Roulette World

Two thousand four hundred and eighty-five to clean up the star-eyed family (on)

"The assembly is complete!"

A soldier's voice resounded throughout the Silver Battalion's camp. After hearing the sound, the neat team immediately turned to the camp gate.

It's just that the first team stopped when they arrived at the gate of the camp, causing the people behind to stop there at once.

"Do you know me?" The woman who stopped the people from the Silver Battalion said with a smile.

The leader scratched his head and said with a silly smile, "Sister-in-law."

He is stupid, but it doesn't mean everyone is stupid. The eyes of the people behind him lit up, showing a look of anticipation.

"Sister-in-law, is the boss back?"

Esther Wei smiled and nodded, "He came back with me, but he has some things to deal with now, and you will see later."

The stewards of the Silver Battalion had all come to the front at this time, and after greeting Yserwie, they didn't know what to say. They looked at each other and didn't retreat, nor did they announce the disbandment of the team.

"Sister-in-law, it's like this. We received an order that someone might have sneaked into the Star-Eyed Clan, so we were ordered to check it out. Look, would you like to go to our boss's room to rest, and when we come back..."

Before he could finish speaking, Iserway suddenly asked, "Do you believe me?"

These people didn't know why, but nodded together.

Of course they believed in Iserway, not only because of her status as the princess and future successor of a super wealthy family, but also because of her well-known relationship with the boss of the Silver Camp.

They are lovers now, and they will be a couple in the future.

"Then do you trust your boss?" Estherway asked again with a smile.

This time, the group answered more simply, and they all nodded immediately.

Estherway was happy, knowing that this was a sign of her lover's high prestige, and it also made things she had to do easier.

"Since you believe the two of us, then your boss asked me to tell everyone that from now until he returns here, everyone in the Silver Camp will stay in the camp and not be allowed to go out, no matter what they hear or who they receive order, you can’t move.”

The soldiers of the Silver Battalion looked at each other, not knowing what was going on. But everyone has some bad feeling in their hearts, and they know that maybe something is going to happen.

But are they going to check it out? These people thought for a moment,

don't go.

It wasn't that they were not curious, but that they believed in Yserway more than those new masters who gave them orders.

Of course, if Paobai was standing here now, they wouldn't even hesitate and went back to camp immediately to sleep.

Esther Wei stood in front of the gate of the Silver Camp, very quiet.


Compared with the ignorant Bronze Camp and Silver Camp, the Gold Camp was the quietest because they had already been ordered to become gilt.

It's just that the soldiers of these golden camps are all sitting in front of the camp in armor, and everyone is staring at the gate.

They probably knew what was going to happen, and what their Lord Commander was going to do.

They knew that they were members of the Star Eye tribe first, and then soldiers of the Golden Battalion, so some things the commander could do, but they couldn't.

They will never betray their race.

However, if something happened to Ling Chang... then, don't blame the Golden Camp for being capricious.

Even if that person is a master, he must die!

So they were waiting, quietly waiting.


The three major battalions were quiet, and there was another place where another large-scale combat group was not quiet except for the three major battalions of the alien-eyed tribe.

They have already rushed out of the station and are flying in one direction.

Just like their supreme commander was stopped by Cheng Liujin, they were also stopped less than a kilometer away from their destination.

There were two teams standing in front of them, not many in number, but they recognized them.

"Assault Battalion, Red Makeup Guard!"

Ba Shilu's deputy looked at the two teams in front of them with a gloomy expression, which combined only had more than 1,000 people, with a look of contempt.

Assault Battalion? That was something that he couldn't even stay in the Bronze Camp. Red makeup guards? Some countrymen who dare not even go to the novice battlefield. They are not worthy to stand in front of the patriarch's guard at all.

He raised his weapon and at the same time signaled to his men that they were ready to strike at his command.

"Who let you in? He is a sinner of the Star Eye Clan!"

They are the proud patriarch's guard, an elite composed of geniuses and masters selected from various camps. They have always regarded themselves as the essence of the Star-Eyed Clan.

Even if the person on the opposite side has killed a great master, they are not afraid.

One is because some of them are not too far from the big masters, and everyone is not fighting alone when they are united. The second is that strictly speaking, their number is more than that of the opponent, and their average strength is also much higher, but some of them are on missions or have left the camp and are not there for the time being.

"I put it in."

A voice sounded from the side, and Ba Shilu's deputy looked a little distorted.

"Lan, you are betraying the clan!"

The man of color who was in charge of Ye Zhongming's novice training stood there with some people.

"You guys, hurry over here!"

The deputy yelled at the people behind Lan.

Those people were also members of the patriarch's guard, but they chose to stand behind Lan.

Lan's appearance eased the situation that was about to start immediately.

"They won't pass, because they are awake, but you have closed your eyes, or rather, let yourself close your eyes."

Behind Lan were the few patriarch guards he could win over. Most of these people came from the Golden Camp, especially when Cheng Liujin was in charge.

Cheng Liujin's exploration of Luoshe's secret was indeed discovered, but he was the commander of the Golden Battalion, and he was still a great master. When he was discovered, he naturally found some clues.

Take out such a little thing into gilt and tell others that they will definitely not believe it, but if you tell your former subordinates, there are still some people who are willing to believe it, so now Lan can bring out some people, even if the proportion of these people is less than One-fifth of the total patriarch's guard.

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you anymore, it's not a good thing!" The deputy roared, leading the people towards the opposite enemy.


"I'm really afraid of death. I dare to act only when we get together. But this is also very good, saving me from looking for you one by one."

Pao Bai raised his face, looked at the nine masters opposite and said.

Beside him are the white dragon horse and the tired bird.

"Master Commander, if you don't get out of the way, then we will attack you with all our strength regardless of your position and status in the clan."

"You... are not opponents."

A person appeared out of the crowd, with a bad look on his face.

"Do you bully less people?"

Behind Paobai and the others, Duoduo, patriarch of the Aufu clan who has become a master, rushed over with two other masters who had advanced from the small race in Antiao City.

"Sorry for the late arrival, you Star-eyed Clan's underground palace road is not very familiar." After finishing speaking, the man carrying a giant stick shouted at the opposite side: "We six, fuck you nine!" indivual!"

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