Roulette World

Chapter 21 First-time Career

The pointer rotated back and forth between the two colors of flame red and metallic yellow, making Ye Zhongming's heart go up and down accordingly.

Occupation is very attractive to everyone in the last days. Ye Zhongming is naturally not surprised, because the roulette does not display specific occupation information, so he is a little nervous and looking forward to what occupation he will get next.

Will it still be a shooter? That is the profession I am most familiar with, and if I get it, I can be promoted the fastest. Will it be a powerful summoning class? Or gorgeous magic class? Or a dashing swordsman? A paladin who can fight and resist? hunter? assassin? Boxer? mechanic? Car king?

Once, he exchanged the hard-earned money he had accumulated for a long time for a professional certificate as a shooter, and got a promotion scroll with huge debts. en route.

Now, there is something in front of him that he had to pay a huge price in his previous life, how could he not be excited.

The pointer started to slow down, Ye Zhongming stared at it, and finally, the pointer stayed in the flame red zone.

There was a crackling sound in the equipment box under the three-color roulette, as if something had fallen, and it was as beautiful as a fairy sound.

Ye Zhongming reached out to open the equipment box, only then did he realize that his hands were trembling.

Inside the box was an exquisite certificate in flame red color, which gave off a warm faint glow in the dark night, reflecting Ye Zhongming's excited face red.

After rubbing the certificate for a long time, Ye Zhongming slowly opened the certificate, as if opening a folded high-definition screen, and a line of words appeared on it.

"Congratulations, you have obtained a profession - Glory Craftsman!"

Ye Zhongming trembled all over, and leaned against the roulette feebly. Then, he started to be dazed, and then started giggling alone.

Just smiling, some liquid flowed from the corners of his eyes, and the warmth ran across his cheeks that hadn't become rough, leaving shallow marks.

The contrast between this moment and his previous life is so sharp. This huge gap makes Ye Zhongming unstoppably think of all kinds of past lives. Many blurred pictures become extremely clear in his mind, and many emotions that he has forgotten or even thought to disappear are also Erupt again.

Hardships, hardships, tribulations, fear, confusion, alcohol, confusion, bloodthirsty, greed, numbness, etc., do you want to be like this in this life?

Lifting up the certificate in his hand, Ye Zhongming's unfocused eyes gradually narrowed and became brighter and brighter. In this life, he wants to change his way of life.

Maybe some 'god' created all of this, maybe some 'boss' was manipulating all of this, the earth became a testing ground, or an online game, even if he was resurrected, he was still a pawn in it.

But an unstoppable anger rose in Ye Zhongming's heart.

Yes, maybe I am just a pawn. In the last life, I was insignificant and returned to dust in the end. This life is also the same, but I will never be the same as the previous life! Even if he wants to be a chess piece, he must be the most powerful chess piece! I still have to jump out of the chessboard and take a look, in the end, who the hell is playing with myself and the earth!

Don't let me catch you!

Ye Zhongming let out a low growl and crushed the professional certificate in his hand.

The thing in his hand changed into a professional badge of unknown material and an antique oath scroll.

Ye Zhongming is no stranger to these two things. Occupation badges are symbols of occupations. Each occupation has a different badge. This thing not only represents your occupation, but also represents your occupation level, current occupation level proficiency, occupation promotion certificate, etc.

Occupation level, that is, the process of going from apprentice to primary, ultimate, and advanced through continuous promotion. Of course, there are master, mentor, and extraordinary levels above advanced occupations. Those are just legendary levels. Let alone Ye Zhongming , Even if I heard it, I only occasionally heard it mentioned by the head of the eight-star evolutionary.

Professional proficiency is a state of your professional skills, which is directly related to the number of times of use, the quality of use, and the degree of comprehension. As for the promotion certificate, it is much simpler. When your professional proficiency reaches the full value of the current level, you can use the promotion scroll to upgrade the level.

As for the oath scroll, it is more important. This antique scroll is a 'contract'. If you want to have a job, you must make an oath. Whatever oath you make, you will have a job. Every profession's vows are different.

In addition, the oath parchment will also record in detail the characteristics of the profession, how to use it, and other related information, which is equivalent to the manual.

These two things constitute the doomsday profession. When you trade, you also trade them.


Ye Zhongming was stunned when he saw this profession, and a trace of disappointment flashed across his face.

Because this is an auxiliary profession, it cannot directly improve combat ability and skills. Of course, Ye Zhongming, who is eager to improve his strength, will not be satisfied.

However, Ye Zhongming has heard of the craftsman profession. It should be a very good auxiliary profession. It can make some excellent weapons and equipment. In the previous life, there were some famous craftsmen. The things they made were bought by many people. Ye Zhongming used them. The sniper rifle he owns has been modified by a craftsman, and its power is twice as powerful as the original one. Coupled with the profession of a shooter, this allows him to cause huge damage to targets beyond his own level.

Thinking about it this way, Ye Zhongming felt better. Although what he got was not the main job, he was also a good craftsman. After a higher level, his combat effectiveness was obviously improved.

But, what does the word "glory" mean? When he got the two professions of shooter and swordsman before, he didn't have such a prefix.

To get the answer, he could only make an oath to become this kind of professional. Ye Zhongming didn't hesitate anymore, he opened the oath parchment, and after swearing according to the oath on it, he bit his finger and dripped a few drops of blood on it. The parchment shone with light, and a gentle power opened in Ye Zhongming's mind.

Ye Zhongming, who had the same experience, knew that this was a phenomenon of spiritual power being activated.

If a profession allows you to have relevant abilities, then using this ability requires the consumption of mental power. If the mental power is gone, the professional ability will be useless.

After this power calmed down, Ye Zhongming picked up the professional badge and took a look. The badge, which was originally inconspicuous, became crystal clear at this moment, and some changes appeared on it.

Seeing this change, Ye Zhongming's expression became very strange.

Why does this professional badge look so weird? I saw five different areas appeared on the round badge like a roulette wheel, separated by beautiful patterns, and two traditional characters with different colors appeared in each area, trainee!

Ye Zhongming understands the meaning of trainee. This means that his craftsman level is still trainee, but what do five zones and five trainees mean? In my previous life, my professional badge had only one area, and only one word trainee.

Could this be the meaning of the word glory?

Ye Zhongming continued to look. Based on these faint traditional characters, there is a line of small characters in each area of ​​the badge. The color is the same as that of the word "Apprentice" as the background, and it shows a row of Arabic numerals: 0/100.

This represents proficiency, and reaching 100 means that your profession has reached the pinnacle of the current level and can be promoted to the next stage.

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