Roulette World

Two thousand three hundred and thirty-seven the decision of the Bronze Battalion

In the Star Eye Clan, there is a very special place, which is the Bronze Camp.

This was originally Ye Zhongming's territory.

From the time when Ye Zhongming came here to take control in one fell swoop, it has been nearly a year since the Bronze Battalion became stronger with Ye Zhongming. Truly viewed as a leader.

But the more so, the more confused at this time.

Everyone felt the change in the clan's attitude towards Ye Zhongming.

In fact, many fighters don't have so many twists and turns. Their thinking is very simple. Whoever treats them well, who can make them strong, and who can be entrusted, then they trust whoever.

They trust Ye Zhongming, which has been proved and rewarded in several battles.

The atmosphere in the room was dignified, Zhong Hongke sat in the upper position, and the rest of the people sat scattered around.

Wuqian and the others looked at each other and found that no one wanted to speak first.

"The clan held a meeting with the patriarchs of various clans, and all the high-level officials went, but there was no commander." It was a captain of a thousand-man team who spoke calmly, but everyone could feel his dissatisfaction.

"Of course we can't let our commanding officer go. He's gone, so what's the matter?" Another commanding officer took the words, and his tone was very bad, with obvious sarcasm.

"Master Deputy Commander, I heard that someone from above will be sent down this time, right?"

Kukui, who had been silent in the corner, said suddenly.

He is Ye Zhongming's direct descendant. He didn't want to participate in this meeting. If the consensus reached by the people here is unfavorable to Ye Zhongming, he will definitely oppose it. If it is beneficial to Ye Zhongming, he will still support it. With such a clear attitude, come and What's the difference if you don't come? Coming here makes it difficult for many people to express their real opinions.

However, he was still drawn by other people, which may also be the attitude of these thousand leaders.

Zhong Hongke looked up at Jiekui, nodded and said, "Not one person will be sent, but four people, one will be the deputy commander, and the other will be the captain of the 6,000th team who died in this battle. position, the remaining two people... will enter the reserve team of the assault battalion to replace Voegor and Zhengqi who also died in battle."

Hearing this, the commander of a thousand people in the room and the two chief and deputy battalion commanders of the assault battalion all exploded, and began to talk a lot. They all had the same attitude, that is, rejection.

Ye Zhongming is still the Commander of the Bronze Commander, so he started to overtake him and send people to the Bronze Battalion? This is too disrespectful to others, and it is not difficult for the people of the Bronze Battalion to take it seriously.

Originally, the entire Bronze Battalion performed extremely well after this planetary battlefield. It can be said that after a tempering, the entire team is different from before.

According to their expectation, within two years, they will be able to reach the level of the previous Silver Battalion, and their combat power will be even greater.

But this good expectation fell through with the change of attitude towards Ye Zhongming in the clan, and the soldiers of the Bronze Battalion suddenly didn't know what to do.

When they suddenly heard that the clan was going to intervene in the appointment of the Bronze Battalion, one can imagine the anger in their hearts.

"I know what you are thinking. To be honest, I think the same as you." Zhong Hongke said, making everyone else quiet.

"Master Ling didn't do anything to be sorry for the race, but he was treated inexplicably. This really makes people puzzled and angry, and even... chilling."

"But what are we going to do now? Go to the two adults of Xingyan to force the palace? Or just follow Lord Ling to his manor? Completely break away from the Xingyan clan?"

listen up everyone

But couldn't figure out what to do.

"If we were the Golden Camp, then I wouldn't sit here and discuss with everyone, but would directly take you to the patriarch. As long as Lord Ling did not betray the clan, then no one can make Lord Ling feel wronged!"

"But can we do it now?" Zhong Hongke blushed a little.

"It's true that everyone's strength has skyrocketed at this stage. They also have the equipment provided by Master Ling, and even learned the buffing ability of the ancient formation of the Sioux tribe. But you yourself say that now we, let alone the gold battalion, can defeat silver Camp?"

The deputy commander of Fu Leila, who was approaching 20,000, looked around, but no one dared to give a definite answer.

The Bronze Battalion has improved, and the Silver Battalion is also making progress. Maybe the rate of improvement is not as great as the Bronze Battalion, but they have a good foundation, and it is impossible to surpass the Silver Battalion at this stage.

"So, to put it bluntly, we are too weak and have no right to speak in the clan. There are many people stronger than me!"

"If we directly resist, the result will not only be bad, but it will also make people think that it is the ghost of our commander, which will make the relationship between the clan and him even worse."

Hearing what Zhong Hongke said, many people showed serious expressions.

"Then why don't we do anything?" One person frowned and said, "Watching the clan step into our team step by step, and then destroy everything established by Master Ling?"

Zhong Hongke looked at him: "Let me ask you, would you betray the Star-Eyed Clan for the sake of Ling Chang?"

This question is too difficult to answer, not only that person can't give an answer, but also everyone else.

To make adults betray their own race? This... doesn't seem to work. Then deal with Master Ling for the sake of the Star-Eyed Clan? This... doesn't seem to work either.

"Look, our answer is obvious, so I have an idea here." Zhong Hongke began to explain the compromise method he had thought about for a long time.

"We as a whole don't do anything for the time being. Everyone can understand this, because what we do will probably only have a counterproductive effect. But mustard, and the brothers in the assault camp, as long as they are willing, they can go to Master Ling and tell him that we express our trust in him, and will wait for him to come back and lead us again."

Zhong Hongke waved his hand, "And what we have to do ourselves is to bury our heads in hard training and increase our strength as soon as possible. One day, we are qualified to have a dialogue with the clan, and that is the day when we welcome Lord Lingchang back!"


Outside the door, Cheng Liujin and Paobai heard this, turned around and left without a sound.

"Are you going to Yunding Manor tomorrow?" Paobai asked Cheng Liujin beside him.

"I'm not going." Cheng Liujin's answer surprised Paobai.

Now he and Cheng Liujin are the people who support Ye Zhongming the most in the whole clan, but support should not only stay on the surface, but also take action. Tomorrow night is the best opportunity.

"You..." Pao Bai raised his eyebrows and wanted to get angry.

"I feel like I'm about to break through, maybe one day, so I can't walk around at this stage." Cheng Liujin said with a smile.

Pao Bai looked happy, "Really?"

"Of course, how could I make fun of this kind of thing." Cheng Liujin sighed, "After so many years, this day is finally here, and it really is the right time."

"Zhong Hongke is right. Only when I am strong can I have the right to speak. When I evolve into a great master, don't stop me if I want to beat someone up."

Paobai was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "Don't stop, definitely don't stop, I want to beat you up together."

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