fighting qualities it is good.

There was a violent energy coming from behind, and Ye Zhongming knew that it was something similar to lightning from a cavalry team, but instead of dodging, he punched back, and had a head-to-head confrontation with this attack.

He wants to try this kind of combo attack.

The fist collided with the energy, and those lightning-like things immediately scattered, turning into small electric snakes and scurrying around. Immediately, many orc cavalry around them were hit, and their bodies trembled and fell off their mounts. Although none were directly fatal, However, many people were also killed during the stampede.

Ye Zhongming stepped back, killed two cavalrymen with left and right strikes, and then crashed into a group of orc infantry armed with weapons.

The attack of the seven or eight hundred cavalrymen just now was about as powerful as Fu Leila's three or four hundred cavalry.

Although it is not as good as the Red Makeup Guards, it is still quite impressive.

Ye Zhongming's interest in them increased.

He used all his mental power to explore the entire town-like camp, trying to find the location of the commander, but found nothing in a short time.

At this time, a tower behind him suddenly shattered, and an even larger mass of lightning rushed towards him. Ye Zhongming casually grabbed a giant ax on the corpse of an orc warrior, attached his own energy to it, and threw it to the back. After the huge noise, The lightning shrunk a little and hit the place where Ye Zhongming was standing just now, but he had already appeared in another place.

Ye Zhongming glanced at it and made an estimate in his heart.

About 1,500 people, Fu Leila about 600.

Just now there were seven or eight hundred people, and Fu Leila was more than three hundred.

Is this a proportional relationship?

Perhaps seeing Ye Zhongming dodge, the group of more than a thousand cavalry howled, ignoring the other companions around the target, and attacked again.

Ye Zhongming still picked up a weapon from the side this time, it was a spear, which was also thrown by him, but the effect was completely different from before.

That team of cavalry thought that their attack could only be partially blocked, so they rushed forward as a whole, but this time, the lightning ball they sent dissipated instantly, and the speed of the spear did not slow down at all, passing through the attack In front of the orc cavalry.

The leading knight with the strongest strength was pierced through the body for the first time, followed by the second and third behind...

After the spear penetrated nearly a hundred cavalrymen, it exploded at the end of the team, and the scattered fragments caused a large group of orc knights around them to be hit and fell down collectively.

A spear killed hundreds of orc knights. This kind of power caused many aboriginals to instinctively slow down their movements.

But Ye Zhongming didn't stop. This time he took a long time to prepare. He jumped onto the archery tower and then jumped down. He condescendingly punched the cavalry that had already formed a team of more than 10,000.

This is the first time Ye Zhongming used his full strength today.

The air around his body has been distorted by this punch.

The cavalry team did not expect Ye Zhongming to attack in this way,

And the speed was so fast, only some people reacted, and after arousing that state, they launched a counterattack against Ye Zhongming under the leadership of the leading knights.

Although there are only a few people, there are thousands of them. This is the most powerful challenge Ye Zhongming has encountered so far.

However, Ye Zhongming was too fast, and the king of cloud top arrived just after the attack of these people was sent out.

The fist slammed on the lightning that had just begun to take shape. It didn't make the sound of the previous collision, nor did it explode, but...was directly hit back by Ye Zhongming.

The lightning ball landed on this cavalry team, followed by Ye Zhongming's fist with an energy field.

After two consecutive roars, a huge life vacuum area appeared in the center of the most secret place of this cavalry team. There were no living people there, only distorted corpses.

Ye Zhongming landed on the ground, his body swayed and kicked to one side, the violent energy suddenly attacked that side, and the orc cavalry who hadn't recovered from their senses fell down again.

It wasn't until Ye Zhongming made three side kicks so quickly that the orc cavalry woke up like a dream and rushed forward again shouting, but Ye Zhongming killed them casually.

Ye Zhongming, who started to use all his strength, turned into a killing god. He specially picked places where the orcs were densely populated, and he was able to harvest at least hundreds of lives each time. In addition, he released dozens of clones to kill the killer. In a short period of time, the number of orcs in the entire base dropped rapidly.

At this time, Ye Zhongming heard a strange language reaching his ears.

As soon as he moved his body, he immediately moved towards that side, and the orc knights saw it and started to stop it frantically, obviously that was where their commander was.

But this gave Ye Zhongming a better chance to kill, he didn't have to look for them, these orcs would come to his door for him to kill.

In an instant, pieces of aborigines fell down.

The voice appeared again, but it didn't sound like it was talking to Ye Zhongming, but to these orc warriors.

Many orc warriors also responded with the same language, but just looked at their expressions, as if they didn't intend to obey.

Ye Zhongming, who was rushing forward, stopped for a while, which made many orcs startled, but then his black clones began to appear around Ye Zhongming, this time there were hundreds of them, and they followed him to kill in that direction.

This made Ye Zhongming quickly pass over the blocking orc warriors, and found the person who made the sound.

An orc who was obviously a head shorter than the other orcs, riding a beautiful black six-hoofed beast, with a bright silver helmet on his head appeared in Ye Zhongming's sight.

This should be the person in charge of this base[ ].

Before Ye Zhongming couldn't sense his existence, it should be because this person has some kind of ability to cover his own energy, but now that Ye Zhongming has locked on him, the King of Cloud Top can naturally feel that this person should be a level nine powerhouse.

As for how much Fu Leila is, it is not easy to measure for the time being.

Now that he found the target, Ye Zhongming didn't hesitate, and while shaking his body, he passed the intercepted orc and came to this person.

Two huge knives swung out from both sides of the man, and two huge orc guards stopped Ye Zhongming. The King of Cloud Top looked at it, and the interest in his eyes became more intense.

Although the two guards have not reached the ninth level, they are not far behind. Most importantly, there is also a faint red thread connecting the two of them.

The cavalry had them, and so did the two guards, and they were obviously thicker than those of the cavalry.

This issue should be investigated carefully.

Thinking in his mind, four clones appeared around Ye Zhongming's body again, rushing towards the orc commander from four angles. They were not trying to deal with the highest-ranking orc, but to clear the surrounding obstacles for Ye Zhongming.

Most of the guards next to him were killed or injured by the clone's attack, and Ye Zhongming also appeared in front of the orc commander.

Before the ninth-level commander made a counterattack, the arm of the King of Cloud Top elongated a lot, and it was instantly clasped around the neck of the orc.

"I want to know what's in your mind, give up resistance, and I'll save your life." Ye Zhongming passed the words to the other party through his mental strength.

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