Roulette World

Two thousand four hundred and seventy-six demigods

"The world in my eyes has changed."

Ye Zhongming measured the consumption speed of his mental power and found that it was extremely slow. He thought that after the connection was established, he didn't do anything else, so that's why it happened.

This made him feel relieved and continued to maintain this state.

The three peak masters and others listened intently.

"Everything is energy, maybe it's my true feeling at the moment."

"Everything is out of balance."

"Precise, yet evacuated..."


The others were naturally confused. Only the three peak masters didn't quite understand, but they all looked thoughtful. Combined with their own experience, they probably understood what Ye Zhongming was talking about.

It's just that I don't fully understand that the front is okay, but what does it mean to be extendable?

The eyes of the three couldn't help but constantly patrol the aircraft, as if they wanted to find the so-called extension.

Ye Zhongming didn't explain it, and he couldn't explain it. At this moment, he had some superficial groping for the rules, but also the slightest excitement that came with it, and at the same time, some dangerous impulses.

Because there is still one third of the mental power left, and the consumption is extremely slow. Even when Ye Zhongming is in a quiet state, not only does this consumption stop, but the mental power is still slowly recovering. The specialties in this aspect have caused this extremely fast recovery speed.

In such a situation, Ye Zhongming will inevitably want to go further, as if sometimes, when you reach the door, you can't just dawdle.

So he slowly continued to input some mental power into it, and Ye Zhongming then discovered something different.

He saw some other brand new dotted lines, just emerging.

The previous virtual dots represent not virtual things, but real things, but these new dotted lines are not the virtual lines of real things.

What are these?

Ye Zhongming had no clue for a moment.

These dotted lines are roughly the same color, but some are erratic, and the depth of each line is different.

The King of Cloud Top didn't know what it was at the beginning, but he moved his eyes back and forth along these lines,

He found that one side of these lines spread out and drifted in the room, and the other side was actually concentrated in one place.


Ye Zhongming suddenly realized, these dotted lines are signals?

The current Ye Zhongming knows what the signal signals are, but the current communicator is off and not working, so why do these signal dotted lines still exist? There are so many more?

Is it because of... legacy? Then the length of time?

Ye Zhongming knew that it was easy to verify this, just communicate again, Wei Wei moved and ordered someone to do the experiment, and it turned out to be the case.

Ye Zhongming laughed in his heart, thinking that this ability might make him become Sherlock Holmes.

"Zhong Ming, your hand..." Elder Huzhi suddenly called softly.

Everyone immediately moved their eyes to the place where Ye Zhongming was holding the ring.

There was already hidden there, from the wrist to a small part of the ring, now, the hidden part is a little bit more, although it is only a little bit, but the people here have all the eyesight, and they can see every inch of movement.

Ye Zhongming thought for a while, and continued to inject some spiritual power. Sure enough, more parts were hidden.

Everyone was amazed, and at the same time, they were feeling something.

Ye Zhongming's ability to maintain such a state all the time shows that the power of rules is always there, and they can feel it when they are on the side. Such an opportunity is rare.

Ye Zhongming, who thought he was about to stop, couldn't stop now. He really wanted to see if he could be hidden.

He began to intensify the injection of spiritual power, and soon his arms were completely invisible, followed by his legs, and in the end, when only the eyes were exposed, everyone felt very weird.

Even the three peak masters couldn't feel the presence of a person there when they didn't deliberately investigate.

"Is this... the ability of Jie Lian?"

Yao Hansu's eyes were a little straight. When Talos Red Dwarf introduced this piece of equipment, it was not among those abilities.

"Let me verify it." Ye Zhongming checked his mental strength secretly, and found that there was still a lot left, enough for him to completely hide his body, so he wanted to try it.

When he completely entered the invisible state, and even started to move in the hall, making a lot of movements, and so on, asked everyone if they noticed it.

"You can only notice it when you are moving fast, otherwise, you can only spread your mental power to detect it deliberately."

The stele seal said truthfully.

In fact, even if you can detect it, it is still vague. The stele imprint guesses that this is the effect used by Ye Zhongming in the period of great masters. If he is a peak master, then maybe he can really achieve complete invisibility to a certain extent. If no attack is launched, it is estimated that no one will be able to detect it.

"How about consumption?"

This is the problem of Yao Hansu's relationship. He is afraid that Ye Zhongming will have some problems if he tries to be brave, for example, if he can't restore his original state, then the gain will not be worth the loss.

"In addition to the great consumption when making contact, that is, when I hide my body, I need to continuously inject mental power. After I completely disappear, the action is no longer consumed."

In fact, not only is it not consumed, but even with Ye Zhongming's recovery speed, the mental power is gradually increasing. Although the range is not large, it will take a few days to fill it up, but at least it will not be sucked into a mummy.

"It's really amazing." Elder Huzhi sighed beside him.

Now it seems that the magic of the Raging God is really far more than what you have seen before, at least this ring is so.

"It's strange for you to say this. It stands to reason that those dwarves would not hide such things as abilities. One more ability can sell a lot of money, so why didn't they say it?" Yao Hansu asked while pinching his chin. .

The tablet imprint thought for a while, "I don't quite believe that they can make a trap on a piece of Liargod-level equipment, so there is probably only one explanation, that is, the manufacturer didn't make this piece of equipment very clear. , or in other words, he made the success of the Liaoshen class due to luck."

Elder Huozhi nodded, and also agreed with this point of view, "In the era of the three god craftsmen, it sounds really bluffing, but if one of them is just a fluke to create a fierce god level, although it is also a master craftsman, its strength should be comparable to that of a real craftsman." God craftsmen are different."

Although they didn't say anything, the three craftsmen actually put a lot of pressure on the Sioux and the Musk Stars. Once they guessed right, it would be two and a half. It was still scary, but it would be better.

"Huh? Where's Zhongming?" Elder Huozhi just scanned the aircraft around, and found that Ye Zhongming was gone!

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