Roulette World

Two thousand four hundred and fifty-fifth Genting Department debut (4)

The team of about 20 people slowed down after entering the grass.

They saw the Genting quartet in the opposite distance.

Of the four people, the only male was standing in front holding a large shield, and the one holding a belt-like weapon and a sickle weapon was standing on both sides behind the man, and the plant assistant was at the end.

This is a formation against the enemy.

Since the other party had no intention of escaping, they naturally would not rush to catch up. Instead, they quickly adjusted their formation, then slowly approached, and stopped about 50 meters away from the Yunding group of four.

This is a distance they think is relatively safe, a distance that can avoid that horrible plant-type auxiliary ability.

The two sides did not say anything like get out and surrender like when the two teams were attacked before. Everyone knows each other's purpose, so there is no need to say those nonsense, but there is one sentence, the leader of this team still has to tell Genting four group of people.

"Wait a while and you will die miserably, because this is a gift from Ames to Ye Zhongming."

What he looked at was Liang Chuyin.

The net red girl just turned her head to the side, with a smile on her face, and did not express anything for the rest.

"You may not know that you're going to..."

"You talk too much." Liang Chuyin suddenly interrupted this in a cold voice and continued.

"It doesn't matter to me what you think. With me, you are all dead." Halfway through Liang Chuyin's words, her body suddenly jumped into the sky. The height caused all the lives present to appear. An illusion, an unbelievable illusion.

How could they jump so high at their level without the help of external force?

They are very sure that this is not a certain skill, but just jumping upwards in place relying on their own agility.

At most, it is a step forward to borrow strength!

After Liang Chuyin jumped into the air, the group reacted after being startled for a moment. Everyone's weapons were already in their hands, and they looked at Liang Chuyin, their abilities ready to go. Some stared at Xia Bai Gaoyi and Yan Wangshu vigilantly, preparing to deal with their attack.

It's just that no matter whether it was Xia Bai, Gao Yi or Yan Wangshu, they didn't move, they just stood there, and above their heads was Liang Chuyin who had risen to the highest point.

At that moment, the embroidered belt of the net red girl ball seemed to be full of energy when it reached the highest point, wrapping her whole body in it, forming a ball of embroidered ribbon.

Liang Chuyin didn't use a skill just now, but now, it's obviously a skill.

Two lingering cold lights rose from the ground and imprinted on Xiu's dribble in an instant, and someone in the team made a move.

However, the place where Xiu dribbled the ball was hit was only sunken inward, and it returned to its original shape between breaths.

This made many people slightly taken aback.

They knew that the Genting group of four was very strong, but no matter how strong they were, they were no stronger than two thousand Fu Leila. The two people who attacked just now were also of this level. Under the same level of attack, or two attacks, can they be completely harmless?

They don't believe that this is a crushing of strength, Skill?

While they were in a daze, Liang Chuyin, who was high above the sky, began to fall,

She dribbled the ball wrapped in a show, and smashed it towards the place where the team was.


The face of the person who spoke just now changed greatly, and he roared to make the others disperse. He already felt that something was not right.

The others immediately dispersed to the surroundings, completely ignoring the formation and the like.

Liang Chuyin can block the full blows of two opponents at the same level with his weird dribbling, but they can't.

But they only took two steps outward, and their bodies felt the pull back!

These people lowered their heads and saw that the short grass that was originally at their feet had grown a lot at some point, and it was now wrapping around each of their ankles.

Everyone can feel that the confinement of these grass blades is actually not strong, they can tear them apart with force or with the weapons in their hands.

But is it too late now? It was too late, because Liang Chuyin, who had turned into a show dribbler, smashed down from the air.


With a loud sound, Liang Chuyin smashed into the center of these people, causing a big hole to appear on the ground. The energy, scattered soil and huge impact caused all the people in the invading team to fly upside down in all directions. .

During this process, many people wanted to understand one thing.

Even though they were already fifty meters away from the opponent, they still did not escape the control.

They also wanted to understand why they didn't discover this kind of control in advance, because the terrifying assistant in Yunding didn't use the familiar rattan, but just made the short grass grow longer, and the longer grass didn't tie their ankles directly. Instead, a circle was made around the ankle, keeping a certain distance, and not sticking to their equipment.

When Liang Chuyin knocked down the others from the air and began to dodge, he happened to stumble into these short grass circles that became longer and longer.

Passive, too passive!

Although they are all novices of various races, they are experienced in hundreds of battles. Just these few confrontations, they were almost not suffocated to death.

Except for the two attacks at the beginning, they didn't send out a single attack.

Liang Chuyin was in the big pit on the ground, surrounded by enemies flying upside down. Some enemies were injured by the huge impact, and many of them vomited blood.

But this is not the end of this attack. Liang Chuyin's embroidered belts that made her body disappear suddenly exploded, and each one was covered with that kind of exquisite sphere. The embroidered belts were no longer soft, but changed. It was straight and firm, and with Liang Chuyin as the core, it shot towards all directions.

bang bang bang bang...

A series of sounds came to my ears, it was the sound of the 'ball' on the ball embroidery tape hitting these people's bodies, followed by screams and spilled blood.

Many people who saw this scene in front of the light curtain involuntarily twitched the corners of their mouths, because Liang Chuyin penetrated the bodies of seven people, and now she is like a huge hedgehog, with ball embroidery tapes one by one. A thorn with seven corpses hanging from it.

After the bang bang and almost simultaneous screams, a second wave of shouts erupted. Some people who had fallen to the ground looked and found that the woman with the black scythe had arrived at the battlefield at some point. When they looked up, , happened to see her cut off the heads of two companions who hadn't landed yet.

Just as they were about to stand still, they felt a violent cold wind blowing around them. Many people could only dodge with their senses. The next second, the place where they were was splashed with mud drawn by thick vines.

After evading, those who were still alive hurriedly stood up and re-formed the formation. This process was very short, only a few seconds, which made them stunned for a while. They just felt lucky when they were still in shock, but they were interrupted by a roar. his dream.

Gao Yi with a huge shield rushed into their team, the formation that had just stood was broken up again, and these people were thrown into the air for the second time.

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