Roulette World

Two thousand three hundred and seventy-nine

The first thing, of course, is Zhongyue Liusi.

Ye Zhongming heard this kind of thing from Ji Kesu once, and it was not long after he came to the sky, and he was understanding everything he had and everything he lacked.

Because he owns a beautiful celestial body, when Ye Zhongming asked what level this kind of thing belongs to in the universe, Ji Kesu said Chongyue Liusi.

It is said that this kind of thing can cooperate with the beautiful celestial body, and it is not restricted by Fu Leila. It is one of the few universal physical improvement items.

The essence of this kind of thing is actually an active existence. After entering the blood vessels of the user, it flows through the whole body with the blood, and then enters the cells. By strengthening this basic unit, the user can gain physical strength.

There are basically no side effects. If something must be said, it is the rarity and price of this kind of thing, and there is an adaptation period that may last for a few days. During this period, not only will the body strength not increase, but it will drop a lot.

The second thing Ye Zhongming photographed was his 'old friend', Jingpo!

Once, Ye Zhongming obtained one thing, the essence of nature. After he used it, he obtained the ability of the natural department, the brand of wisdom.

An ability that can mutate plants to produce medium intelligence and accept his control. The cooling time is very long and it requires a lot of mental energy.

For Ye Zhongming, the natural spirit at that time gave him some advantages when fighting against the Yama tree.

Now what he holds in his hand is also spirit, but it is not natural spirit, but another kind, metal spirit.

Ye Zhongming held this thing in his hand. Compared with the natural spirit in his memory, it was obviously bigger, and the energy contained in it was much more.

Why is maliciousness so strange? The strange thing is not that we encountered this kind of thing in the sky, but the difference between the spirits themselves.

If they are special items of the same category, shouldn't they be of the same specification?

Another point is that when Ye Zhongming got the natural essence back then, he was clearly reminded that if he used the essence, he would get some benefits, but now, even if he directly touches the metal essence, this thing will not No hint was given.

This can't help but make Ye Zhongming scratch his head a little.

I can't get a reminder, and I don't know the specific utility of the metal essence, so how to use it? use it or not? What should I do if I use it wrong?

Ye Zhongming hesitated for a long time, but still didn't dare to use it directly, so he had to put this down first, and took the third item.

Such things cost the most to Ye Zhongming.

Heaven feeds strange bones!

This is a kind... When Ye Zhongming saw it, he couldn't tell which category it should belong to at the first time. Later, he realized that this is actually still a kind of equipment, auxiliary equipment.

The reason why I think so is because the Heavenly Nurturing the Bone is actually a kind of life, but it does not have any obvious wisdom, but it is still magical.

Since it is life, it needs to survive. The food that feeds the bones is not about physical strength, but skills, the skills of the feeder.

This thing requires the user to release skills against it every once in a while.

At first glance, the shape of the Tianbu Qi bone is similar to that of an ordinary fish bone, showing a crystal white color. When this color fades, it is when it needs to 'eat', and the user must use the ability on it until It restores luster.

After a certain stage, this thing will also grow, and the color has improved significantly, that is, it has entered the next stage.

According to the seller, the Tianbu Qigu is divided into seven whole levels, and now it has reached the second level, and it is said that it is not far from the third level.

It is the ability of heaven to feed strange bones that really makes Ye Zhongming.

This is a living thing, the ability, which is equivalent to giving certain summoned bodies a certain degree of life, as well as the corresponding wisdom and the ability to improve.

For those who do not have summoning objects or do not have the ability to summon, Tianbu Qigu is very attractive, but it is very suitable for Ye Zhongming.

So he was afraid of being snatched away, so he doubled the price directly.

To put it bluntly, the ability of Tianbu Qigu is that when it is used, it will enter the body of the summoned body, act as the bone of the summoned body, and then give it strength.

Of course, not all summoning bodies can use this, it involves a problem of fusion.

It is similar to the matching degree of the mechanical armor. As long as the user uses the ability of the summoning body on him, it is equivalent to imprinting a mark on it. When needed, he can enter the body of the summoning body to play a role, but Most of the abilities displayed at this time come from the level of Tianfu Qigu itself, and the improvement rate is not very large.

As long as it is the same user, no matter how many summoned bodies there are, as long as they all use it on the Tianbu Qigu, they can all leave a mark and enter the interior of the summoned body. But once another user uses his summoning body ability on this thing, all the marks belonging to the other person will disappear, but the level of the bone itself is still there.

This is also the reason why Ye Zhongming bought Tianbu Qigu with confidence, otherwise, in case of confrontation with the original owner in the future, it would be too much for the loss if some accident happened.

If you want to use the true ability of Tianfu Qigu, you must constantly tamp the imprint, that is, constantly use a certain summoning body ability to feed it, so that the fit between each other is higher, so that during the battle, Tianfu Once the strange bone enters the summoning body, the summoning body can gain more powerful power, and even be able to fight and move freely without the main body, becoming a real clone with a certain time limit.

Although it is not permanent, but according to the seller, as long as the fit reaches more than 50%, then the current second-level Tianfu Qigu can almost make the summoned body leave the main body for more than one cosmic day.

Naturally, this is without a fight. If a battle occurs, this time will be reduced accordingly.

Now Ye Zhongming, after transforming, there are many summons, such as the giant dragon blue man and his own shadow, etc. He got this thing, as long as he is given a certain time to cultivate, then it can play a role, return Things are unimaginable.

Just imagine, a mountain dragon that is originally a master level, coupled with this kind of heavenly bred bone, that scene, tsk tsk...

In the heart of the King of Cloud Top, he is more interested in the fact that this bone can allow the summoned body to move freely. If it can be done for a longer time, then the word on the earth-separation is not enough for Ye Zhongming. If it exists, he will gain a huge advantage in tactics and even strategy!

Set a small goal first, such as 1 second to remember: Shukeju

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