Roulette World

Two thousand four hundred and eighty-eight mossy (on)

Countless green liquid poured down the room like a torrential rain. Luoshen was on the side, each holding a member of the patriarch's guard who was not struggling much.

At this moment, he was very strange, his whole body was drenched with green liquid, his whole body was shiny green, but his eyes turned extremely red.

The slightly viscous liquid couldn't cover his ferocious smile, and at the same time, it couldn't cover Luo She's rigid expression.

"You have only been a master for a few months"

His voice was a little hoarse, looking at Ye Zhongming who had completely disappeared into the black mist, he asked in disbelief.

The black mist is like a bottomless pit, devouring the green rain mercilessly.

At a certain moment, Luo She even had the feeling that Ye Zhongming was also his kind.

"If you tell me, what are these things in the heart, I can answer your questions about my strength growth."

Ye Zhongming didn't transform, but said in the dark mist.

He didn't know whether Luo She's real strength was what he showed now. If so, then there was really no threat to Ye Zhongming. He estimated that this person's Fu Leila was at most 120,000 yuan.

Even Ye Zhongming, who had no strength soared, could deal with him.

What Ye Zhongming wants to know now is what are these green liquids that Luo She made, what are the things in the hearts of those masters who are quickly ripened by the green liquids, and what Ye Zhongming never believed, Luo She has no purpose Back to the matter of the Star-Eye Clan.

Luo She told the two patriarchs of Xingyan that some changes must be made, but Ye Zhongming didn't believe it. If Ye Zhongming wasn't there, it might be reasonable for him to do so, but Ye Zhongming has already arrived, the Star-Eyed Clan has passed the most difficult time, and everything is going well. If Luo She is really for the Star-Eyed Clan, the first choice should be Cooperate with Ye Zhongming, instead of using his extremely high seniority and the status of the two patriarchs as mentors to force them to alienate and break with Ye Zhongming.

A normal person would not do this, unless he has great confidence to do better than Ye Zhongming. However, by relying on this method of ripening great masters, the Star-Eyed Clan can be saved, or the Star-Eyed Clan can continue to triumph without Ye Zhongming

That would be too naive, let's not say that these mass-produced masters are not very useful, even if they are useful, but it still needs more than 90,000 Fuleila people as seeds. The entire star-eyed tribe, more than 90,000 people have been put into the pool by this person, but in fact, only a few were created, and what to do in the future

The ones in the pool now are Fu Leila's who have passed 85,000, or even just passed 80,000, but the results have also seen that some people still can't bear to die, and those who survived are only alive today. who knows later.

In this way, Luo She felt that after Ye Zhongming could be eliminated, he would be able to lead the Star-Eyed Clan to move forward. He probably didn't believe it himself.

Then the conclusion is obvious, Luo She's purpose of coming back is not pure.

And the existence of Ye Zhongming is in his way.

"You don't deserve it" Luo She shook off the two corpses that he had sucked dry, and the moment they were out of his hands, he took out their hearts, squeezed hard, and two green things came out, and he directly Throw it into your mouth and swallow it.

In an instant, the aura on Luoshen's body rose a bit. Although the heavy rain in the room had been absorbed a lot and became sparse,

But the power has actually increased a lot.

Luo She conveniently sucked the other two people into his hands, the ferocity on his face became less, and he gained a bit of confidence that he didn't have just now.

Perhaps it was the power of promotion that gave him the confidence to defeat Ye Zhongming.

"The green liquid can quickly give birth to what's in Fu Leila's heart, and it can be absorbed by life to increase your strength. That's why you came back to the Star-Eyed Clan to make your own strength go further."

Ye Zhongming said so, as if he was summarizing himself, and immediately he said, "No, according to the previous information, your strength is higher than now, so does it mean that the green food you eat can only improve your strength? is temporary"

The reason why Ye Zhongming didn't do anything was because he wanted to record what he saw. Whether it was the two patriarchs or the robes that were white and gilded, he needed to give an explanation to the soldiers and people of the Star-Eyed Clan.

As for himself, he was more interested in Luo She.

Luo She didn't answer, but just like before, he sucked up the two people again, ate the contents, and his strength naturally increased again.

"The four green objects have increased you by about 20,000 Fu Leila." Ye Zhongming measured the increase in Luo She's strength based on the changes in Luo She's power to control the green rain.

If it's someone else, naturally they can't tell anything. Even if they can, it can only be a very rough estimate, and it won't have a general range like Ye Zhongming.

This is mainly due to Ye Zhongming's career as a craftsman and his progress at this stage, which makes him extremely sensitive to changes in energy.

Luo She's surprised look flashed, fierceness appeared in his eyes, his body crossed the pool, and a pair of withered hands stretched into the black mist like the sharp claws of a beast.

"Guy who is in the way, without you, the Star-Eyed Clan would be mine." Luo She hated Ye Zhongming so much at this moment, he poked his hands in and felt that he had caught something, so he suddenly used force, intending to tear it to pieces.

The range of the black mist is not large, and Ye Zhongming's body is hidden inside. With the angle of insertion of Luo She's hands and the range of control, he must be able to catch Ye Zhongming's body.

However, Luo She used it in exchange for a scream, his own scream.

He hurriedly backed away, only to find that his hands were all cut open, and two fingers connected to half of the palm were hanging on the side, as if

If it wasn't for the connection of a piece of flesh, it would have fallen to the ground.

He is very aware of the hardness and sharpness of his hands after absorbing four of those things, even if he is facing a Lenny-level weapon, he won't be injured like this just once.

Regardless of the pain, Luo She jumped into the pool where there was not much green liquid, and invaded it with both hands. The serious injury was recovering quickly, but the green liquid also disappeared at a fast speed.

"The secret seems to be all in these things." Ye Zhongming's figure emerged from behind the black mist under Luo She's incredulous eyes, and there were hands connected with the black mist, and the black mist gradually disappeared, with a strange shape The weapon was exposed, and one hand was held on the weapon.

"Refrain, refrain from incorruptibility" Luo She said, with despair finally appearing in his eyes.

Ye Zhongming's body suddenly disappeared and reappeared suddenly, and Luoshen's body was divided into two halves.

Ye Zhongming took a look, and sliced ​​open Luo She's heart, and sure enough, he also found that green thing, but compared with what he saw before, it was more crystal clear.

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