Roulette World

Two thousand three hundred and fifty-seven warnings may not necessarily be spoken (Part 2)

Auf tribe.

Duoduo stood up suddenly, looked at his son a little excitedly and said, "Are you serious?"

Olija nodded: "Yes, father, just 20 minutes ago, Boss Ye led his women's team into the city, and there are people from us in the team in charge of the gate of the coalition army today. The information I sent is absolutely accurate."

Duoduo walked back and forth in the room twice.

"What is Boss Ye doing?" Duoduo walked to the window, looking out of the window at the city that had already returned to calm, he couldn't guess what that person was thinking.

At this stage, Yunding Manor was a little too peaceful, so calm that it was scary.

If you don't understand the situation, you will feel that this calmness is a kind of fear, a kind of cowardice, but anyone who has fought with Ye Zhongming in the planetary hunting ground knows that he is not afraid, but busy? Waiting? Or, dismissive?

But once someone moved, Duoduo felt a trace of fear from the bottom of his heart.

Yes, Ye Zhongming didn't come for him. Even at this stage, he was very friendly in order to establish a connection with Yunding Manor. He kept sending information to it, and asked several times if there was any need for help.

But Duoduo also does not want his current life to be ruined.

This stage is the period of the fastest development of the Auf tribe in the past hundred years.

It is true that they still have to be influenced and even exploited by the Star-Eyed Clan, but it is much better than before.

The base area of ​​the race has greatly increased, the overall strength has increased by 30%, and all incomes are positive and continue to increase. Every clan member is full of hope for the future...

He didn't want this situation to be broken.

But Duoduo didn't know whether Ye Zhongming would turn Antiaocheng into ruins. After all, that boss had the ability and temper in his opinion.

"Go and find out where they went, and then... let's go and see."

At this moment, almost all other races in Darkstripe City, such as the Spirit Race, Abel Race, Kasmerka Race, Wei Naxi Race, etc., have received the news and are paying attention all the time. The leaders of the group gathered the best hands in the clan and went out, constantly adjusting the direction of progress according to the news that came.

They wanted to see what Ye Zhongming was going to do.

If...he wanted to destroy Antiao City, they would not agree. If you want to do other things, it depends on the situation.

At the same time, within the Star Eye Clan.

"Why didn't you stop him?" Luo She narrowed her eyes, with anger in her tone.

These words were addressed to the two adults with star eyes.

Master Yan said with a little embarrassment: "The defenders at the city gate are basically fighters from the small race alliance in the past, and they are very familiar with Ye Zhongming, and some of them are even his former subordinates, so there is no way to stop them, and it is not too difficult to stop them." Dare to stop."

"Yeah, if you stop him, there will be a conflict. I know Ye Zhongming's character very well. He is not an impulsive person, but if it makes him very angry, he will really do it. Once he does it..."

Master Xing explained on the side, and didn't say anything later, but everyone also knows that a direct conflict with Ye Zhongming is not what everyone wants to see, and it is not in the interests of the Star-Eyed Clan.

"What's wrong with doing it? Could it be that our six masters are still afraid of him?"

Luo She snorted coldly, looking confident in the current strength of the Star-Eyed Clan.

Mr. Xing sighed slightly: "Master, the robe white and Cheng Jinjin have a very good relationship with Ye Zhongming... Moreover, the white dragon horse and the tired bird at Yunding Manor are also at the level of masters. After Ye Zhongming transforms, he can still Summon at least two combat powers of the master level."

"You mean we can't beat them?!" Luoshen gave Master Xing a stern look.

Then, without waiting for Master Xing to say anything, he patted the armrest of the chair and said, "I know you have scruples about him, but what have we been doing these days? Where have we spent all our money? For what?"

"Don't you still have to be tough when facing Ye Zhongming! You have to be clear, the harder we are,

The less chance of conflict with Ye Zhongming, because he is not a fool, he will not fight us when he knows we are invincible, why are you in trouble now? It's because there is no certainty of defeating him! "

"Bashilu, how is our 'Zhili Project' going?" Luo She's eyes fell on his son.

