Roulette World

Two thousand four hundred and ninety-seven to see which of you is tougher

"When will you change your habit of eating raw food?" Anumusi said while shaking his head, and looked at it for a while, then reluctantly handed a back leg of the beast to the person in front of him.

The man grinned at Anumius, revealing a mouth full of blood and minced meat.

Anumus shook his head again, lay down on the grass and stopped looking at him.

After a while, the person over there ate a whole hind leg, hiccupped in satisfaction, moved a distance, sat down beside Anumus, looked up at the night sky, and said, "I've seen you I spend most of my time looking at this kind of night sky. It’s okay here, at least it’s real, but you can also watch it on the Survivor Fortress. The fake starry sky doesn’t even change. Aren’t you bothered? It’s used to look at the stars, how did you practice it?”

Anumus smiled, "Brando, just like you think eating raw meat is a habit that is closer to the ancestors of the race, and can also reach their previous heights, I think that looking more at natural celestial bodies is helpful for understanding There are benefits to the rules of the universe."

The man from the Tiezheng clan clicked his tongue twice and said, "You make it sound like Fu Leila has already reached 99,000."

Anumus laughed a few times, then fell silent.

"Are you worried about tomorrow's battle?" Brando ate raw meat, but it didn't mean that he was really a reckless man who drank blood and knew what was on his good friend's mind at this time.

In the past, as a key training target of the Iron Clan, a subordinate race of the Hall Star, Brando was qualified to go to the suzerain race to study or receive training. Through these, he met Anu, a native of the Hall Star. muse.

But at that time, the two only knew each other, at most they admired each other. It wasn't until they got here that the two really became friends in a cycle of getting along.

"Yeah, how can you not be worried." Anumus said that he sat up, looked at the people who were resting or chatting not far away, and said in a lower voice: "You also saw the scoreboard , They should have eaten the red dwarves of Talos. Although those dwarves are not outstanding, they have a lot of people and better equipment. Those who can eat them will definitely not be mediocre. .”

As he spoke, Anumus picked up some grass on the ground, chewed it in his mouth, and then spit it out.

"My master told me that Hall star people should keep a calm mind when facing any situation. If not, they should taste the leaves and grasses, so that the bitter taste inside can keep their minds clear."

"I admit that I didn't pay much attention to them at the beginning. After a cycle, although they are also very good, but I pay more attention to Dongji Zhang Jiaqia and the few dwarves. The top of the cloud... is really too small."

"But now it seems that I should be wrong. Genting's weakness lies in its overall strength, its top figures, and its entire race background. But this does not mean that their newcomers will be weak Go, on the contrary, a small clan like them should pay more attention to the novice battlefield. It is indeed a good way to spend a lot of time and resources to specially train a few people in order to achieve good results in a certain year in the novice battlefield .Looking at it now, they've been successful, haven't they?"

After saying this, Anumius lay down again, as if the bitterness of the weeds made his mind clear about the above things, and he had completed the task.

Brando hummed, and said, "It's very powerful. I heard from a few people who came to our side that although they are not many in number, they are very organized in their advances and retreats in battle.

There are also rich means of attack, especially the four-person team in Yunding, with a clear division of labor, each with their own characteristics, and they fight bravely. The woman named Xia Bai is very fierce. "

He said and glanced at his friend, "I usually don't talk much, but when I fight, I become a different person, a bit like you."

Anumus laughed.

"The one named Liang Chuyin should be their head, but it seems that she is not as powerful as Xia Bai. However, she has a special status. It is said that she was the woman who was the number one novice last year. It is normal to be favored. From the tip of the weapon in her hand, everything is It can be seen from the things made by the stacked bow."

"Stacking bows, it's very troublesome." Hearing what Brando said, Anumusi nodded, but changed the topic: "But it's not too difficult to deal with. When the time comes, let your people not confront her."

Brando agreed, knowing that his friend was planning to consume those stacked bow weapons with his life.

He felt that this should be done. For people of their level, the technique of stacking bows is still too threatening.

"Their team combat is very strong, mainly because of the support of the plant department. To be honest, I have never seen such a versatile support. It will not be easy to deal with tomorrow." Brando said again, he I looked at Anumius next to me, meaning do you have any solution?

"It's good to choose a battlefield where she can't exert much ability, such as desert terrain, or water."

Anumius said indifferently, in his opinion, support is support, and it is true that it is helpful to the team, but it is the fighter with strong attack power that decides the victory or defeat. As for the good support that affects the outcome He felt that it was all because he wasn't strong enough, and he was strong enough to kill everyone, and then kill the support.

"You said it lightly, but now they are number one, and we need to find them. The battlefield is chosen by them, not us."

Brando was somewhat dissatisfied with Anumius' perfunctory attitude.

My friends don't care much about the life and death of members of other races, but Brando can't. He came here to try his best to bring out all the novices of the Tiezheng clan alive. Those people really grew up with him partner.

"Then there is only one way." Anumus looked at the starry sky and said, "Dong Chi wanted to challenge them, and they agreed, and later they defeated Dong Chi. It's fine if we make the same request. .”

Brando thought for a while, "Then what if they don't agree? After all, they are number one on the double rankings, and there is no reason to fight you desperately."

"Yes." Anumus sat up straight, then stood up, looked in a direction, just refreshed the position of the red name, and the cloud top system was over there.

"Most of their helpers are super rich and their affiliated races. The people in Yunding Manor will definitely take care of their lives and deaths. If they don't agree to the challenge and cause a large number of those people to die, after returning, the two super rich will not It will make things easier for Genting."

"Also, don't underestimate the pride and blind confidence of being number one, haha."

"Then you choose Xia Bai?" Brando said silently after hearing this.

"Of course, didn't you say that I look a little like her? Only one person who looks too similar will survive." Anumusi said, "What about you?"

"I choose Gao Yi." Brando replied.

Anumus smiled, "Alright, let's see which of you is tougher."

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