Roulette World

Two thousand three hundred and forty: Evacuating wealth is also a means of control (Part 1)

Members of the commando came in one by one from the back, each carrying large and small wooden boxes.

This kind of box is very common and common, and belongs to the lowest level of handicrafts, but no one would doubt that the things inside are also low level.

In addition to the Assault Battalion, members of the Red Makeup Guard and the head of the Changxu Shui Clan came out. Some of them also held boxes, and some were boxes.

Although there is a rough guess, everyone is still watching intently, looking forward to what is in these boxes.

Ye Zhongming didn't talk nonsense, and asked the person standing in the first row to open the box.

There were about a hundred soldiers of the assault battalion in the first row, and they immediately opened the box, revealing the contents inside.

Qing Yishui's weapons are all Hongning level.

"This is a weapon I specially designed according to the characteristics of each race in Dark Stripe City. The name of each race is marked on the bottom of each piece. If you are interested, you can take a look. If you want to know more, you can tell our people. My design concept for a certain weapon will be played on the light curtain, as well as the ability of this weapon and the benefits of using it with racial skills."

After Ye Zhongming finished speaking, seeing many races stand up, he quickly smiled and said: "Well, let's start from the back, and we will come one by one."

After finishing talking, he ordered a representative of a race and asked him to come up first.

This race representative is the brother of the patriarch of the clan and the second-in-command in the clan. The race is weak, and he has concerns about the Star-eyed clan and Ye Zhongming. come forward.

Ye Zhongming did not have any dissatisfaction with this, and those who can come today are friends.

The representative walked up and found a war knife specially designed for their race. In front of him, his brows were frowned at first, because at least from the outside, this weapon had no traces of special design except for its grade. I picked it up and checked it carefully, but found nothing, so I could only ask people to play the relevant detailed information.

On the huge holographic light curtain on one side of the hall, Ye Zhongming appeared sitting behind the workbench.

"The wrists of the Zhizhi clan have an upward angle of 7.5 degrees, which makes them slightly higher than the normal position when holding the weapon. If the outward arc of the weapon is increased..."

Ye Zhongming's voice came out softly through the light curtain, clearly showing the concept and manufacturing process of a top equipment manufacturer in front of everyone.

Everyone was stunned by this scene, even Xu Shuizu, commander of the Red Makeup Guards Assault Battalion.

They never thought that the manufacture of a weapon could have such twists and turns, and the words '' and so on made them feel like idiots.

What kind of person can think of so many aspects and solve and integrate them when making a weapon? Turned into a perfect work in the end?

After watching Ye Zhongming's explanation video, when this bitter clansman looked at the knife again, his eyes were completely different.

If what Ye Zhongming said in the light curtain is completely correct, then this knife, with the normal strength of the Hongning level, can once again increase the combat power of the Zhizhi clan by more than 20%!

This is a rather terrifying improvement, and the power of this knife can be fully exerted only by paying more than 10,000 yuan. The threshold is very low.

"This..." The second-in-command stuttered in excitement, suddenly thought of something, turned to the direction where Ye Zhongming was sitting and asked, "Well, the price..."

The stuff is definitely nice, but they may not necessarily be able to afford it.

You must know that the Hongning level is relatively expensive equipment, and the starting price is very expensive. If it is a high-quality equipment, it will be even more expensive.

And if it's a specially ordered Hongning class... To be honest, not to mention these small races, even the eight heads of the Dark Strip City were not eligible to enjoy this kind of treatment.

At the same time, everyone knew one thing, Ye Zhongming was able to manufacture Hongning-level equipment, which meant that he broke the monopoly of the Talos red dwarves in this area!

This is more shocking than making custom equipment for them alone!

Many people immediately understood why Ye Zhongming let everyone know about this ability that would cause shocks in all races once exposed. One is to express sincerity and let everyone know that Ye Zhongming trusts everyone, and he can also provide them with what others cannot provide. Service, the second is to show an attitude, prove his strength, and let everyone know that what he said before is not empty talk.

Another common secret made everyone feel closer to Ye Zhongming.

"Ten thousand...month-old gold." Ye Zhongming stretched out a finger.

Hearing this, the second-in-command of the Zhizhi clan almost didn't drop the saber.

Not too expensive, but too cheap!

Now if you take out a piece of Hongning grade equipment on the market, what is the price? The worst ones cost 10,000 to 20,000 monthly premiums, and the high-quality ones cost 40,000 to 50,000 or even more. If it is specially made for someone, then it is not surprising that it exceeds 100,000.

This sword, let's put it this way, after understanding its capabilities, even if it is not used by a member of the Qizhi clan, the price can be sold for 30,000 months of gold.

They had seen the materials used before, the total value of which was at least four thousand months of gold, and the success rate of refining a piece of Hongning-level equipment was not bad!

This is completely cost price, no, it is loss price.

Also, this is only the price of the material, and the labor to make this thing is not counted.

It can be said that although this thing costs money, it feels like a free gift.

"We, we want it! We want as much as we want!" said the second head of the Qizhi clan with a blushing face.

This quality, this price, they really want as much as they have.

Naturally, they don't know that Ye Zhongming's success rate in manufacturing the Hongning class is as high as 80%. After all, the equipment of this kind of universe technology requires more manual control and is more refined. This is exactly Ye Zhongming's advantage. His strong physique and rich experience, as well as the subtle insight and control brought by his massive mental power, all make his success rate of manufacturing weapons and equipment increase with the increase of proficiency.

Coupled with the high speed of the King of Cloud Top, the cost of making such a special Hongning-level equipment is less than 5,000. Even if it is sold for the price of cabbage, it still has a high profit.

"There may not be so many in a short period of time, because everyone has a share, but within 30 cosmic days, I should be able to deliver ten pieces of this custom-level Hongning level, including weapons, armor and accessories, and the price is Unified 10,000-month-old pension, you have the final say on how to allocate the specific parts, and you can just report the data to my people when the time comes."

After Ye Zhongming finished speaking, he let him look at a piece of armor designed for their race. The functional effect made this man excited again. Before stepping down, he directly took out 20,000 months old gold to pay for it.

The other races couldn't wait any longer. When they saw this person stepping down, they rushed forward. Ye Zhongming stopped everyone and offered another favorable condition.

"If you don't have enough money, you can use various materials to offset it. Specifically, we have a price list here, just check it out."

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