As the chief training officer and the leader of the Guards, Ba Shilu's men were mostly selected from the Golden Camp. There were not many of them, but they were all very strong. The gilt is a little lower, and now Cheng gilt has become a master, and these people are naturally not far from that line.

The so-called upright plan was proposed and promoted by Luo She, in order to increase the number of great masters of the star-eyed tribe in a short period of time.

I didn't have this resource before, I didn't have this attack method, but now I have it, Luo She doesn't believe that money can't make it!

The effect of the peak master's hurdle, month and year gold will be reduced, but in the master's slash, if there is enough money, it can still make it infinitely close.

This is what Luo She wants, and he will use his experience to lead these people to break through.

"Father, there are already three people who have paid more than 90,000 yuan, and one of them has more than 95,000 yuan, which is only one step away from 100,000 yuan."

"En." Luoshen nodded in satisfaction. He regarded this as the primary plan to revive the Star-Eyed Clan, and it was also his representative work after returning to the Star-Eyed Clan.

"Continue to increase their supply. It is best to let the closest person reach the limit within 30 days. Also, starting tonight, I will give these three people individual lectures and impart their knowledge about breakthroughs."

After finishing speaking, Luo She looked at the silent adults of Xingyan, and said, "Where Ye Zhongming went is closely monitored. If he dares to come to the Xingyan clan to make trouble, hum..."


"Boss, the news is confirmed, they are still there."

"Boss, the distance is ten kilometers, and there is nothing unusual."

"Boss, Dai Zhi has arrived."

"Boss, it's three kilometers away, do you want to speed up? The other side has already noticed something."

Xiao Min's voice kept coming, making reports all the time.

"Then hurry up." Ye Zhongming nodded and replied.

The whole team immediately speeded up.

In less than four minutes, they reached the outside of a building.

At this time, many people have followed the team and came here. They watched from a distance, and one after another news spread from them. I believe that many people will gather here in a short time.

"Who are you? Who are you?"

A man walked out of the building surrounded by red makeup guards, with his hands behind his back, behind him was a spear about one meter taller than his body, with a red light lingering around the tip of the spear.

"Baliruwa?" Ye Zhongming asked lightly.

"You know me?"

Before, he knew that this group of people was not kind, but he didn't pay too much attention to it. After all, this is only a dark strip city. Even if he is not invincible as a master, no one can threaten him. The strength of this group of people The volatility also proved that no one is a great master, and those women who are even weak may not even have 10,000 Fu Leila.

But hearing his name being called directly, Balilua's heart sank.

Now that he knew who he was, and still put on such an attacking posture, then things were a bit difficult.

"It's fine if you are." Ye Zhongming chuckled, then glanced at the third floor of the building, and said, "You and Gehobas can make a choice, whether you want to fight with me or with my subordinates." Fight? Although the result is the same, it depends on your preference."

"Do you know who you are talking to?" The man named Gehobas by Ye Zhong smashed the window with his fist, jumped off the stairs, and landed beside Balilua, staring at him intently. Ye Zhongming.

"I know, the future twin stars of the Yindi clan in Qing'ao City, come here to buy an entire street to open shops, to deal in food, seasoning, and other daily necessities, and also sell some spiritual drinks along the way."

Ye Zhongming said slowly: "Unfortunately, this wish is unlikely to come true."

"Who do you think you are?" Gehobas's temper was obviously not very good, he had already taken out two metal sticks with sharp circular blades in his hands, and he was about to strike if there was a disagreement.

"To blame, I can only blame you for wading in the muddy water here. Also, I heard that you have a good relationship with Fei Luosong people?" Ye Zhongming looked sternly.

"Xiao Mindaizhi, since they won't choose, then you can choose one."

Xiao Min looked at his companions, and pointed at Gehobas together.

"Choose this stupid one."

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