Roulette World

Two thousand three hundred and thirty-two, I have to rely on myself

Ye Zhongming's heart beat twice quickly at that moment.

For a craftsman, the highest level of equipment that can be manufactured by a life form like the Raging God is so attractive that it surpasses the sky.

Ye Zhongming actually has a Lie Shen class here, but because he can't get it out of other people's space equipment, he believes that with the growth of the two elemental spirits and his own growth, sooner or later he will be able to use the Fallen Holy Bow. take it out.

But who can resist the temptation of another piece of brand-new Raging God equipment?

Ye Zhongming instinctively wanted to take this unknown piece of equipment as his own.

But he immediately shook his head secretly.

This thing is beyond his reach.

Because this is not to say that only one month's gold is enough. Of course, even if you only need one month's gold, Ye Zhongming can't afford it.

Among them, many other agreements and terms are bound to be involved.

In order to obtain a piece of fierce god-level equipment that can raise even the top experts to a higher level, every eligible race will definitely not offend the red dwarves of Talos.

This is also the reason why many races retreated as soon as these dwarves entered the arena.

After comprehensive consideration, the Lena star had to pay a lot of compensation before agreeing to continue to fight against the Hall star, or secretly...

With Ye Zhongming's current strength and influence, he is not qualified to compete for this level of equipment.

For the time being, he could only look up at that stage.

"In addition to the Raging God class, they have also produced a lot of things this time, some of which are already there, and some new ones."

Jie Su pressed his forehead, obviously the trouble caused by the dwarves gave him a very headache.

"For example, a large number of Hongning-level equipment has entered the world. For example, a large number of Lenny-level equipment will also be sold. It is said that nearly two hundred of them are high-quality goods."

"For example, they made a new 'sealing box', similar to a treasure box, priced at millions of gold, no one knows what's inside before opening it, maybe it's just an ordinary box worth tens of thousands Hongning-level equipment, but it may also be a high-quality Lenny-level worth millions or more. It is said that there is also a new fully-assisted combat system made by the Talos Red Dwarf. The price released is 5 million months per set gold."

"It also includes other precious items collected by these dwarves, with the highest value exceeding tens of millions."

Ye Zhongming's face twitched twice when he heard it.

Didn't these dwarfs live on Earth?

"So you understand, this dwarf uses high-end equipment to attract super-big and big clans, and uses mid-level equipment and box sealing to attract other races. They are ready to... what is the word you said? "

"Squeeze animal hair?" Ye Zhongming said.

"Yes!" Jie Su clapped his hands, "This time, the entire universe and all races will be ruthlessly plucked."

"Yesterday, the patriarch and the person in charge of the finance predicted that the dwarves will earn at least tens of billions in gold at the trade fair held in two months, at least!"

Even Ye Zhongming has seen money, but at least the four words of tens of billions make him feel excited.

It's something I can't envy that I can earn at least this much in a trade fair.

However, Ye Zhongming thought of another problem.

These dwarves,

How thick is the family background? Hundreds of billions are definitely not enough, so... trillions of months and years of gold?

The King of Genting suddenly felt that poverty limited his imagination.

"How is Elder Huozhi?"

Ye Zhongming asked again.

Jie Su shook his head: "Although it is still stable for the time being, there is no sign of getting better. We invited all the medical professionals we could to come over to take a look, but we all came to a conclusion... Basically, we can't wake up."

"Now the energy breath on the elder's body continues to weaken, which shows that his... is already in the process of falling into the realm."

Although the coalition forces killed a peak master, the price they paid was also very heavy. In addition to the casualties of various races, there were also hundreds of powerful formation masters and an excellent elder who was very likely to be permanently comatose.

"But don't think too much, let's slowly find a way to wake up the elder Huozhi. The patriarch asked me to tell you that during this time, while the Lena Stars are still helping us, let us become stronger as soon as possible and development, because after all, there is a peak master who died on the Lena star, when they can't get benefits from us in this way, they might turn their backs one day."

Jie Su now felt that things were a little too complicated. Even the Su clan felt like walking on thin ice. Thinking of the situation of the Star-eyed clan and Ye Zhongming, he was even more worried.

Ye Zhongming also felt a sudden increase in pressure.

"By the way, what happened to the mechanical ghost?" Ye Zhongming asked again.

"I have already greeted Fei Luosong and agreed to give up his ownership. Now that he is free, there will be no restrictions or hands on him. That guy has already set off, and it is estimated that he will return in a few days. On your side."

Before Ye Zhongming was afraid that the mechanical ghost would be held accountable for treason by the original race, so he was told not to come directly to the Star-Eye Clan, but to the Sioux Clan to communicate with the Fei Luosong people through the Sioux Clan. The effect is now seen It's still good to come.

"Jie Su, do me a favor." Ye Zhongming suddenly said to his good brother.

"you say."

"I need to buy a large amount of materials, but I don't have enough funds. Can you get me a loan from the Sioux? I can pay the highest interest at present."

When Jie Su heard this, he agreed without even thinking about it. Given his relationship with Ye Zhongming and the patriarch's favorable opinion of Ye Zhongming, this matter is not a problem, but after hearing the following words, Jie Su suspected that he had heard it wrong. up.

He asked casually, how many loan materials and what do you want? In Jie Su's view, it would be nothing more than a few hundred months old money.

But what he heard Ye Zhongming say was...

"At least 30 million years of gold, the more the better, all kinds of materials, mainly metals and various active materials."

"Why do you need so many materials? Do you know how much material there is for 30 million moon-year-old gold? Your manor is so full that you can't hold it."

With so much money in materials, it is not enough to clear all the stocks of the Sioux.

"Don't worry, I know what's in my mind, try your best." Ye Zhongming spread his hands and said.

"Okay, I'll try my best. Let's do it first, and contact me anytime if you have anything to do." Jie Su said hello speechlessly, and closed the holographic communication.

Ye Zhongming sat on the chair, was silent for a while and said, "Xiao Min, Dai Zhi, let you get acquainted with the Star-Eyed Clan and the people of Dark Stripe City before, and establish contact, you should have done it."

After getting an affirmative answer, Ye Zhongming said again: "Xiao Min, go and count all my belongings, and I will choose some from them later, and you divide these things into three parts and put them in three separate boxes. In the space equipment, I am useful."

Xiao Min nodded in the corner.

"Dai Zhi, tell Hesky and Hehe to come and see me, then contact Ji Ruiguang and Mu Hanyi, and make an appointment, saying that we want to have a meeting with them."

After Ye Zhongming finished speaking, he stood up, glanced at the new home that had just been built in the universe, and cursed in a low voice: "You still have to fucking rely on yourself."

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