Roulette World

Two thousand four hundred and forty-one close quarters

Zhang Jia was a little unconvinced at first.

Everyone is a genius, and they are all key figures cultivated by their respective clans. Why are you so awesome? If you say come and fight me, you will fight me, if you say life and death, you will live and die?

Who is not a spoiled baby!

So when he went up with a sword, there were reasons why he couldn't avoid it, and there were also reasons why he wanted to fight for his breath.

It's just that when the weapons of the two sides came into contact, a majestic force was transmitted to Zhang Jia's hands through the weapons. Even though he realized that something was wrong and tried his best to concentrate the energy on his hands and arms, he still didn't stop it.

A kind of energy that made the body feel as if it was about to burn broke out directly on Zhang Jia's hands.

There were dozens of large and small openings on one hand, and blood spurted out from inside, staining the weapons that both sides were leaving red.

As soon as he came up, Zhang Jia was hit hard.

"You are not as strong as me."

Dong Chi's body fell to the ground, and as he said this, he kept moving, twisted his body, and the stick in his left hand slammed towards Zhang Jia.

The distance was actually not enough. Normally, even the length of the arm and the stick together would not be able to reach Zhang Jia who took two steps back. A huge arc was drawn towards the opponent.

If you follow this trajectory, the stick will land on Zhang Jia's chest.

Aren't you fucking good at close combat? A sentence flashed in Zhang Jia's mind, holding the saber with both hands covered in blood, and picking it up diagonally, the tip of the saber just hit the front end of the stick, and directly lifted the latter into the sky.

The Musk star and Ye Zhongming are allies. Zhang Jia, as the genius of the clan, naturally uses a Lenny-level weapon, which is the only Lenny-level weapon on his body.

But just as he was picking up the flying stick, he saw another black shadow approaching from the corner of his eye.

One of Zhang Jia's hands left the saber and swung it vigorously. The blood on it turned into a bullet-like existence and rushed towards the black shadow. side deviated.

That was Dongchi's other iron rod.

However, this black shadow was no longer threatening for the time being, and a bigger black shadow approached.

Dongzhi's thick body approached, and his fists kept expanding in front of Zhang Jia's eyes.

Before the light curtain, many people began to sigh.

I think it's really a wrong step, a wrong step, this Zhang Jia has been passive since the beginning of the defense, and has been attacked continuously, and now it seems that he can't slow down, the position of his weapon and the movement of his body at the moment can't defend This punch.

At the same time, I also highly appreciate Dong Zhi's ability to grasp opportunities, as well as the momentum and coherence shown during the battle.

At this level, it is very rare to have such an excellent view of the overall battle situation.

Even the tablet seal nodded slightly.

He just wants to train Zhang Jia, but Zhang Jia in this period is really not qualified to be taught by him personally, and even the stele seal does not even understand his style. So if the child in the clan can't come up with anything, today's battle will really come to an end, and losing to such an opponent is not a grievance.

But Zhang Jia disagreed, he was indeed passive, when he saw this fist, it was the same as the first misjudgment, knowing that he couldn't dodge completely, so he didn't dodge at all, and the saber in his hand cut directly at Dong Chi's body.

If he was hit by this punch, then before he flew out, his knife would definitely be able to slash on Dong Chi's body.

Indeed, the armor on the opposite side was very good, Hongning-level, but his saber was even better, Lenny-level, Zhang Jia believed that he could break through the defense and leave a deep wound on the opponent's body.

As for the extent to which it can be injured depends on luck, perhaps it can greatly reduce Dongzhi's subsequent combat effectiveness.

In any case, it will be at least a moderate injury.

This is the best response Zhang Jia can think of in an instant.

Many also applauded his toughness.

Dong Chi was also a little surprised, he thought that Zhang Jia would choose to jump backward like other people who encountered this situation, but he didn't expect to choose to trade injuries for injuries.

His fist did not retract, but slightly adjusted its direction to the side, which made his whole body tilted a little, in the same direction as the direction the sword was coming from, but at a slightly slower speed.

It seemed that Dongzhi's fist was crooked, his body was tilted, and he was even visually falling to one side, but the next moment, the saber that should have been cut on him paused and then 'landed' on his armor .

The live broadcast is very clear, and even the sound can be transmitted, but the monitoring equipment cannot be attached to the two sides after all. It is the combination of high-altitude and surrounding imaging, and many details cannot be clearly captured, especially this kind of Personal combat.

So what people see now is that Dongchi's fist missed Zhang Jia, and although Zhang Jia's knife hit Dongchi, it didn't seem to break through the defense, and even the sound of cutting on the armor was extremely small.

Only a lot of masters deduced what happened just now from the actions of the two people.

Dong Chi seems to be an upright boy, and maybe he is indeed like this in some things, but he is very measured when fighting, and he has a good grasp of the battlefield.

He punched sideways, all in order to ensure that the speed of his body tilting was almost the same as the speed of the saber, but slightly slower. He used this extreme control of his body and power to 'stop' the saber on his body, Instead of letting it cut in.

This is similar to using the feet to stop a high-altitude ball when playing football, and there are some techniques for unloading force.

Dongchi used this ingenious way to disarm Zhang Jia's attack. The arm on this side dropped and clamped the saber, and then the other hand punched Zhang Jia's neck again.

With a series of attacks, Dong Chi's offensive rhythm has not changed at all, and he still maintains the initiative.

Zhang Jia twitched when the saber was clamped, and he could pull it out a little, but it took ten seconds to pull it out completely, and ten seconds was enough for him to be beaten to the ground several times.

Seeing Dongzhi's fist again, Zhang Jia resolutely gave up drawing the knife, and raised his hands that were around his waist suddenly, and at the same time tilted his head back, pushing Dongzhi's fist up and down within a few millimeters. go.

At the same time, because the fist was upward, Dong Zhi's body tilted forward a little due to inertia. The moment Zhang Jia stretched his arms, his head, which was tilted back and thought it was avoiding the fist, slammed down hard in front of him.

Dong Chi's body moved forward so that Zhang Jia's head hammer directly hit the position between the shoulder and neck, and there was a bang.

Dong Chi's body leaned back, but his shoulders shrank subconsciously. The severe pain made him turn pale, his arms opened, and the saber fell towards the ground.

Zhang Jia's forehead and nose were covered with blood, and his eyes were briefly confused, but his raised hands fell down, and one hand instinctively held the unbound sword.

The weapon returned to his hands.

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