Roulette World

Two thousand three hundred and twenty-three good money

No one knows what will happen if you let this element stay in the body for a long time.

Looking at it now, the Genting people can use them to enter the boundaries where they were helpless, but after that? As long as you are in the desert secret realm, do you keep this element in your body?

No problem now, what about later? It seems that there are no side effects on people in the secret desert, but what about people on earth? Will there be no side effects?

If one day, this element suddenly drilled into the cells, what should we do?

Ye Zhongming was very worried about this.

It's not that he was worrying unfoundedly, but that this element gave Ye Zhongming a feeling of extreme fear.

This element also entered his body, but he didn't notice it at all.

The King of Cloud Top is already at the level of a master. It is a very scary thing if something enters the body without noticing it.

Put another way, if someone learns to harness this element and turn it into a virus, then...

Liu Zhenghong thought for a while and said: "Generally speaking, the microcosm is similar to our social structure. Elements or genes also need to follow certain rules. If they are not high enough, they cannot do whatever they want."

"Of course, the advantage that the microcosm used to have over us is that they have more opportunities to change their own conditions than us, and it is easier because they are more prone to mutations."

"Just like this kind of element, although they are not adaptable to other environments now, I can't guarantee that they will adapt one day. After adapting, they will still be so harmless, let alone say."

"But..." Sister Hong snapped her fingers at everyone and said, "I can guarantee one thing, that is, they are definitely not as smart as me. They only have instincts, while I have wisdom."

"So don't worry, since I know about it, and I have a preliminary understanding of it and use it, then...they can't escape from the palm of my Liu Zhenghong."

Seeing Sister Hong's appearance, everyone was inexplicably infected while laughing. Since Sister Hong said so, there should be no problem. Even if there is a problem, it can be solved.

Sister Hong said that Ye Zhongming didn't need to know the principle of this thing, but the latter still asked about the situation carefully and kept it in mind. Maybe it will be useful when I go back to the sky.

As the time for Ye Zhongming to go back to the sky was getting closer, the entire cloud top seemed to be silent.

The high-level people who knew the inside story either became silent, or became impatient, or became thoughtful and depressed...

This is the influence of the King of Genting.

Every word and deed can affect many people's emotions, even fate.

Before leaving, Ye Zhongming also tried his best to leave something for Yunding to improve his strength.

The equipment is the most basic, and he also left a lot of knowledge brought down from the sky, which is of great benefit to the development of Yunding.

Before setting off, Ye Zhongming also made a decision, that is, let Sister Hong and Master Le take medicine to become nine-star evolutionists.

It seems unnecessary, but Ye Zhongming has gone through a series of things such as the magic whale secret realm, and found that under certain circumstances, Yunding will still be forced to use all his strength, so Le Dayuan and Liu Zhenghong will still be threatened.

This is something Ye Zhongming cannot tolerate.

If one day they really have to face a situation without protection, Ye Zhongming must at least let them have enough self-defense ability,

At least not on the level of evolution.

Also, he is also looking forward to what surprises Liu Zhenghong and Le Dayuan will bring to him and to Genting after becoming a top powerhouse.

Ye Zhongming lost two of his three bottles of top-level evolution potion, and he didn't make a decision on the last bottle, but handed it to Xia Lei and asked her to distribute it according to the previous method.

When it was time to leave, Ye Zhongming got the news that the largest battle had occurred in the Titanic Secret Realm since it entered, and the total number of troops currently invested by both sides exceeded one million.

It's a pity that he couldn't wait for the result, and when the appointed time came, his body disappeared on the earth.


Far away from the outer space of the earth, Ye Zhongming appeared on the smuggling spaceship of A21.

Following him, there is also the "smuggling" team that came together this time.

A21 was wearing a mask, and there was a lot of helplessness in his eyes.

He did earn money, but it was not cost-effective.

Because most of the lives transported are not top-notch, according to the agreement, the smuggling price of these lives is not high. Even small profits but quick turnover can't make too much.

Correspondingly, he has to bear a great risk of being discovered by his smuggling behavior. Once he is exposed, at least his financial resources will be cut off, and at worst his true identity will be affected.

He definitely doesn't want to do this kind of thing.

However, facing someone with a higher status than him in the dark, that's another matter.

He had some doubts about the identity of the person in front of him, but only doubts, because he knew that even if he went to find out, he would not disclose anything, because it would be useless.

Not only that, he also gave the gang of stowaways who were all wearing masks and even war beasts the greatest convenience. He stopped Ye Zhongming and handed him something.

"I don't know what this planet means to you, but even if it's not the home planet, it's other important places, so I hope this information can help you."

Ye Zhongming opened it, and was very surprised when he saw it. There were many pictures of the earth at the beginning.

In other words, the picture of the Nu tribe that wraps the earth.

Ye Zhongming has seen a similar holographic scene in the Star-Eyed Clan, but compared with this one, that one is really too simple.

A12 gave him this, not only the hologram, but also various analysis of this slave, and even some data that they have specially detected recently!

This thing may not be useful to others, but it means a lot to Ye Zhongming!

For this, Ye Zhongming expressed his gratitude.

"By the way, don't you know that you are in the business of star map?" Ye Zhongming said to A21 before parting.

"Star map?" A21 froze for a moment.

How to say this thing, it is worth money, after all, it is related to all kinds of information such as waterways and resource stars.

It is worthless to say that it is worthless. The Survivor Bastion keeps wandering in the universe, and the previous star field map will be worthless.

"I want all kinds of star field maps. Of course, they are the ones that can't be found on the public network. If you have them, I want them all. The price is up to me, but at least... one hundred thousand months old gold , large star field or super star field, then there are many, many, many more."

Looking at Ye Zhongming wearing a mask, A21 was moved by the price he offered. He has at least ten copies of the map of the star field that cannot be found on the public network, and that is the million-year-old gold.

Work harder to collect some, one hundred and eighty copies will definitely be no problem, isn't this money too easy to earn?

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