Roulette World

Two thousand three hundred and twenty-five, there is no one who cannot communicate (below)

None of the four people lowered their heads, and none of them even moved their eyes away.

Facing the coercion of a peak master, several people showed a concentration and mental state that are rarely seen among the younger generation of outstanding masters.

"Uncle Monument Seal."

Jie Su greeted with a smile, stretched out his right hand and waved at the Musk star who was only following the metal cage.

At the same time that Jie Su made this action, the surrounding atmosphere seemed to be broken.

Stele Yin glanced at Jie Su, with an imperceptible surprise in the depths of his eyes.

However, he didn't focus on his daughter and Jie Su. The white robe was what he focused on, and so did Ye Zhongming.

In fact, the stele seal already knows Paobai very well. The boss of the Musk Stars knows what this kid has been doing every day since he was born.

There is no way, the person my daughter likes, I don't even know about the inscription.

Before, he was undoubtedly opposed.

He is not a person who sacrifices his daughter's happiness at will. On the contrary, he loves Iserway very much. But in the same way, the inscription is also the person whose ethnic group's interests come first. If his daughter's choice goes against the interests of too many ethnic groups, then he will sacrifice his daughter appropriately.

It seems complicated, but it’s actually nothing. It’s nothing more than a matter of degree. The inscription on the stele is very clear, when to change and how to tilt.

For example, before he disagreed with the matter between Paobai and Isserway, it was because Paobai did not let him see the benefits that Isserway could bring to the Musk star in the future. On the contrary, the ill-fated The star-eyed tribe also seemed to be a curse, making the tablet not want to touch it.

For example, he agreed to the matter with his daughter and Paobai now, because Paobai's growth rate exceeded his expectations, and let him know that once this young man continues to go on like this, then the future will not be as good as Yiselwei , should be about the same, and the brand-new atmosphere of the star-eyed tribe also made the tablet seal feel the revival of a small race.

What's more, Zimu, who he felt could be controlled without much talent but who had the title of prince, was dead.

Naturally, there is another point, that is, there is only one character in the Star-Eyed Race.

The stele moved his gaze to Ye Zhongming's face.


The image of a small planet appeared in the mind of the tablet seal.

Before, he really completely ignored this asteroid that is not even ranked as a fifth-class star in the universe.

The so-called fifth-class star is just a habitual name of all races in the universe. It roughly means that it has a small area and lack of resources.

But the person who appeared on this small planet, and the changes that this person brought to the Star-Eyed Race after he arrived in the universe, the inscription still feels quite miraculous.

He would not despise the few people in front of him just because they were all masters, or even one of them was not a master. On the contrary, he believed from the very beginning that Jie Su and his daughter would be the future of all races in the universe. It's just that the white robe is added now.

As for Ye Zhongming, the inscription on the stele is still uncertain, and he needs to look again.

"Zimu was killed by us." The first sentence Ye Zhongming opened his mouth was not an apology but this.

Jie Su and Pao Bai's heart skipped a beat after hearing this.

In fact, not every boss likes to take a slanted sword.

There are also some bosses who have bad tempers.

Coincidentally, in the eyes of outsiders, Beiyin is such a grumpy person who likes to follow the rules.

"Because of his existence, the relationship between Paobai and Yserwei is threatened." Ye Zhongming didn't care at all, looking at the tablet and continued: "Since you, a father, have decided to sacrifice your daughter's happiness and not Help, then we can only solve this problem ourselves."

"Fortunately, we succeeded."

The stele seal didn't know what it did. After hearing Ye Zhongming's words, the metal cage that the super-ninth-level beings were helpless just now melted suddenly, and then this big guy really stood in front of Ye Zhongming.

"Successful?" There was a sneer on the tablet's face and said: "If there is no Sioux, no Musk star to intervene, and even no Lena star to drag the Hall star back, do you think you can still live?"

"That's not important." Ye Zhongming shrugged, "To be honest, you are helping yourself by helping me, because it is in your best interest. What is the situation among the myriad races in the universe, and what will every decision and change have in the future? This is something you big men should consider."

"As for people like us, what we think now is... we can't let our own people be wronged. Whoever makes us angry, we will fight back. It's as simple as that."

Ye Zhongming didn't have the slightest fear.

"Maybe in the future, we will make the same decision as you when we get to your position, but that's a matter of the future, at least for now, that's what we want to do."

Maybe it was because of the excitement, Ye Zhongming looked at the tablet with an inexplicable look and said: "Actually, sometimes, if you don't think about so many concerns, just follow the situation in your heart, you may be able to break through the current situation." The chaos of the universe. Sometimes, chaos and sacrifice are unavoidable."

Jie Su wanted to cover his forehead a little bit, thinking Zhong Ming, what are you doing, this is our great ally.

"Are you educating me?" The stele seal's attitude became more rigid than before.

"No, I'm just talking about my thoughts." Ye Zhongming suddenly smiled: "I know, our realm determines our vision, but our talent determines our upper limit. Sometimes, looking at a group of people like this Isn't it interesting that people go on a rampage in a seemingly absurd and even barbaric way, and then look behind to see what will happen in the future?"

"We'll keep doing this, and we're doing pretty well. We've even killed Kunzuo. Now that Isserway is here, I think we can do even greater things."

Stele suddenly felt that the kid in front of him was a bit interesting. He had come all the way to where he is today, and he had heard too many bragging words, but like this kid, there are not many people who know that he is a bit exaggerated but can't find any real evidence. .

Because, they really killed Zimu, they really killed Kunzuo.

"Then you have to tell me something that makes me interested in watching it later." asked the tablet seal.

Ye Zhongming thought for a while and said, "I don't know if you want to know the short-term, medium-term, or long-term?"

"As long as you don't tell me you're going to kill the Horns."

"Well, in the near future, I want to unify Antiao City, help the Sioux swallow up several races, and save some money for everyone to invest in."

Beiyin snorted, very disdainful.

"In the mid-term, train a group of great masters, manufacture a batch of good equipment, and then grab the races that are both rich and unaccustomed to us."

The boss of Star Musk smiled, and said with a little sarcasm: "It seems that the long-term plan is to destroy the Alliance of Hall Stars."

Ye Zhongming shook his head after hearing this.

"That...Hor star people are not our ultimate goal, and they have never been our biggest enemy, at most they are just a roadblock. My personal long-term goal is to kill the slaves outside the earth, and then dissect and study it Research."

Everyone: "..."

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