Roulette World

Two thousand three hundred forty-seven breakthrough (3)

If someone dares to sell in secret, someone dares to buy!

Ye Zhongming had to admire the energy that the people here can master in reality.

Mothership, this is not just a question of 300 million years old, but an investment of an unknown number of billions in the future. According to Ye Zhongming's knowledge, there are more than 3,000 control personnel on the mothership alone.

Even if you don't cultivate three thousand lives with various professional and technical abilities, but just hire them, how much does it cost for one cosmic year?

Add fuel, maintenance, consumables, etc., and the annual maintenance cost alone is not something anyone can afford.

What is certain is that the races that can own motherships in reality are all super-rich clans without exception, so the person who bought this mothership now is also the same, and should be a powerful figure or even the patriarch of the super-rich clan!

Ye Zhongming's heart suddenly rose.

This is the height he will reach one day.

The mother ship Ye Zhongming couldn't afford it, and the 'Zhuang Hao' class Ye Zhongming in the battleship also couldn't afford it. The price of up to 80 million months old gold and the follow-up use and maintenance costs that may be hundreds of millions are really not the current top of the cloud. Wang can try.

Like the mothership, after being available for purchase, five of the eight Zhuang Hao-class battleships were immediately lost.

After that, the number of other types of aircraft dropped sharply. After waiting for more than ten minutes, there was only one mothership and more than 20 other aircrafts left.

The 150 aircrafts sold already exceeded one billion. This is the first time Ye Zhongming has seen such a large transaction.

The King of Cloud Top looked at the remaining twenty or so aircraft, thought for a while, and ordered to buy.

Two 'Kong Lan', four 'Chong Tide', two 'Love', and five transport ships.

These warships cost Ye Zhongming more than 30 million months and years of gold.

Of course, this is not what Ye Zhongming wants to use for himself. Among them, the Konglan and Chongchao grades are intended to be given to the Sioux.

For this super rich family, Ye Zhongming is grateful from the bottom of his heart. From Jiesu to Yaohansu, and then to Huozhi, everyone has been kind to Ye Zhongming and almost responded to him. What was a guaranteed partnership of interests has now become a true partnership.

For the sake of the Star Eye Clan and Ye Zhongming, one elder died, many excellent formation masters died, and another elder was unconscious.

Ye Zhongming kept all these in his heart.

And this time, Ye Zhongming was given the second phase of the Yunding Manor project for free, which was also a big favor, and the value of the purple zinc that Ye Zhongming gave to others was far from enough.

In this cosmic conflict, a fleet of the Sioux was destroyed, and these battleships can be regarded as making up for their losses.

Of course, Ye Zhongming is not without selfishness. He bought these warships and estimated that some of them would end up in the fleet controlled by Jie Su.

And he himself is going to keep the Love class and the transport ship, this... he is useful.

After Ye Zhongming bought it, there were still about ten unsold ones, but the A02 had no intention of continuing to sell it at all, and went straight to the next one.

"Everyone probably saw the reward of 100 million years old gold, which is the one with the definite evidence of the cause of Kunzuo's death. What I'm going to say below is related to this."

I don't know why, when A02 mentioned this, Ye Zhongming always felt that he had observed himself.

"Kunzuo is dead, and the Holy Fallen Bow, which was a piece of equipment on his body, also disappeared. So, someone entrusted me to find the whereabouts of the Fallen Saint Bow, or directly ask for the Fallen Saint Bow."

After finishing speaking, A02 immediately explained: "Don't worry, everyone, this is not fishing. To catch someone is related to killing Kunzuo, but this person really needs the Holy Bow."

"If anyone can provide relevant and accurate clues, then 10 million years of gold, if someone can directly find the Luosheng bow, then the customer is willing to bid for 100 million months of gold."

The people below didn't react too much after hearing it. They believed the No. 2 founder's words, because An Xiang would never do such a thing as fishing with quests.

Otherwise, the reputation will really be lost, which is why A02 didn't release the task, but directly told everyone here.

Falling Holy Bow 100 million months old gold, this price is actually very good, after all, there are not too many people who need long-range weapons, because such professionals rarely reach the peak master level, and if they are not peak masters Or if you are not a related professional, you can't exert its due power with long-range Liaruhan-level equipment like the Holy Fallen Bow.

A02 is not surprised to see that no one answered, he just needs to spread the news.

"The third item is that someone entrusted me to sell some very high-end equipment. I don't think anyone else can afford it except us, so I didn't release it publicly. Let's just bring it here for everyone to see."

After speaking, A02 directly took out several pieces of equipment from the space equipment.

Everyone's eyes lit up when they saw it.

Six pieces of equipment are helmet, armor, leg armor, boots, belt and wings.

"You may have also discovered that these are Lenny-level boutique equipment, and they are a complete set."

After A02 finished speaking, many people leaned forward.

After all, there are not many peak masters, and even fewer can come here, and it is impossible for peak masters to be all Liaring God grades, and the fine Lenny grades are what they need and commonly use.

They may not be short of Lenny grades, but there are definitely not many high-quality Lenny grades. It is estimated that no one has a complete set of boutique Lenny grades.

"Six-piece suit?" A12, who was sitting next to Ye Zhongming, said softly, not a question, but a kind of admiration.

But who would have thought that A02 would take up the conversation.

"No, it's ten suits to be precise." After speaking, A02 took out another suit, and everyone saw that it was a brand new mechanical beast.

The mechanical war beast in the form of a beast is about five meters long and about three meters high, which is basically suitable for half of all races in the universe to ride. On both sides of the mechanical war beast, there are a long spear and a shield.

"Your Excellency, the founder of A02, you mean, these are all in one suit?"

A02 nodded, "Yes, a whole set, all of which are related equipment that will generate additional abilities after being put on neatly. To be honest, I really didn't expect that equipment can be designed to this extent. One more thing I have to say that you may have discovered that here, there are nine pieces in total, including helmets, armor, leg armor, boots, belts, wings, beasts, spears, and shields, and I just said ten pieces. Missing one."

"Likes and shields are prepared for fighting on beasts, but the main weapon for this set of equipment is not there yet, not because of lack, but because the manufacturer of this set of equipment will design and manufacture the main weapon individually according to the purchaser's requirements , in order to exert a stronger combat power."

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