Roulette World

Two thousand five hundred and six, forcibly superior

The place of the conversation was the office area of ​​the former Star Eye clan chiefs.

Ye Zhongming came here alone. When he saw Aslan, she was sitting in front of a table on one side, brewing a kind of tea that is quite popular among the star-eyed clan.

Among the myriad races in the universe, it’s not that no one drinks drinks made from plant leaves, but most of them do so because they have certain effects on the body, such as removing toxins, increasing Fu Leila, eliminating negative states, etc. , few people regard this as a habit or even culture.

Here, the most popular are all kinds of drinks, drinks with different tastes made from various natural or artificial items.

To be honest, there are so many kinds of drinks in the universe that Ye Zhongming would have a headache when he saw the menu of the drink shop. On each survivor's fortress, this type of drink shop has the largest number of shops, and even if you go to ten in a row, each of them is the kind that can provide nearly a hundred kinds of drinks, and you can find repeated types of drinks in it. There are no more than ten, which shows the prevalence of drinks here.

In addition to drinks, of course there is wine, and in Ye Zhongming's view, some addictive things, because the lives of all races in the universe are extremely powerful, and the harm of these things to the body is almost negligible.

However, because Ye Zhongming didn't like those fancy drinks or drinking very much, he brought his favorite tea to the universe.

Here, there are too many magical leaves that can be used to make tea. Ye Zhongming got a lot of them, and used various methods to make many kinds of tea with unique taste. This is one of the few after he came to the universe. One of the ways to relax.

Because he likes to drink tea, many people in the star-eyed tribe also started to drink tea.

On Earth, this magical oriental foliage is all the rage. The same is true for all races in the universe. After getting used to that taste, they can't live without it anymore.

However, Aslan bubble tea?

Ye Zhongming has never heard that this girl likes this. In the star-eyed clan, those who really like to drink tea rather than follow suit are basically uncles like Cheng Jinzhong Hongke.

"I know what my parents mean by passing the patriarch to me." Aslan spoke first, and handed the brewed tea to Ye Zhongming, "Although they didn't say it clearly, I really understand."

"Actually..." Ye Zhongming took the tea, nodded slightly in thanks, and wanted to speak, but saw Aslan shaking his head at him.

"My parents just said that everyone is responsible for their choices."

"When they make their choices, I'm watching, and it's hard to say what I think at the time, whether I agree with them or disagree with them, I have no idea."

"I just stood aside and watched quietly."

"At that time, I didn't realize that I should have my own thoughts, and I didn't realize that this race would be handed over to me in such a short time."

"Actually, I wasn't prepared for anything."

Aslan's calm state makes people a little worried. Ye Zhongming knows that her mood at the moment should be very complicated. Facing the person who forced her parents away to some extent, facing those who are full of doubts about her succession The attitude of the tribe, she is a little girl who is not too old, one can imagine what she has endured.

Ye Zhongming can understand this kind of mood, but he is not good at alleviating other people's mood. He came here today just to tell Aslan to let her do it. In the future, both parties can cooperate with each other. As for some things that many people worry about, it is really unnecessary.

Yunding Manor has no intention of swallowing the Star-Eyed Race. One is that Ye Zhongming himself does not have much recognition for non-earth people. This lack of identity is not distrust, unwillingness to work together, fight, etc., but always feel that I cannot accept the external forms of other races.

For example, more pairs of wings, more tails, more bones, more tentacles, more arms and thighs, etc.

He always felt so weird.

can be a companion,

But there is no need to completely integrate into one body, which is a vague bottom line that Ye Zhongming will not say in his heart.

That being the case, what he needs is a solid, reliable and loyal ally, rather than annexing Star Eye or even Dark Stripe City. Although that can greatly increase his strength in a short period of time, he must fully digest the various problems that follow , it may take a long time, even several generations.

Ye Zhongming didn't have the time and energy.

"However, this does not affect my first decision since I took office." Aslan said, "Please believe that I did this without any selfishness. Even now, almost a day after I made my decision, I I still feel that this is an extremely correct decision for me and for the Star-Eyed Clan."

Ye Zhongming began to frown.

What decision would make Aslan so solemn, as if there is still a little... meaning to strive for his own understanding?

Ye Zhongming thought about it, but he didn't realize what Aslan could do now. In fact, from the moment Xingyan handed over the position of patriarch to her, she had acquiesced in Ye Zhongming's right to actually control the place as Liu Jin and Paobai. However, these two star-eyed patriarchs also understand very well that they are not the kind of people who would treat Aslan as a puppet. They must only influence Aslan on some important matters. It has the power to control the whole family.

He believed that Aslan should also understand these things.

"One day in the future, maybe I will become the real patriarch of the Star-Eyed Clan, an excellent and convincing patriarch, but I can't do it now."

"I also hope that one day in the future, when I make a decision as a patriarch, it will be correct and wise."

"So, I need to enrich myself, I need to learn and improve, and I need to become stronger."

"In the library palace, I made rapid progress. There are many bibliophiles who are very friendly and willing to teach me a lot of knowledge."

"I chose to go there to practice, and I will not come back until I become a master."

Aslan's attitude let Ye Zhongming know that this woman would not change her mind.

"If that's the case, who do you plan to hand over the matter here?" Ye Zhongming asked.


Ye Zhongming smiled and shook his head, "I have Yunding Manor to manage. It's okay to let me manage an extra Bronze Battalion, but let me manage the entire Star-Eyed Clan. What's more, my status as a foreigner will be A problem that can never be ignored, no star-eyed tribe will really accept it. If you really want to go to the library palace, then hand over the star-eyed tribe to Cheng Jinpaobai and the others for temporary custody."

After speaking, seeing that Aslan was silent, Ye Zhongming drank the tea in his cup and left.

Just when Ye Zhongming thought the matter had been settled and returned to Yunding Manor to start busy with his own affairs, the Star-Eyed Clan that Aslan had left suddenly announced a decision unilaterally.

When Aslan and Ye Zhongming got married, Aslan became the new Master Xing, and Ye Zhongming became the new Lord Eye. The Star Eye Clan will inherit the tradition and implement the dual patriarch system.

Afterwards, the new Master Xing will go to the Library Palace to practice penance. When she leaves, the Star Eye Clan will be handed over to the new Master Eye.

After Ye Zhongming found out, he finally understood where the woman Aslan's apology came from. This act caught the king of Yunding by surprise.

"Obislaki!" Ye Zhongming scolded bitterly.

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