Roulette World

2471 Who is the prey? (superior)

Chapter 2471 Who is the prey? (superior)

"Let's fight first this time." After Dong Chi entered, he said so to the Genting four.

Although he is very obsessed with fighting and usually looks very stupid, it doesn't mean that Dong Chi doesn't understand anything. When he saw so many people following, he knew who their targets were.

Genting foursome, this cycle is not easy.

So Dong Chi said to fight first, because he was afraid that he would not be able to fight until the end.

Liang Chuyin looked at Xia Bai.

Although she has always been in charge, she still respects Xia Bai's wishes when fighting alone.

If Xia Bai said to fight, then he would fight, if he said not to fight, then he would not fight.

As for promises and the like, Liang Chuyin didn't care at all.

Nothing is more important than the life of Genting people, this is what Ye Zhongming instilled in every Genting people very early on.

Xia Bai didn't look at Dongchi, but looked back at Liang Chuyin and said, "Do you have to fight?"

"Yes, we must fight, you agreed." Dong Chi said over there, fearing that the people in Yunding would regret it.

The net red girl shrugged, meaning you can figure it out.

"Then, let's fight at the end." After Xia Bai finished speaking, he turned around and looked at the unique swamp terrain in District 68.

This kind of terrain is actually very unfavorable for team combat, and even has great restrictions on every life. Even if the universe is not ordinary life, this swamp is not ordinary swamp.

For Xia Bai, the more dangerous the place, the more excited she was.

This time, without waiting for any signal from Liang Chuyin, Xia Bai walked forward first.


"She has a lot of character, what's her strength?" Yao Hansu looked at Xia Bai admiringly, and casually asked Ye Zhongming beside him.

Ye Zhongming thought for a while and said, "He and Hatsune have their own merits. Hatsune is stronger in group battles, and Xia Bai is stronger in personal combat. As for how much stronger, I don't know."

The inscription raised eyebrows.

He didn't believe that people like Ye Zhongming would not even know the strength of the men who had been carefully selected to come to the universe.

Ye Zhongming really didn't lie to him, the current Xia Bai paid Leila nearly 2,000 at the beginning of the novice battlefield, but he really didn't know to what extent her combat power could reach.

The group of people in the library palace is the group with the most profound knowledge, the most methods, and the most secrets that Ye Zhongming has ever seen. Moreover, Ye Zhongming also believes that they are the group of people who can create the most miracles.

As the apprentice of the leader of the group, Xia Bai may only receive a little bit of benefits now, but that is no longer comprehensible to others.

"The energy in your body has stabilized a lot." Said the tablet without looking for the reason.


"A lot of people came with us. Their purpose should be very clear, but they disappeared after they came in." Liang Chuyin and the four members of Yunding squatted in a bush, staring at the quagmire in front of them, and said softly.

After entering the sixty-eighth area, the members of the Genting Department decided to focus on hunting after an agreement. They had studied the life in this area before, and some of them were quite suitable for them.

Now, the team of about a hundred people went to the side to drive some life to this side, so as to attract a kind of parasite in the quagmire in front - thunder ants.

Each of these prey has more than 500 points. Looking at the size of the quagmire, it is estimated that there are hundreds of them here. With 50,000 points, there are hundreds of points for everyone. This is not a multi-race bonus, and if it goes well, the hunt will be over in an hour or two, and the overall cost performance is very high.

"Knowing that Miss Lolo is here, we have always selected areas where Miss Lolo can play a role, so even if they attack, they will be ready before attacking."

Gao Yi raised his shield slightly. He had already heard a faint sound coming from a distance. It should be that there had already started to move.

A long two-finger-wide blade of grass slowly rose from Gao Yi's face, and patted his shoulder twice.

Yan Wangshu said that your name, Miss Luoluo, sounds very nice.

"It doesn't matter who they are, it doesn't matter who comes, let's start." Liang Chuyin slowly laid down the ball embroidered belt, and she was ready to attack.

When the voice from the other side could be clearly heard, she suddenly flew out from her hiding place and launched an attack on the quagmire.

Dozens of ball embroidery belts were put together, each spaced at equal distances, and together they were several meters thick. They bombarded in the center of the quagmire, bursting out a sky full of mud.

A vine came across the sky, Liang Chuyin just stepped on it, changed direction and flew to one side, during the same attack as before.

By the time Liang Chuyin returned to the edge of the quagmire, she had already bombarded the quagmire five times.

The mud splashed high, and when it fell, it was like a heavy rain.

By nature, he likes to sleep in the mud during the day, and the thunder ants who came out to hunt at night came out of the water angrily.

In the surrounding area, no one dares to challenge them.

They have extremely fast movement speed on the ground and water surface, hard and sharp thorns on the legs, teeth, tail, and the whole body, as well as the terrifying ability to speed up the healing speed by sucking the blood of other lives, all of which make these parasites no one around. any natural enemy.

Unless you encounter those very difficult beings on this planet, Lei Ma can almost walk sideways.

If it weren't for their average reproductive ability, perhaps it would be possible to dominate the entire planet.

Now that their habitat was attacked by humans, this group of thunder ants rushed out without even trying, intending to teach some lessons to the short-sighted beings.

It's just that as soon as they came out, they were doused with muddy water.

The thunder ants already lived in the quagmire, so they were naturally not afraid of this, but their vision and perception were still affected.

When they quickly moved out of the range of the muddy water, they found a group of rough-skinned and thick-skinned wild beasts running towards them not far away.

This thing is not very powerful in combat, but it has good defense and brute strength. Few beings who are usually rampant can deal with them.

In addition, the meat of these giant beasts is extremely unpalatable, and the blood is not lightly toxic, so even if some lives can kill them, they are unwilling to do useless work.

This includes Lei Ma.

It's hard for them to kill these guys, but they can definitely do it.

The vast majority of life has a strong sense of territory, including parasites. Lei Ma doesn't care who is provoking them, no matter who it is, as long as they violate their territory, they will be killed.

So they let out a piercing cry, and rushed towards the Desolation Beast, which should be a family of five.

The lifestyle of a male and female partner and cubs is one of the wishes of the desolate beast, not the overlord.

Two completely different lives collided together.

Even though Lei Ma's body is only a quarter of that of the Desolation Beast, the former is very ferocious and fearless at all. The largest males actually confronted the Desolation Beast just like that. Only then did the same kind spread over and surrounded the five desolate beasts.

At least from now on, this plan to divert disasters to the east should be a success.

It's just that Yan Wangshu suddenly looked sideways and said, "Over there, twenty two people."

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