Roulette World

Two thousand four hundred and ninety in search of holy objects

Xingyan stood in one place, looking ahead from a distance.

From their angle, they could see the brightly lit Antiao City in the distance and the huge and quiet Yunding Manor not far from the city.

"Patriarch, where are we going?"

The patriarch's guard team was defeated by the Bronze Shadow and the Red Makeup Guards, which made these people unable to lift their heads. When the two patriarchs with Star Eyes said they would take them all away, no one hesitated.

In that battle, the opponent may have the advantage in equipment, the advantage of waiting for work, and even a little advantage in numbers. But these are not the reasons for the failure of the Patriarch Guard. Their average pay is dozens of times or more higher than that of their opponents, but they lost.

Yes, although the two patriarchs of Xingyan said later that if they continue to fight, if those Changxu Shui people don't make a move, the patriarch's guard will win. A moment suddenly collapsed.

Many people may die, but they will definitely win.

Of course, if Yu Changxu Shui people made a move, then it would be another situation.

That being said, the members of the patriarch's guard knew that they couldn't comfort themselves like this, and could only bear the result of failure silently.

"Don't call us patriarch." Xingyan said at the same time.

They have given up the title of patriarch and all rights to their daughters. As for the son of Mr. Yan, who has no intention of being the patriarch at all, he is obsessed with manufacturing and cannot extricate himself. If he wants to take the route of a technical official, they will follow him. go.

For the two of them, they are actually losers, and the losers will have to pay the price.

Being away from where they make bad decisions is the price they pay.


"I said, don't call us patriarch in the future."

As the tone of the two of Xingyan became severe, they didn't say anything later.

Master Xing moved her hand, and something appeared in her hand.

Dark tide holy stone! ?

The patriarch guard behind was very excited.

This is a sacred object of the Star-Eyed Clan. It is said that this thing hides the great secret of the Star-Eyed Clan.

This thing was originally on Luo She's body. Later, in order to win the trust of the two people in Xingyan and reassure them, Luo She temporarily gave the Holy Stone of Dark Tide to Xingyan for safekeeping and research.

Now that Luo She is dead, this thing is naturally left behind.

"About my master..." Master Xing didn't continue after half a sentence, but everyone else knew what she meant.

They had already seen the process of Ye Zhongming and Luo She from the dialogue to the battle with the patriarch's guard before, and also saw the tragic situation of several companions who got along with them day and night. It is impossible to say that there is no psychological touch.

It's just that Luo She is dead now, so they don't have to face any difficult choices.

They are all in such a complicated mood, so they can understand the two patriarchs better.

"His return shouldn't be that simple. You have all seen those... the things in his heart. I don't believe that is the purpose of his return. Even if it is, then why is the sacred object that we have disappeared for so many years in his In his hand? How did he get it? Where was he all these years? Why did he come back now?"

"Where did the Dark Tide Saint Stone last appear before it disappeared?" Master Yan asked.

Immediately someone replied: "In the Biermont ancient battlefield, when one of our seniors died in battle and disappeared, the clan also experienced turmoil at that time.

So by the time someone was sent to look for it, it had already disappeared. "

Lord Eye nodded, "In that case, let's start our search from the ancient battlefield of Biermont."


Ye Zhongming went to the Star Eye Clan to stabilize his backyard. It took several days to go back and forth. When he came back, the novice battlefield was unexpectedly calm.

Since the hunting area is very large, even if so many people fill it in, it doesn't seem crowded. Everyone is hunting with all their strength, increasing their points.

Novices with weak strength are very cautious. In order to hunt powerful prey, they will concentrate on making plans, choosing a battlefield, and then attacking. What they pursue is not the final ranking, as long as they survive and not be eliminated by the last place.

For those with strong strength or a large number of people, hunting is more straightforward. After selecting a target, it is basically a strong attack. Even if there is any plan, it is simply to attract and lure the enemy to ambush, without much tactical content.

Their demand for points is great, and they pursue high rankings in the rankings. Only by constantly hunting powerful prey with more points can they meet the requirements.

The Genting Department naturally belongs to the latter. They have basically acted as a whole in the past few days, and the points have been obtained very quickly. They even made a move that surprised many people by hunting a group of thousands of parasites. The 'Three Greens and One Tail Pig' with more than 400 points are ranked within the top 200. Although the individual is not very good, the scale of the group makes novices daunted. starter

But the Yunding Department made a move, and also won a big victory, killing more than 800 of them, and only lost five people.

In this battle, people have more clearly realized the great benefits brought by the top support of Yan Wangshu.

Without her stable control, even if the Genting Department can win, the final casualties will be dozens of people, and it will never be as smooth as it is now.

I don't know how the members of the Genting Department agreed. Their points were not evenly distributed. The members of the minor race alliance basically didn't get much. The points that should have been obtained by them were all given to the Genting Quadruple.

For the novices of the Sioux and Musk Stars who have merged with Yunding and others, the increase in points is normal.

Obviously, as long as it is guaranteed not to be eliminated by the bottom, then the points of the minor races will be obtained by the Genting Four to ensure that they compete for the final ranking.

On the third day after Ye Zhongming came back, even the Sioux and the Musk Stars were giving away points.

It was also from this day that the other three members of the Genting four-member group stopped scoring points crazily, and if possible, they all gave up to Xia Bai.

Obviously, they will join forces to push the Genting quartet to the top of both individual and race.

Now Xia Bai's personal ranking has rushed to the third place.

The star-eyed tribe represented by the Genting four-person group ranked fourth in race!

The number of participants of the Star-Eyed Race is a little less, except for the four of them, the others are very hip, which has caused the disadvantage of the Star-Eyed Race's total points. The new 81 Chinese website is updated the fastest. Computer side:

Now, the ones ahead of them are Hall Star, Talos Red Dwarf, and Lena Star.

"Every race seems to have never happened before. These are all illusions. They are all waiting for the arrival of the last day."

Yao Hansu looked at the light curtain, shook his head slightly and said: "Right now, they are just making sure they don't fall behind. Wait until the last day, what should come will come. After the first battle, everything will be clear and clear, and it will be the finale. "

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