Roulette World

Two thousand three hundred and ninety-six seals (below)

The three of them were silent for a while, to digest some things brought by this number.

The Scythe Scythe was only sold for more than 10 billion. Although it made a lot of money, the dwarves knew very well that compared with many things, the profit of the Vulcan class was relatively high, but the profit rate was not too shocking.

The transaction price was 12.2 billion, but what about the cost of the sickle? At the beginning, from the establishment of the project to the step-by-step experiment, and then to the final overall refining, it cost more than four billion yuan, and the maintenance and preservation for so many years cost several hundred million yuan. And it was tested once before, the cost of the test, including the target cost of consumption and the maintenance cost after use, this number is as high as 500 million!

After all the miscellaneous calculations, the cost of this thing exceeded 5 billion, which was still 5 billion back then, and it was worth more than it is now.

In other words, the dwarves made more than 6 billion yuan on the Raging God-level equipment this time.

It's fine now, most of it is gone at once.

Five billion, to a dwarf, it's almost equivalent to a raging god.

Thanks to the box sealing and combat assist system, as well as the sale of some other equipment, this auction has created huge profits, otherwise the dwarves would go crazy now.

And don't forget, apart from the dwarves' materials, some of them were snatched from the suppliers at the risk of being spurned and attacked by all races in the universe!

Outsiders think that the dwarves are not short of money, yes, they were not short of money before, but since Heiting Yanting implemented a strategy, they have become short of money, otherwise they would not take action against the material suppliers around them .

Although the reason for doing it, Yue Suijin is not the only one.

Under such circumstances, one can imagine the anger in Heiting Yanting's heart at this moment after being robbed of so much money.

Both Lingqin and Utata knew Heiting Yanting, who was also a master craftsman, very well, so they all looked at him with concern, wondering what kind of decision he was going to make.

But Heiting Yanting was unexpectedly calm, instead he said: "Open your eyes."

"Those people really think they have escaped." The master craftsman patriarch of the dwarf smiled lightly.

Utata nodded, walked to the side of the god's eyes, raised his hands and slowly placed them on the god's eyes, then lowered his head and closed his eyes.

The divine eye that was originally very quiet began to move, but it was not as obvious as it was during the auction. It just turned a little bit, and then opened a gap slightly, and a light was projected from it. There formed a star map of the area where the Survivor Bastion was located.

At this time, Utata left his eyes with both hands, walked to the vicinity of the star map, and looked at it with the other two.

There are some highlights on many of the Survivor Bastions, but only approximate areas. A few people glanced quickly, and there were nearly a thousand of these bright spots.

"So many?" Heiting Yanting frowned.

Utata is the current controller of God's Eye. After hearing it, he explained: "The ability of God's Eye has never been its main ability. Although it can be marked, it can only be traced back to the past, so the number is more, but There is no way, it cannot be extremely accurate, and it is not possible to clearly mark the location of life in and out of Shenjiang City during that period of time. At the same time, due to the limitations of energy and distance, it is impossible to carry out all-weather tracking, even in order to maintain The existence of the mark also consumes a lot of energy."

"I can't imagine how it would have been possible otherwise, thanks to the ancestors who made this almost pinnacle piece of equipment."

Utata said: "Although we can't guarantee complete tracking, and there are a lot of light spots, but that's all, we can check them one by one. The peak master's eyes can't mark them, but his subordinates, I think, are here. Nearly a thousand points of light."

Heiting Yanting nodded, "Send out our hunting team to track down all the light spots. I'd rather kill the wrong one than let them go."

The words of the dwarven patriarch echoed across the platform.


The old dean withdrew his palm, "Okay, it will be effective in about one cosmic year without accident,


The old dean stopped talking halfway, because he had already revealed it before.

When sealing this mark, the old dean found that the mark itself was surprisingly stubborn, and he almost used all his strength to really block this thing.

During the process, it's not that the old dean didn't think about removing it directly, but with just a slight touch, Ye Zhongming fainted from the pain.

The old dean knows that this thing has an intrusion method that even he doesn't understand, at least for now, he and Ye Zhongming are one.

Being able to see the imprint does not mean that energy can be used to remove it, or even gouging out the flesh there.

The old dean can only use his huge energy to form a small 'vacuum zone' around the imprint to achieve the purpose of restricting it.

But if this kind of energy wants to survive outside the body, its duration is doomed to be limited. With the ability of the old dean, it can only make it last for about one cosmic year.

Moreover, this time will become unstable with the promotion of Ye Zhongming, Fu Leila and various other unexpected situations.

The duration may be longer or shorter.

In other words, if you are unlucky, it may break at any time.

Ye Zhongming can't stay in the library palace all the time, so for him, this imprint is like a urging talisman. Once it is exposed, even the old dean can't tell what effect it will have on Ye Zhongming. After all, God The thing in my eyes is too weird, and the Library Palace doesn't have any information about it.

"At that time, you should come back as soon as possible."

Although the old dean is not sure of sealing this mark again, he can at least let Ye Zhongming return here early to seek asylum.

This imprint seems to be a curse to Ye Zhongming, and it is certainly not the case for the library palace.

"Zizikaba and the others are coming soon, are you waiting for them?"

Ye Zhongming shook his head, "No, I still have a lot to do."


When Ye Zhongming came back again, everyone in Yunding Manor found that the boss had changed a little, becoming more deep and...quiet.

Some members of the Red Makeup Guard thought that the boss was about to make some kind of decision and was considering the pros and cons; some felt that the boss was planning to do some big things and was planning a plan. Some people think that the boss has encountered a problem and is thinking of a solution.

It's just that they are used to Ye Zhongming's omnipotence, so they are not worried.

One day after he came back, Ye Zhongming called everyone in Yunding Manor together except for the necessary guards. Xiao Min, Dai Zhi, the mechanical ghost talent, his teacher Yong Yuchong and others all gathered in a big manor in the manor with their subordinates. on the square.

Everyone thought that Ye Zhongming was going to announce something, but the answer they got was...

"Statistics." Ye Zhongming took out the materials from the space equipment, "Sort these materials into categories, and then record the quantity and put them in the space equipment."

After a while, everyone was surrounded by mountains of materials...

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