Roulette World

Two thousand four hundred twenty-seven something wrong (Part 1)

The Zhizuo sub-clan is a big clan, the kind that is a little far from the super race, but not too big.

Although the Hall Stars are not a top force, they are the backbone. Especially after the Musk Stars began to confront the Hall Stars, their role and status have risen to a certain extent.

This also allowed them to formulate a series of new development plans, including this time the novice battlefield.

They fielded probably the largest lineup other than a few super tycoons.

Thirty people!

In the case of only one or two people participating in some races, thirty people, this is a high cost to obtain high income.

Coincidentally, in addition to them, there is another group of people with a large number of people, but they are not from a certain race, but from an alliance of three races.

Speaking of which, these three races are a bit of a limelight in the Council of Ten Thousand Races, not to say how strong they are, they are actually middle-level races, and they are considered to be relatively strong.

These three races, to say they are the stars of hope, are flattering, and they are usually a little bit famous.

But for these three races, they submitted an application, or a notification is more appropriate.

They want to...combine!

What will become of the merger of three very powerful middle races? A super-rich clan would definitely not be able to do so. The merger of three big clans would make that possible, but the merger of three very strong medium-sized races would definitely lead to a big clan, and it would be a somewhat powerful one.

Even in the system of the myriad races in the universe, the number of great races is actually not many.

This kind of merger is actually not common, because each race is born on a different planet, perhaps thousands of light-years apart from each other, the environment is different, and the nature of life is even more different.

Let such several races merge, there are too many places that are difficult to reconcile.

But these three races seem to ignore this difference at all, that is, they all agree to merge, from the patriarch to the ethnic group, all agree.

Another point that attracted everyone's attention was that they all belonged to the Sioux Alliance.

When the other two camps got the news, their first feeling was that the Sioux were going to make a drastic integration.

It is stronger than the Lena star camp and Hall star camp. There are many races under them, and they have followed them for many, many years, but this rarely happens. Why? It is because racial amalgamation has too much irreconcilability, even if they are the suzerain country, they cannot use coercive means to exert pressure, or they may encounter strong backlash.

But the feeling of indifference given to them by the Sioux camp for so many years is too strong, and the impression is too deep, and they feel that they will continue to be like this. Although this feeling has become weaker and weaker over the past year, it still lingers.

When the three middle-level races united and merged into one big clan, they all believed that the Sioux played a role in it. They didn't know what methods the Sioux used to make these three races give up their strong exclusion in terms of ethnic origin. , and made such a decision.

But the purpose of doing this must be to make the faction stronger. The role played by a big clan and the benefits produced are not comparable to the three middle races.

Regardless of what the other two camps think of the Sioux camp, they also think that the Sioux is a race that can perform miracles, just like the red dwarves of Talos.

So they attach great importance to this big family called "Kolo Seats" after the merger.

This time, the people from Keluo sent a total of fifty people!

For a race like them that usually pursues a strategy of indifference to the world, this is very weird, and it can almost be seen as a signal, a signal to do something.

They sent fifty people this time, and they must have spent a lot of money, so there must be results.

Normally, everyone pays attention to these two races, and it is enough to see who performs well. However, as a rising force in the Hall star camp, the Chisaku sub-race,

Eager to do something to show their loyalty, so the next day, when they ran into the Keluo people, they chose... to attack!

At the beginning of the second day of the novice battlefield, the novice confrontation between the two camps began.

Ye Zhongming was naturally also attracted by the live broadcast of the battle with the key points marked, and spent a little money to cut the live broadcast to the light curtain. At the same time, the secret network also sent the first real-time bet in the first place .

Which one will win in the end, the Chisaku sub-clan or the Kolo seat? The first option is that Zhizuoya wins and wipes out. The second option is that the Keluo people win and wipe out. The third option is that Zhi Zuoya wins, not total annihilation. The fourth option is that the Kolo seat wins, not a total annihilation, and the fifth option is a tie.

The bet is still starting from a million dollars, and the odds are different. The highest is the fifth item, which is a tie.

Ye Zhongming thought for a while, and took out the five million years old money he had just earned that hadn't been warmed up, and put it on the fourth item.

The Kolo seater wins, not total annihilation, odds 1.5.

Ye Zhongming chose the subordinate race of the Sioux to win, but not a complete victory.

Why? First of all, Ye Zhongming knew the Sioux and his affiliated races very well, and the degree of understanding might be comparable to the Sioux themselves.

He knew that among the subordinate races of the Sioux clan, there were masters and powerful clans, but the number was too small. In terms of young people, there were outstanding ones, but the number was also not many.

These people were forced together by the three races. I heard that the Sioux tribe also supported at least five admission tickets.

So the strength of fifty people is not very strong.

Still, they're well equipped.

The Sioux clan's array and Ye Zhongming's equipment are all necessary. Although they are not as exaggerated as the Lenny class, they are all Hongning class bases, and each person still has two sets.

Among them, Ye Zhongming sponsored a set for each person for free, a special kind, and he naturally knew these people.

The number of people is superior, and the equipment is superior. Ye Zhongming is quite optimistic about a few of them. Even if the overall strength is not good, Ye Zhongming bets that they will win.

First, he took a look at Liang Chuyin and the others' situation, and found that the four people in Yunding were choosing a battlefield. They had their eyes on a group of prey. If they killed all of them, they would gain more than 2,000 points.

Seeing how focused they were and the strength of the prey, Ye Zhongming felt that there should be no surprises, so he focused entirely on the novice duel between the two big clans.

The two sides were not polite, and there was no temptation. Since they both decided to make a move, they rushed to fight. In the first second of their official battle, a new gambling game of the dark network was closed.

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