Roulette World

Two thousand three hundred and eighty-eight cooperative bidding (below)

Ye Zhongming didn't know about the situation on the third floor, but at least on the first floor, after hearing the name and a brief introduction, there were a lot of discussions.

It was the first time for many of them to have such a detailed understanding of the equipment of the Raging God level, and it was inevitable that they would be shocked.

Ye Zhongming is actually the same, but after all, he can manufacture very advanced weapons and equipment, and has his own understanding of higher levels, so he can keep calm when he hears it.

"Changing the rules, it really is a fierce god." Zizikaba next to him was so emotional. Although Heiting Yanting hadn't said anything after that, these four words had already made Zizikaba start admiring like everyone else.

Heiting Yanting's voice continued to be heard from the colorful light curtain.

"The first rule is the rule of flying."

"Under the scythe, nothing has the ability to fly."

"The second rule is the rule of eating."

"Under the sickle, any food will cause poisoning."

"The third rule, the rule of liquid."

"Under the ring, any liquid boils."

"The fourth rule, the rule of shape."

"Under the ring, any weapon that comes into contact with it will bear the result of the change in shape."

Heiting Yanting said these rules in one breath, and continued, regardless of everyone's horrified eyes: "The fifth rule is one's own rules."

"Abstaining from incorruptibility will make one's sharpness continuously improve, abstaining from incorruptibility will continuously improve one's tenacity, and abstaining from incorruptibility will continuously improve one's vitality."

"The first two are easy to understand, and the third activity means that when the user uses it, the power that can be exerted will increase over time. I mean, when the user does not change in any way. "

Having said this, Heiting Yanting stopped.

Everyone was shocked by these attributes of this weapon.

In fact, what Heiting Yanting said was not so clear, but now these sound like fantasy, such a weapon, in a strict sense, has gone beyond the scope of weapons, it is more like... a real life, a strong life.

Perhaps, the Lie Shen class is a kind of life.

This is what a lot of people have been thinking up until now.

However, this is not the end.

"Ice air quenches the body. When Jie Lian calms down, you can put it in a box made of bamboo pulp rock, so that it will continuously emit ice air to nourish itself. When you use it again, Jie Lian's front The three attacks will come with two characteristics of the ice attribute, cold poison and freezing, the specific degree depends on the nourishment time."

"Strong poison tempering body, when Jie Lian's icy air tempering body reaches full value, you can constantly use some kind of toxin to wipe the blade, the toxin will accumulate there in this way, when you use it, it will It can be injected once when the target’s skin is broken, or it can explode when it collides with a weapon, forming a cloud of poisonous mist to erode the target. There are no restrictions on the types of toxins.”

After Heiting Yanting finished speaking, he stopped talking to give people time to understand and discuss.

This may be the first time that someone has made public the detailed abilities of the Liaoshen class, and the impact it will bring must be very far-reaching.

Including Ye Zhongming, everyone had an intuitive impression of the Liaoshen class for the first time.

It turns out that such a weapon is the Lie Shen class.

Ye Zhongming looked at Jie Lian who was still on the light curtain, and his heart was surging.

He finally had some understanding of the Raging Gods, and finally what they looked like.

Although every Lie Shen class is definitely different, at least this one, this Jie Lian, opened a door for Ye Zhongming.


These elements kept appearing in Ye Zhongming's mind one by one, guiding the direction of his future research and exploration.

For a top craftsman, what others can associate with knowing these things is beyond the imagination of others.

Ye Zhongming had a question at the same time, that is, if the equipment of the Lie Shen class is similar, then of course the Luosheng Bow is also the same.

One can imagine how powerful the Fallen Holy Bow is.

So how strong is the energy barrier that Luosheng Bow didn't break through?

The Su family shouldn't be as weak as the outside world sees them, right? In other words, as long as they can become super rich, some of the things they show are only a small part of their true strength.

About three minutes later, Heiting Yanting clapped his hands, making everyone focus on him.

"Jie Lian's abilities are these, but the specifics depend on the operator. What I want to say is that 'understanding' and 'actually using' the Raging God-level equipment are two completely different things. "

Hei Ting and Yan Ting on the stage were talking, continuing to explain the concept of the Raging God-level equipment, while Yao Hansu looked sideways at the inscription and said, "Have you considered it?"

"Let's talk about the specifics. It's just a sentence of cooperative bidding. You are deceiving ghosts."

Beiyin wouldn't think that Yaohansu would really take out the money just like this, otherwise who would get the Liaoshen level after success? The partner sitting next to him was not the previous patriarch of the Sioux clan who only knew how to be conservative, but a guy who was determined to make progress and was extremely dissatisfied with the status quo of the Sioux clan.

In a sense, Yao Hansu is essentially the same as the current dwarves, and both have bigger goals in their hearts.

"After you succeed, the ownership of the Raging God-level equipment will belong to you, but when the Sioux tribe encounters a huge crisis, you can either bring this Raging God-level equipment to help, or send it over for us to use."

Hearing what Yao Hansu said, the stele was slightly surprised: "That's it?"

It may not be encountered in hundreds of years for the Sioux to call it a huge crisis. This condition is a bit too lenient.

"Of course not." Yao Hansu's eyes flickered: "I know that you Musk Stars have at least two Liaring Gods in their hands. If we can successfully bid today, then at least three... My request is that if we succeed Now, except for the condition I just mentioned, you have to let Ye Zhongming go to your place to study the Liaring God equipment without a time limit, as long as it doesn't destroy it, you can't stop him no matter how you study it."

The stele was silent for a while after hearing this, and said in a very low voice: "You paid so much just to bet that he can understand the manufacturing technology of Lie Shen?"

"Yes." Yao Hansu admitted directly, "I spent so much money, even all the working capital of the Su family in recent years, just to bet on this, and I have a hunch, that kid can do it."

The inscription is silent.

He has nothing to say, Yao Hansu is so straightforward, what he has to do now is to choose between yes and no.

Faced with these conditions, Beiyin thought for a long time but could not find a reason to choose no.

"Then... let's gamble together."

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