Roulette World

Two thousand five hundred, there is a person who is very similar to you

"Two in One"

When Xia Bai's shadow appeared, it was silent.

Brando didn't notice it at all, and Anumius was in the vine space made by the Hades tree at the moment, so he couldn't find it.

The only ones who could see this scene were those elite fighters who were dragged by Gao Yi and Liang Chuyin.

However, they didn't discover this accident immediately, because Gao Yi and Liang Chuyin brought them unexpected troubles.

Everyone knows that Gao Yi is good at defense. Thanks to Genting's outstanding performance during the entire novice battlefield, everyone has a full understanding of these four people.

But one thing I have to say is that novices are not 'Gods' watching the live broadcast in front of the light curtain after all. They don't have the perspective of God. The information they know is gathered from the mouths of many people in a cycle. , are all analyzed after seeing the standings.

So how good Gao Yi's defense can be, they really don't have a specific concept. And one thing to pay attention to is that Brando is also good at defense and ranks ahead of Gao Yi in the combat power list, so these people from the Hall star camp take it for granted that Gao Yi's template is Brando, High Wing is a low-profile version of Brando.

They knew exactly what Brando looked like during the battle, so they imagined that Gao Yi should look like that.

But in fact, Gao Yi is far from what they imagined.

When Gao Yi approached them, the shield he held was ejected directly at a certain moment, out of control, and when the twelve members of Hall star's elite team were about to attack, they crashed into it.

Some people reacted, but the shield bounced too suddenly and too fast. Some weapons and the like fell on the shield, which may have reduced the force of its bounce, but it made it more difficult to move forward. uncontrollable.

The shield dashed left and right in the crowd, causing the twelve to fall into a brief chaos. When the shield obviously slowed down and was about to fall powerlessly, this process was very short.

About two or three seconds.

And the shield that fell towards the ground exploded the moment it hit the ground.

This is something that the elite of the twelve Hall star camps did not expect at all.

Ye Zhongming only paid attention to two points when manufacturing that red-condensed shield. The first point is the defense power, and the second point is that it will explode when it is damaged.

As for Gao Yi's other abilities when using this shield, they belonged to himself and other equipment.

Broken pieces of iron raged in the crowd, and the few people who were far away from the center of the explosion suffered the most damage, and their strength was almost no less than that of these novices' full-strength attacks, which immediately caused these people to fall to the ground in exclamation, and one of them Probably he was really unlucky, several fragments cut open his waist, almost cut his body in half, and when he fell to the ground, he was basically out of breath.

The rest of the people were injured, which is not too serious, but the feeling of being dominated by others is very bad.

After all, these people are elite, and when the situation is unstable, they are keen to find the weakness of each other.

This weakness is just emerging.

That Highwing, the defender Highwing, lost his shield.

It's just that when they looked again in the brief confusion, they found that Gao Yi, who had rushed very close, was still holding a shield in his hand, gritted his teeth, and laughed at them.

The shape of that shield is much smaller than the broken one just now.

Also, when Gao Yi took out his other hand that was originally hidden behind this shield, he was actually holding the second, smaller diamond-shaped shield!

Double shield!

Many people who have studied the equipment can tell at a glance that the two shields are almost identical in color, texture, or charm flowing on them.

This shows that this is a two-piece suit shield, a Lenny-level suit shield!

And above Gao Yi's head, there were dozens of ball embroidery belts flying towards them.

At this time, because of the angle, the elites of the Hall Stars discovered another Xia Bai's shadow in the sky.

When they exclaimed and intended to remind Brando, the sickle in the shadow's hand and the sickle in the front body's hand had already swung respectively, cutting down from two directions.

When Brando felt that there was danger behind him, it was too late to escape. In other words, even if he only faces the front attack, he has no certainty of dodging.

It's too fast, the black sickle seems to be able to extend infinitely, even if Xia Bai's floating position is some distance away from him at this moment, it seems that the knife was cut right in front of him.

At the moment of life and death, Brando's body began to spin rapidly, and the shield was replaced by lights and shadows floating beside him. He activated his most powerful defensive ability to resist the attack.

Two black sickles cut on his body.

The black shadow flashed away, and Xia Bai and the shadow behind both returned to their previous state, with the black sickle hanging by their sides, as if they were not the ones who swung it just now.

In the middle of the two 'Xia Bai', Brando's huge figure was shrinking, and those shield shadows were still floating beside him, but the speed was obviously slowed down.

When Brando returned to his original form, the shield shadows stopped completely and then disappeared.

The second-ranked novice, the novice who blocked hundreds of ferocious beasts from the camp by himself before the start of the battlefield, looked at Xia Bai with his head awkwardly, as if he wanted to see the woman's face clearly. look.

In the next second, his body suddenly split into three pieces, and a large amount of blood sprayed out, splashing the ground wet.

Just like before, Liang Chuyin's attack also exploded at this moment. These people who had been teammates for almost ten years played an offensive rhythm that made the enemy at a loss in this battle.

Liang Chuyin took the initiative to explode all the small balls with the bow stacking technique on the top of the ball embroidery belt.

Before, a dozen balls could have that kind of power, but now, the damage caused by dozens of balls is even more frightening.

Even though they were prepared for this and took out all of them, the needles in the stacking mechanism still hit the eleven people in front of them like a heavy hammer.

At least five people standing in front were directly blown away, and their retreating bodies were brought into their own camp, hitting three people.

Eight out of eleven people fell to the ground in this wave of attacks. ,

Without a sound, Gao Yi had already rushed in front of them, dense spikes protruded from the slightly larger shield in his hand, and he slammed into it all at once, taking advantage of the unstable enemy formation.

