Roulette World

2414 Weak Xia Bai

Everything happened a little fast, and the four masters of the Star-Eyed Clan fell very quickly.

Even Ye Zhongming himself was a little surprised.

On one of his hands was clasped secretly the Siwu Jieling.

The token obtained from Kunzuo.

These white flames are the ability of one of the three sealed lives above to startle the Flameback, Burning All.

Originally, when Ye Zhongming first got this thing, the phantom of the sealed life had to appear when using the Siwu Jieling Token, but after this stage of his familiarity and practice, he no longer needs the phantom to use the token. Showed up, although this will affect some of the power, but it is better than being recognized as Kunzuo's thing when it is taken out.

There are no phantoms, only less powerful skills, and no one can be sure whether this is his ability or the equipment's skills.

At full strength, this is a full-strength blow of a super nine-level life force, and it is still the best skill. When it is not at full strength, Ye Zhongming has tested it. In fact, the power is average. If it must be digitized, the three attacks of the token in his hand are on average roughly equivalent to an ordinary one issued by a master of about 105,000 Fu Leila. hit.

Is it just such a blow that caused the four masters of the Star-Eyed Clan to fall together?

Ye Zhongming originally just wanted to flush them all away.

But this is better and saves trouble. Ye Zhongming felt that it was too easy in his heart, but he didn't stop his movements. His body kept moving, and soon turned around in a circle. Along with his movement, he heard the sound of clicking.

When he stopped, the four masters clutched their crushed elbows and groaned in pain.

"You guys think I'm bragging." Ye Zhongming said, handed over the voucher to the person in charge of the Ten Thousand Races Council, and led Xiao Min and others inside.

The leaders of Duoduo and other small races looked at it, and hurriedly followed, feeling extremely surprised by Ye Zhongming's strength.

Is this person already so powerful? He defeated four masters in an instant? ! At the same time, I also have some doubts in my heart, is this too easy?

People from other cities were also surprised, a pair of four? Instant victory?

It is undeniable that the ability just now is very strong, and it is even more unpredictable when it is released instantly, but it is a bit exaggerated to lose four masters of the same level like this?

Many people's thoughts at this moment are to re-evaluate the Star-eyed tribe and Ye Zhongming.

Ye Zhongming walked in and looked at everything around him, feeling a little emotional in his heart.

He has been here for more than one universe year. What happened in this year made the introduction day a bit delayed, but he still came. The last time he appeared here, he was still a ignorant novice garbage, but this time he was already As a master, he picked up his companion.

Involuntarily, Ye Zhongming had the feeling that time and space flowed, and he didn't know what the reception day next year would look like for himself and the myriad races in the universe.

At this time, quite a few people had already led others away. Most of those who just came from the home planet were obedient, but there were also some rebellious ones, so there was a bloody smell in the air.

Ye Zhongming quickly found his own person, but there was no way, Yan Wangshu was too conspicuous, his hair turned into green branches, flying around like a Medusa, surrounded by several people lying on the ground Life is howling.

If it were someone else, Ye Zhongming would definitely think that it was the guys on the ground who took the initiative to provoke, but if it was the Yan Wangshu, it might not be so.

Fortunately, this guy at least knows how to keep his hands...

Sure enough, upon seeing Ye Zhongming, a villain from Yan Wangshu came to sue first.

"I saw that they have some characteristics, so I wanted to see the whole body structure, but they didn't cooperate."

Xiao Min and the others laughed from behind.

Ye Zhongming shook his head helplessly. When he turned his eyes, he saw the flying body of the net red girl. He took it and smelled the familiar fragrance. For the first time in so many days, he felt a little more relaxed.

Liang Chuyin gave her man a firm hug before letting go.

"Boss!" Gao Yi's eyes were full of excitement,

In the future, I will be able to fight side by side with the boss again.

Ye Zhongming patted Gao Yi on the shoulder. The captain of the evasion operation that he chose back then has grown to this point.

After that, Ye Zhongming saw Xia Bai behind him.

Xia Bai sat on the ground very weakly.

"How could this be?" Ye Zhongming knelt down and touched Xia Bai's face, it was cold, Xia Bai smiled at Ye Zhongming, his bloodless lips looked a little scary.

"Let's talk when we go back." Ye Zhongming picked up his guard commander and led everyone away from here.


Star-eyed clan, Luo She looked at the four people whose right hands were all trampled off, with a gloomy expression.

He asked about the process of the battle in detail, and then let them go down to treat their injuries.

Ba Shilu stood beside him, frowning tightly, and waited until these subordinates left the room before saying, "It's true that Ye Zhongming is very strong, but he shouldn't be that strong, right?"

Luo She lowered her head slightly, and didn't pay attention to her son for a while.

After a while, he said, "Don't the two of you, Xingyan, agree?"

Ba Shilu's body trembled slightly when he heard this, and after pondering for a moment, he said: "Yes, not only them, but everyone who knows disagrees. In fact...Father, no matter what Paobai and Cheng Liujin have done, they They are both Commander Gold and Commander Silver, they control the two most powerful teams in the clan, and they are deeply loved by their subordinates. Even if I want to replace them, I don't think I should be too anxious, I should..."

"Do you think you have plenty of time?" Luoshen moved suddenly, and arrived in front of his son in an instant, holding the bony circle of Ba Shilu's neck with one hand.

"We don't have that much time, don't question my decision." Luoshen's eyes were so fierce that Ba Shilu lowered his head unconsciously.

Letting go of her son, Luo She continued: "It doesn't matter if you don't agree, then just maintain the status quo. It doesn't matter if you agree or not."

Sitting back in the chair again, Luo She continued: "According to that list, call the next ten people to come over. It seems that our strength is still not enough, and we need to be faster."

"Basilu, remember that in any place, any age, any race, power is the only thing you can rely on."


"Tell me, what's going on?" Ye Zhongming asked the weak Xia Bai after he settled down, how many people came from the earth.

It wasn't until Liang Chuyin and others told Ye Zhongming about the situation that Ye Zhongming realized that the problem was a bit tricky.

Xia Bai's evolution is not the same as that of ordinary people. According to what Ye Zhongming said before, she has to some extent separated from the basic evolutionary wheel drawn by the roulette wheel.

Every time she evolves to the next level, she will show differences from ordinary people. The biggest difference is that she no longer needs equipment, the sickle has been integrated with her, and the body armor is beyond the scope of human beings.

But after evolving to Nine Stars this time, Xia Bai woke up after a deep sleep, and did not show any abnormalities at first, but one day, she actually fell into a deep sleep again.

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