Roulette World

Two thousand four hundred and forty-five

While Chabinger was fighting with the Sioux team, the Genting group of four also ushered in the largest solo hunt since entering the novice battlefield.

The reason was simply because of a sentence from Hades.

After an ordinary hunt, Yan Wangshu suddenly told the other members of the team that he had an ability that he wanted to test.

Regarding this, neither Liang Chuyin, who was in charge of the command, nor Xia Bai, who was fighting for sex, had any objections. As for Gao Yi, he really had no status in front of the three women.

An hour later, the four selected a group of 300 mutated beings as targets.

The reason why such a large number of mutated life forms were found was because this amount of prey group was beyond the reach of ordinary teams. The second reason is that the location of this group of prey is relatively remote. If you want to get here, the road is very difficult. Not to mention, you have to go back the same way after hunting.

In this way, the hunting efficiency will definitely not be too high, but for the Genting foursome who want to experiment with new abilities, this place is perfect.

Yan Wangshu asked the others to stay aside first. She walked directly to the prey by herself. After these mutated beings found her and were successfully irritated, they rushed over in a swarm.

Yan Wangshu was extremely calm, and when these mutated beings were less than 30 meters away from her, she opened her arms gracefully, and began to flap her arms continuously, just like learning how to fly with bird life.

Following her movements, countless translucent leaves appeared in front of her. These leaves were irregular ovals with clear lines, and on the edges were small, dense and sharp enough curved blades.

These leaves formed a wall of leaves in front of the Hades Tree, and the prey that rushed in at the front crashed in. The sound of body tissues being cut was heard, and at least a dozen of the prey were cut all over their bodies because they couldn't stop their bodies. . He could only slump to the ground and howl constantly.

Seeing this situation, the other mutated beings who stopped at the back immediately split into two parts, and continued to rush forward from left and right directions.

The green leaf wall controlled by Yan Wangshu moved at this time. They are like rotating gears, rushing into the two groups of mutant lives overwhelmingly.

For a moment, the voices separating the flesh and blood almost became a string!

This situation lasted for about two minutes. When the last energy leaf disappeared, the number of mutated beings still standing in the field could be counted on one hand.

Yan Wangshu lowered his arms at this time, indicating that the other three can enter the field to harvest.

After being attacked by the skill of Yan Wangshu, the number of mutated life groups actually died was not many, only about forty or fifty.

Most of the others were just injured, with countless cuts all over their bodies, not only lost their fighting ability, but also lost most of their mobility.

"Miss Luoluo, big move!" Gao Yi excitedly killed those mutated beings who fell on the ground and could only scream, and watched his points continue to increase, and said happily to Yan Wangshu.

"It's a bit like the nature of the world." Xia Bai was just cleaning up the mutated life around the Yama tree. She could tell that the Yama tree was quite exhausted. After hearing Gao Yi's words, she tilted her head and asked.

This ability is indeed very similar to the powerful group attack skill Tianxia used after Yan Wangshu became the main body. It's just that the range seems to be smaller.

The attack power is also weaker.

Yan Wangshu nodded after hearing this, and said: "I have been giving you assistance these days. I always feel that it is too inefficient just to bind into the target. The lives here are not those on the earth that are much lower than ours. Once the body cannot move , basically can only be slaughtered by us. These guys. Even if they stand still, they can always cause us a lot of trouble. This makes us only choose a group of less than a hundred to start. I think it is too slow. So I I just improved the nature of the world, reduced its power, and didn't have to change back to the main body to release it. Anyway, it's just a support, so there's no need to do that. Just let them lose most of their combat power."

The others nodded, knowing that this was a quick way to gain points. The three of them naturally knew something about the world, and they knew that it was a powerful trick. It's just that the disadvantages are also obvious, that is, it consumes a lot of energy. It's the bottom of the Yama tree. Even with the current improved trick, the Yama technique is actually far less easy to use than it seems.

From the end of the battle to the completion of harvesting, Yan Wangshu has been standing still, and has been recovering through her special ability.

Fortunately, the lush vegetation here is the natural home of Yama tree, and it will be completely restored after 20 minutes.

The four left while looking at the standings. It was found that their rankings rose rapidly.

Gao Yi asked slightly worried: "Will this affect the boss's plan?"

Liang Chuyin thought for a while and said, "Although it is slightly earlier, the impact should not be great. I even think that if we can make the ranking higher, the effect will be better. There must be many people who can't see us making such a triumphant progress. "

"The boss probably just didn't want us to be under so much pressure in the first place."

Gao Yi walked while looking ahead and said.

Xia Bai nodded in agreement with what Gao Yi said.

But there was a gleam in her eyes, "Maybe we will be under more pressure at the beginning, but it will also be easier in the end."

Liang Chuyin smiled and said, "I don't think there's anything wrong with us. It's just that our allies have suffered a little. I hope they can get as many points as possible in the first two cycles."

After finishing speaking, Liang Chuyin thought for a while and said, "Actually, they only need to guarantee that they won't be eliminated by the last place. After they get out, Zhong Ming should compensate them. If that's the case, let's not worry so much, Luoluo, just now Can the power of that ability be made smaller? The consumption is not so large, and the recovery time is shorter, try to keep it within ten minutes."

Yan Wang nodded several times, "Yes."

"That's good." Liang Chuying nodded forward, "Let's all rank in the top 100 before the end of this cycle, preferably in the top 50!"

The next thing is good. Many people who are paying attention to the standings have found that the points of these people who belong to the Star Eye Clan have started to soar. When the last day of the second cycle is about to end, Liang Chuyin with the highest points has already entered Among the top 50, Gao Yi, who had the lowest points, also came to the 132nd place.

Because of the high points of the four of them, the star-eyed tribe suddenly entered the top ten race rankings.

Even if it didn't meet the expectations of several people, this result and this speed are enough to make everyone look sideways.

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