Roulette World

Two thousand four hundred and forty-nine Yale House

Yao Hansu nodded: "Yes, it is also one of the most famous ones. I didn't expect it to be in Kunzuo's hands after being missing for dozens of cosmic years."

Ye Zhongming took this thing that was very similar to a flower branch and looked around. There was indeed a very magical power that could be felt. He slightly input a little energy, and the entire jade material immediately became shiny and shiny.

"This kind of weapon follows the idea of ​​a pure roulette system. I always think that the difficulty of manufacturing is more difficult than that of Talos red dwarves combined with technology. Therefore, there are many people who study this aspect, but those who have made breakthroughs Not many. Many people rely on the technology of the dwarves as they walk, after all, there are traces to follow, and many times it will be... a little easier."

Huozhi sighed a little, he is a foreigner, not a native of the Su tribe, he used to want to take the manufacturing route, it was the Yaohansu family who recognized him and let him start contacting formations.

Temporarily dispelling these long-standing memories, Huozhi continued: "The current state of Yalefu belongs to it... how should I put it, it is in a state of standby or waiting for war."

Ye Zhongming was a little surprised when he heard this. Generally speaking, after any equipment establishes contact with him, there will be some feedback to him, but this thing has nothing at all.

"This kind of standby state can also be used for combat. The effect is about the same as that of a Lenny-level weapon. It is extremely strong, has good attack power, and has two outstanding abilities."

"The first one is called point kill, that is, the top of the flower branch has almost three times the attack power of itself, even when the attack power is used to attach it to the weapon, it will also exert three times the original power, although no matter it is consumed The energy or cooling time will also be tripled, but because the ability is too strong, basically using it will achieve good results, so it is called a spot kill."

Ye Zhongming was very moved when he heard this. He actually likes this kind of simple and rude attack, which directly triples the attack power. If this is held in his hand, how powerful it is!

However, he immediately thought of something, this equipment was taken out from Kunzuo's space equipment, and Kunzuo killed it himself, so why didn't Kunzuo use this to deal with him?

"Are there any restrictions?" Ye Zhongming asked.

Yao Hansu gave Ye Zhongming an approving look, and said, "Of course, otherwise, wouldn't this thing be invincible in the hands of our peak masters. This spot kill ability has gone through many tests, and Fu Leila can bear it." The limit is 130,000 leiras."

"I heard that in order to test this limit value, this piece of equipment was worn out three times and repaired three times. The time span was more than twenty years, because some materials are particularly difficult to find."

The inscription adds a piece of information.

Ye Zhongming was very emotional, it was not easy to complete this piece of equipment.

However, Fu Leila is less than 130,000, no wonder Kunzuo doesn't use it, because he can't use it, and once it is used, it will be broken!

But he can still use it. This triple ability even gives Ye Zhongming the ability to compete with some senior experts.

"The second ability is called Luoxia."

"This is a passive ability that will allow the user to have a peaceful mind, a stable state, and a keen sense of non-sensitivity during battle. It also provides double resistance to fire and mental power."

Huozhi finished talking about the two abilities of Yalefu in the standby state, and started to let Ye Zhongming continue to output energy into it,

At the beginning, Ye Zhongming didn't know why, but after inputting a lot of energy, it seemed that a threshold was reached, and the branches began to change, and the top suddenly became full of vitality, and many flowers bloomed.

To be honest, this scene is very beautiful and moving, and it is pleasing to the eyes of everyone who is seeing it for the first time.

"This should be the second state of Yalefu. It is usually called Ninghua. Oh, by the way, the scientific name of the first state is not called waiting for war, but is called Linshi."

Huozhi looked at this piece of equipment with a very elegant name and posture, and was also filled with admiration, thinking that the person who can create such a piece of equipment must be full of romantic feelings in his heart.

"In the condensed state, this piece of equipment also has two abilities. The first one is Luoxiang."

"The user can let the flowers on the equipment emit a burst of fragrance, forming a unique field around them. Fighting in this field, the user will get a bonus in terms of physical fitness, while the opponent will be slightly poisoned, causing such things as weakness, Negative states such as dizziness and nausea, although not so serious, but falling into this state in battle will basically fall into a passive state."

"Using Luoxiang, in addition to consuming energy at the beginning, maintaining this field requires constant consumption of mental power."

Ye Zhongming nodded after hearing this. This is normal. If you use such an ability that buffs yourself and reduces the enemy's overflow, it is almost impossible to miss, but you don't need to pay anything, then it is too against the rules.

"The second ability, blooming pistil, when using the second form of condensed flower to fight, there will be invisible particles scattered around, because the dispersion process is not controlled by the user, so it will show a random distribution state, these particles are in the There will be no effect when it is not activated. Once activated by the user, the life marked by the user will immediately absorb the particles around the body, remove the negative state, and get a certain degree of enhancement in strength and agility. The magnitude of the enhancement depends on how long the pistils are open and how many particles are available around the body for absorption."

"The unmarked target will also absorb the surrounding particles, but will not have any gain, but will fall into a disease state, with symptoms such as strong dizziness, vomiting blood, severe pain, weakness, etc. The strength of the symptoms is also related to how much it absorbs. Particles are related, and it is also related to its own resistance."

Huozhi finished talking about the second form in one breath, and continued to talk about the third form without stopping.

"See the sunken lines on it?" Huozhi pointed to Yalefu who was already in the second form and said: "Once the user's blood is covered with these lines and has passed the first and second states, then It will make Yalefu enter its ultimate state, which is the third form, Lanfeng."

"In this state, there are also two abilities. The first one is starfall. As the user uses this equipment to attack the target, energy stars will continuously descend into the world one by one. Except the user and the target For all other marked lives, the attack targets are random, but each star attack is very powerful, roughly equivalent to a blow from a master."

"And this ability can last forever, as long as you have enough blood." Huozhi tapped the concave lines on it.

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