Roulette World

2493rd sudden ranking battle (2)

When Xia Bai's figure was still hundreds of meters away from the crystal weaving claws, something whizzed up to the sky.

Many people raised their heads, and their expressions changed after that.

At this level, the only ones who can use thermal weapons and can use thermal weapons to their effect are the red dwarves of Talos.

Xia Bai stopped, at this moment, there was no need to go up again, it's strange, someone robbed him

These five things similar to missiles are the well-known Hongsi medium-range bombs among the universe.

This type of missile also has an alternative nickname, called melee shells, because their range is not far, the farthest is about ten kilometers, not much farther than mortars. And the red dwarves of Talos can control the direction of the explosion of this weapon, even if they are close at hand, they can control it not to affect themselves, so it is named melee shells.

Of course, the power of this thing is definitely enough, otherwise it would not be a threat to the life of Leila below 5,000. Even if he wears Hongning level equipment, this threat still exists, at most, he will be injured without dying.

The red dwarves of Talos once did experiments by themselves. Under the bombardment of the Hongsi intermediate bomb, at least Lenny-level equipment is required in the center of the explosion to ensure that they will not be severely damaged. To be severely damaged.

No matter how many people hate these dwarves, their technology, creativity and perseverance in manufacturing are indeed unmatched and worthy of respect.

Xia Bai didn't go there because she knew that it would be too late to go now, and she would be injured by the five Hongsi medium-level bombs.

It's just that no one saw the black color in her eyes that started to grow stronger.

Everyone from the Yunding department stood beside Xia Bai, watching the five Hongsi mid-level bombs hit the crystal weaving claws, and then a violent explosion occurred in a small area around them. Very bad, even including Dong Chi.

Looting monsters is a very, very disgusting thing no matter any time, any place, any race, or in reality or in games.

Everyone knew that the points they got were gone, and the situation where Yunding and Xia Bai won the first place was ruined. If you want to fight for the first place, there is only one last path left, and that path is full of dangers, and many people must sacrifice their lives.

But at this time, everyone can't help but not work hard and not attack, because others obviously won't let them go, otherwise they won't come to fight for monsters. Since they are going to fight, it seems that there is nothing wrong with taking the initiative.

These people's beliefs were thus strengthened. Liang Chuyin took a step forward, and everyone's bodies tensed up. When the net red girl rushed out, they also rushed out.

At this time, there is no tactical strategy, nothing more than meeting a narrow road and the brave wins.

On the aircraft, everyone can watch the battle from the perspective of God. At this moment, the two peak masters and Ye Zhongming are very nervous.

The status and combat effectiveness of the Genting Department are actually very good. Before this, even if Dong Chi challenged Liang Chuyin and others, they had never done this, because it was a one-on-one battle after all, and they had the bottom line.

But now, it is obvious that if nothing special happens, the Genting team will face a group battle. In group battles, one of the most critical factors for victory is the number of people. In this regard, the Genting faction is not as good as the other factions.


People from Dark Stripe City, Musk Stars, and Genting Four, there are only more than a hundred people, but the number of hostile forces is the least. more than three hundred

Everyone felt that the Talos red dwarves wanted to compete for part of the power of the universe, and now, these races that had turned to them were proof.

They have obtained so many admission tickets and training places without making a sound. In the previous few cycles, everyone thought that they had seen so many. Who would have thought that there would be such a large number in the end.


In order to prevent the opponent's mid-level Hongsi bomb from being fired again, the members of Yunding separated. They quickly passed the dead crystal weaving claws and saw the enemy they would face.

Between the two sides, there is only a meadow with occasional low shrubs.

The development of the situation after the novice battlefield started, let many people know that there will be a fierce conflict coming, and when the battle really comes, there is still a feeling of blood surging.

In the recent cosmic years, there have been no major wars in the entire universe. They have not encountered any galaxies that need to be conquered with all their strength. Big star for parasites.

Therefore, the bloodthirsty impulse in the hearts of many beings of all races in the universe is being suppressed, and it will only be released slightly in the novice battlefield and planet hunting ground.

This is also the reason why the performance-like gladiatorial fights in the various survivor fortresses of the universe have become more and more popular recently.

The Talos red dwarves naturally also saw the members of the Genting Department, but instead of launching the same charge, they shrank into a very compact defensive formation.

"Don't go directly, surround them and then charge"

Liang Chuyin immediately issued an order after seeing the situation on the other side.

If you rush over directly, there will inevitably be a situation where the members of the Genting Department will gradually gather together, which is the favorite of the Hongsi medium-range bomb, and if you rush over from all directions, even if you are attacked by that weapon, The number of people affected will be much smaller.

The seven Talos red dwarves were surrounded in the center, holding strange-shaped launchers in their hands, and they were looking at each other.

He looked at the Yunding people who were getting closer and closer with hatred.

Sometimes it’s like this, it’s obvious that they went to trouble someone else, but they didn’t succeed, they just defended themselves, broke a trap or trick or attacked, but they seemed to suffer a lot, and felt that they should be let to kill, Let them succeed, if not you are sinners.

The red dwarves of Talos have this kind of mentality. It was like this when they met Ye Zhongming not acting as their agent. It was also like this in the novice battlefield here. They sent Dongchi to kill people. If they didn’t kill them, they blamed them for not let kill.

The development of this kind of mentality is not a matter of a day or two, but it is produced by these dwarfs who have been used to running rampant in the universe for so many years.

Although the mentality of the Talos red dwarves is disgusting, their fighting is indeed much better than other races,

They don't understand the Sioux formation, but they have their own skills.

One of them is naturally weapons and equipment. The launchers in the hands of the seven people raised them and pointed them in all directions. After that, they all pulled the triggers. A small parabola fell around their defensive formation.

The people in Yunding retreated immediately, and the explosion followed.

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