Roulette World

2342 Evacuating wealth is also a means of control (Part 2)

Ye Zhongming displayed a total of five Lenny-level equipment, two weapons, two armors, and one accessory.

Among them, the accessories and half of the weapons are considered high-quality goods.

The price of the Lenny class is not easy to say. The most common one may be 100,000 monthly premiums or even lower, the better ones are hundreds of thousands, and the high-quality ones may be hundreds of thousands or more expensive. It mainly depends on demand.

If it was in the past, Ye Zhongming would not have given the Lenny class to these small races, because it is one aspect that they cannot exert their full power, and the other is that they cannot be sold at a price.

This kind of thing that costs more than six figures is too extravagant for these races who are struggling with food and clothing.

There may be one or two races among them that have Lenny-level equipment, but they must be kept at the bottom of the box, and they will never be taken out until an extremely critical moment.

Although the Kegang and Hongning grades are good, Ye Zhongming only has the ones he took out just now, which he made in his spare time after returning from the planetary hunting grounds. There are even some trophies that were simply repaired and improved after they were captured. .

If it weren't for Ye Zhongming's terrifying equipment manufacturing speed, none of these things would exist.

But these things are not enough for Ye Zhongming.

Those Hongning grades can probably buy millions of Moon Year Gold, and the Kegang grades are the big ones, which are only tens of millions. The money is averaged to each minor race, which is actually not too much.

Now which of these small races has not plundered tens of millions of years of gold-level wealth from the Eight Heads, and this is not counting the pensions and war damages that the Star Eye Clan and Ye Zhongming compensated them.

The previous Hongning class and Ke Gang class only took a few million months of gold from each of their races at most, which was far from their limit.

Yes, Ye Zhongming didn't want them to have money.

He had this kind of idea from the very beginning. He originally wanted to do it with the Star-Eyed Clan, which was to take out the wealth in the hands of these small races and replace them with other similar ones, such as weapons, equipment, medicine machines and so on.

Only in this way can they prevent them from getting rich or getting carried away to the greatest extent.

People are used to being poor. Once they get rich, many behaviors may get out of control.

Ye Zhongming regards these small races in the Dark Strip City as the basis for his continued progress, and it is the best source of troops he will point to for any life soldiers in the future.

If these small races want to close their doors and live a happy life after getting benefits from this battle, or if they swell up and make frequent high-profile appearances to attract the attention of other big clans, this is not what Ye Zhongming wants to see.

Especially what happened to the Star-Eyed Race, let Ye Zhongming know that this group of small races may be excellent fighters, but their decline is not without reason. Their thinking has limitations, or in other words, they have been at the bottom of society for a long time. Let their vision and hearts have been affected.

These Lenny-level and the following things are all prepared to let these small races spend all their savings.

If they have no money in their hands, they will not be persuaded, they will maintain their hunger, and they will have the courage to continue fighting.

Now the Star-Eyed Clan is unreliable, and he can only do this by himself.

Lenny-level equipment is usable for the patriarchs of these small races or those who are talking about it, and they are far more attractive than Hongning-level equipment. Looking at the five pieces of good equipment in front of them, everyone's eyes are bright .

Ye Zhongming then announced the prices of these pieces of equipment.

Ordinary Lenny-level weapons cost 100,000 months of gold, premium-level weapons cost 200,000 months of gold, two ordinary-level protective gear cost 80,000 months of gold, and boutique-level weapons cost 200,000 months of gold.

The price is indeed lower than outside,

But the low range is not as much as the Hongning and Kegang grades.

It's just that it doesn't detract from their appeal.

For example, now Duoduo is about to break through the Great Master, but no one knows when he will break through, or even if he can break through.

Then once he faces the challenge of a great master, the current Doduo will definitely lose. After all, even the king of Yunding, without transformation, war beasts and other help, can't defeat the big master by himself. Master's.

But if Duoduo has a piece of Lenny-level equipment, then this inability will become blurred. Although there is still a high probability that he will not be able to beat a big master, at least he will not be unable to fight back. If he is lucky, there is a great chance of escaping. possible.

The same is true for others, anyway, it can increase a lot of strength.

They didn't have the money to buy this kind of luxury before, but now it's different, they have money, they spent millions before, and there are still millions more.

"Master Ling, before the auction, can I ask a question."

Ye Zhongming heard the voice and turned his head to look, and found that it was the patriarch of the Cailiu clan. This race is not tall, it can be said to be a bit thin, born with insufficient strength, and not particularly sensitive in terms of senses.

But they have excellent single combat ability, because they have excellent agility, and they also master excellent combat skills that are very similar to the earth's martial arts.

When Ye Zhongming saw him, he knew what the patriarch was asking and why he asked it.

The Lenny-level jewelry he made has a high bonus in terms of agility. In addition, it also has the ability to reduce damage and enhance insight. It is quite friendly to this race. Once you wear this, you can Let them take advantage of their race to the extreme.

Sure enough, after receiving Ye Zhongming's signal, the patriarch expressed his problem, or appeal.

"If, I mean, if I don't have enough money, can I use some real estate in Dark Strip City to offset it? If you allow, the price can be 10% lower than the market price."

The patriarch also understood that these Lenny-levels are not suppressing the field now, and there are still many boxes behind them that have not been opened. The cash in his hand may not be enough now.

When the others heard this greeting, they all looked at Ye Zhongming expectantly.

After they divided up the assets of the eight heads, most of the wealth they got was in real estate, but they could use too little, at least for the time being, and they didn't have that much business to do.

It's useless to keep these real properties, especially the real estate, in their hands. It's better to sell them at a discount and exchange them for some necessary things from Ye Zhongming.

This is actually the limitation of small races. Even if they know that these shops and real estate can increase in value in the future and can generate money from money, they can't make full use of it because they don't have the resources and ability.

Ye Zhongming just thought about it for a while and said, "Yes, but let's pay according to the market price. After all, it's not easy for everyone to get these things."

Such a statement made everyone even happier, and their favor and confidence in Ye Zhongming was even greater.

Thus, a fierce auction began. Ye Zhongming watched from the side, and found that things were far easier than he imagined. These small races were a little... unable to control their own wallets.

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