The person who was still standing resisted for a while, but the huge gap in strength made him unable to stabilize, and his body staggered backwards. He wanted to try his best to stabilize and fight back, but when the back of his head hurt, he didn't know anything.

The slightly smaller diamond-shaped shield in Gao Yi's other hand unexpectedly hit this man's head from behind, and it was an instant kill!

This is the power of equipment.

At the novice level, the advantage of the fine Lenny-level suit against the Kegang-level protective gear and the wearer of two thousand Fuleira is so great that it is desperate.

And in order to resolve the battle as soon as possible, Gao Yi used his skills as soon as he came up. The reason why the small shield appeared behind this person was because of the 'shape-changing' ability of these two exquisite Lenny-level suits. When the enemy arrives, the small shield will be instantly moved behind the target for an attack that can control the part.

If the opponent is strong, it is naturally possible to defend against it, but even if these people are the elite of novices, they are still novices.

The weapons on both sides attacked, Gao Yi swung the shield, opened the weapon on the right side at once, resisted the one on the left, a crack appeared on the armor on his back, but the enemy's weapon also collapsed Opened a hole.

Gao Yi grinned, not caring at all about the shock in his body caused by being punched, blood seeped between his teeth, while blocking the opponent's weapon, he used the inertia of the shield to turn his body around, and then threw a punch It hit the ground.

He has used this move before, the damage is not high, but it can shake the surrounding lives into the air.

Liang Chuyin's ball-embroidered tapes without the spheres followed her, engulfing those who were hit by stacked bows and those who were hit by Gao Yizhen.

If she was attacking these people, to be honest, it would be good if she could kill one or two people. After the embroidered belt had no balls, the attack power dropped a lot. It can even be said that this weapon has actually been abolished.

But Liang Chuyin didn't choose to attack, but chose to wrap these people up with these show belts, and threw them out again with all his strength.

Some elites from the Hall Star faction who were not yet dead attacked Liang Chuyin when their bodies lost their balance. The three skills bombarded Liang Chuyin's body, sending the net red girl flying backwards. Gao Yi rushed over to help , and at the same time resisted the second attack of the person behind him who opened the weapon again, and the armor on his body was directly shattered.

He also used this power to rush back to the place just now with Liang Chuyin.

Gao Yi knew that the attack would not come again.

Xia Bai, who split Brando into three pieces, and her shadow appeared above his companions, and the two black scythes turned into a sea of ​​shadows, sweeping across the elite Hall star people who were thrown out.

So no matter whether they survived the attack of Liang Chuyin's stacking bow or not, all of them were cut into sashimi, and pieces fell to the ground in the rain of blood.

This kind of scene has already frightened the two members of the Hall star camp who are still alive. They were stunned for a moment, and then let out a howl that they probably didn't even realize, and turned to run away.

Xia Bai took a look. The two stood together. They couldn't tell which was the real body. They all threw out the sickles in their hands. The two weapons spanned the distance and split the upper body of the two fleeing people. Then, like a boomerang, they were returned to their owners.

There is nothing that can describe what it feels like to be alive with countless aircraft at this moment. At least in their cognition, it is absolutely impossible for a novice who pays 2,000 Leila to have such a terrifying attack ability.

What level of weapons are those two black sickles? Why can it easily cut through the intact red condensate protective gear? Is it the same as the two shields, the boutique Lenny class?

Also, what is this ability that Xia Bai used? Why can an existence exactly like her be converted? It was a little imaginary at the beginning, but as the battle progressed, the difference from the main body could not be seen at all.

And it doesn't seem to disappear at all! This shows that this person's fighting power is still at its peak?

Many people couldn't help looking at the vine space where they couldn't see the situation. They felt that this space would open up in the next moment, and Anumus, who was ranked first in the novice combat power list from beginning to end, would be attacked by Yunding. The siege of the foursome!

These four people are too strong!

Three of them killed twelve opponents in an instant, and the price they paid was only two people were injured, and four pieces of Hongning-level equipment including two people's armor and weapons.

After watching the battle, Beiyin made no secret of his admiration for several people, especially Xia Bai, he turned to Ye Zhongming and said, "If the two of you are similar to Fu Leila, I don't think you are her opponent. "

Ye Zhongming rolled his eyes when he heard that, and Yao Hansu laughed heartlessly beside him.

The battle outside has come to an end, and the battle inside has reached its final juncture.

Time went back a little bit, and when the Yama tree trapped Anumius in the vine field, the novice Hall star was very quiet, just stood there quietly, watching the Yama tree complete the arrangement.

"It's a good idea to hold me back and create opportunities for your companions, but you guys made a mistake. You probably overestimated the time you can last. For me, killing a support doesn't really take long. You also overestimate yourself, my people, enough to kill your three companions."

Anumus thought for a while, and then said: "Before these mistakes, your fundamental mistake is that only the four of you came back."

"Have you ever thought that your all-time victories are based on not meeting us. Probably the death of those dwarves gave you the illusion of invincibility."

The tone is flat and taken for granted, as if stating an ancient theorem that has been proven countless times.

After saying this, Anumius tilted his head, listened carefully, and said with a smile: "It looks like a fight has started from the outside, let's start too. To be honest, I don't like this place very's too ugly."

Yan Wangshu looked curiously at Anumusi's words, and then said seriously: "I found that your temperament is very similar to a person. When he is bragging, he will be so serious. Of course, the manager will talk endlessly and make mysteries. Stubborn and helpless."

"However, every time he brags, he will come back later, but I think..."

"You're really bragging."

After Yan Wangshu finished showing off her mastery of idioms, she drew a conclusion for Anumus.

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