Roulette World

Two thousand three hundred and seventy-six pick up

Seeing the master leave with doubts, Ye Zhongming squatted at the place where he fought just now and did not leave.

He had a fight with that great master because he came here in a hurry after only experiencing this realm for a day after he was promoted, and now he really wants to know what his strength is like.

This great master just happened to meet him and gave Ye Zhongming such an opportunity, and he didn't want to let it go.

Although Ye Zhongming didn't try his best.

In addition, another reason why he let go of that great expert is that he wanted the safest way to get out of trouble, that is, all the mechanical legionnaires who knew him were dead, which would be safer than him escaping alone, no There will be any troubles.

Otherwise, the disappearance of a driver with a matching degree of more than 80% together with the mechanical armor may cause a large-scale investigation by the mechanical legion.

This is not good news for Ye Zhongming, who is now in the city of God of Craftsman.

Naturally, there is another incidental thing, that is, Ye Zhongming intends to see what is stored in this warehouse, which can allow the dwarves to do it on such a large scale.

Judging from previous information, this will not be the only attack location.

Holding the weapon, Ye Zhongming quietly opened a metal box next to it, then a mechanical hand reached in to widen the gap, and looked down slightly.

"Zhen Iron Rod?"

Ye Zhongming was slightly taken aback. This kind of thing is a standard specification made of purified iron. It is one of the basic materials. It is widely used in the manufacture of various equipment armors and mechanical fuselages, because of the special nature of this metal. , after being processed into the current form, it can improve the stability and reduce the activity decay period of certain substances inside.

When Ye Zhongming was looking for various materials before distributing the goods, he also had this kind of iron rods, and there were quite a few. pension.

Ye Zhongming then cut open the box next to it, and found that there were also iron rods inside. He randomly cut a few boxes in this pile of boxes, and they were all of these things.

After a rough estimate, there are at least one hundred boxes in the whole pile. Based on the basic specifications of one hundred of them, this is a total of 10,000 boxes, worth more than two million months old gold.

And the pile of boxes here is just a small part of the warehouse. There are at least dozens of metal boxes stacked together like this. How much does it cost? !

No wonder, a big master was dispatched as a guard.

Seeing these materials, how could Ye Zhongming be polite, afraid that many boxes would suddenly disappear and attract others' attention, so he cut open each box, took away the iron rods inside, and put them in his already somewhat empty space being equipped.

After doing this, he looked at the battle situation through the gap between the boxes. With the addition of great masters and the disappearance of Ye Zhongming, a person with a matching rate of more than 80%, the battle situation of the mechanical army is not very optimistic.

The strength of the opponent is on the one hand, and Ye Zhongming's disappearance is another aspect that they think is a blow to morale caused by death in battle. This makes the Mechanical Legion squad that should not have appeared here, except for some advantages in the early stage, now completely In a passive situation.

The mechanical armor can indeed improve the combat effectiveness of the driver, but don't forget that you can't wear equipment after entering it. What kind of combat effectiveness can a Mingyuan-level mechanical armor exert? This is naturally related to the matching degree. Ye Zhongming can estimate that even if it is a 100% matching degree, the driver is Fu Leila with a level below 110,000 (taking himself as an example), which can make this second-level armor The ceiling for displaying strength is the ordinary Hongning level.

In other words, Ye Zhongming wearing this battle armor is equivalent to wearing a whole set of Hong Ning level. As for the rest of the team, that big master has just touched the edge of the Hongning level, and there is still a little gap between them, and the others are at best the high-quality Kegang level. Most of them are a set of ordinary Kegang grades.

Of course, in terms of defense power, it has to go beyond a small level.

As for the opponents, they don't have mechanical armor, but they are all wearing equipment, especially the leader of the big master, who is dressed in Hongning level, and even has a Lenny level on the shoulder pads. I won't be afraid of your second-level mechanical armor. What the two sides are competing for is their own hard power.

Another point is also very important. The overall equipment of the guards in the warehouse is not as good as that of the opponent, but there are many people...

Seeing that it couldn't end yet, Ye Zhongming ran to the back of another pile of boxes. After cutting it open, he found that it contained 'Radium Concentrator', a widely used neutralizing agent, which was packed in a bucket of ten catties. The price is as high as more than six hundred months of gold. There are ten barrels in a box, and there are also more than a hundred boxes, worth more than one million.

Ye Zhongming took them all.

Then he went to the third pile, which was the largest pile with more than 300 metal boxes. Ye Zhongming opened a box and found that it was a kind of bearing, which he usually used when making mechanical war beasts. There are six, and there should be more than two thousand here. Ye Zhongming usually buys this too. It is a precision product made by machinery. A bearing is more than one thousand, and more than two thousand is more than two million.

Naturally, this thing also belongs to Ye Zhongming.

At this time, the battle outside changed. Three members of the Mechanical Legion suffered casualties, which directly caused their defensive formation to collapse. The guards rushed in and started to attack frantically. Can't last five minutes.

The captain's distress message came from the mechanical armor driven by Ye Zhongming. Of course, it was not sent to him, but to the other two teams.

The only answer I got was to hold on, the reinforcements would arrive in ten minutes at the earliest, and they were asked to hold up the people here. The metallic voice of the commander increased a lot, and he was obviously very angry at the crotch pulling here.

The dispersed formation caused the scope of the battle to spread around. Ye Zhongming observed it for more than ten seconds, and then used the cover of these metal boxes and the super high agility brought by the 100% fit, without anyone noticing. He killed five guards who retreated due to injury, or moved close to his position, which weakened the guard's strength virtually and gave the Mechanical Legion team time to breathe.

And after he finished these, he ignored the battle situation again, and moved from one pile of metal boxes to another pile, and moved all the materials inside to his space equipment.

Fortunately, as a craftsman, he has a lot of equipment in the space and a large capacity inside, otherwise he really wouldn't be able to fit it.

Ye Zhongming was not satisfied until he emptied all the materials.

He felt that it was really cool to grab these materials.

No, it's picking it up, it's so cool to pick it up.

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