Roulette World

Two thousand five hundred and twenty-seven Fu Leila medicine

What Ye Zhongming took out was the semi-finished potion that Sister Hong made when she was on Earth before, which could improve her Fu Leila.

At that time, because the side effects of this drug were a bit large, mainly due to the high uncertainty, it was not used in large quantities, and it was only used in some experimental subjects in the laboratory.

In the universe, Liu Zhenghong will naturally not give up the research on this drug because of the demand. After getting the moss, he also made an improved product that incorporates some elements extracted from the moss, so that the increase of Fu Leila's It works better.

However, the problem of side effects still cannot be ignored. Compared with the medicines of the Earth era, the side effects have not decreased, but have increased.

It used to be just random at least not fatal side effects, but now, the side effects are much more serious.

But one thing I have to say is that because of the difference in life, after taking this drug, the side effects are also different.

It's not that there are differences in the side effects after taking different lives, but that in some powerful individuals, the dominance of the side effects is different.

For example, a nine-star human evolutionary who has just taken the current improved Fu Leila potion that incorporates moss immediately has a side effect, that is, his body becomes thinner and thinner. Although Fu Leila has improved, his life is rapidly increasing. Drain and soon die. But if it is taken by a mutated life of the same strength, this state of life loss will be much slower. Humans can last for a few months, and they may last for half a year.

Or to say another example, the same human consumption, a 200-pay Leyra, a 2000-pay Leyra, the side effects of the former are obviously greater than the latter. Of course, in this case, the increase of Fu Leila on both sides is also different, and the former will increase more.

Among the many beings, the physique of the Dragon Clan is obviously very strong. In layman's terms, they have strong resistance and resistance to creation.

When Yangos tried to take that medicine, the side effects were not so obvious. Now after the improvement, they are used by this race, and the degree of physical damage should be much lower than that of other races.

Xuanxi is a peak dragon, and his body is even stronger. For such a small bottle of Fu Leila potion, even if it is the product after the second experiment, the side effects may be ignored for it.

This thing really made Xuanxi restless. This can be seen from its body, maybe it didn't realize it, the huge dragon body is swaying slightly.

The red boy with the wound on one side struggled to stand up, and looked over to see if Ye Zhongming still had the small bottle in his hand.

The desire for Fu Leila is an instinct of life, but Ye Zhongming always feels that these dragons are a little too excited.

Xuanxi is a peak dragon. For this level, how much can the potion just increase its pay? a little? Is it two o'clock? Is it just happy with the addition of one or two Fureiras?

Didn't it taste any side effects? Can be alleviated, does not mean that there is no?

"Elder Xuanxi, whether this thing is good or not, I want to explain first..."

"They have side effects, I know that."

Before Ye Zhongming could finish his sentence, he was immediately interrupted by Elder Xuanxuan. It gave the impression that it didn't seem to care too much about the side effects.

"How many of these things do you have in your hand?" Xuanxi had already started to ask this question.

Ye Zhongming blinked his eyes and said: "Elder, to be honest, how much this thing has and how effective it is depends on whether I can go back alive, whether I can become stronger, and meet the financial needs of my group of researchers. "

Xuanxi listened, and gradually retreated from the excited state just now, and then fell silent for a long time.

Everyone knew that the elder of the Dragon Clan was thinking about it, and when it spoke again, it was time to make a decision.

"I need to discuss it with the other elders." After Xuanxi finished speaking, he directly lifted into the air and left.

Ye Zhongming curled his lips, knowing that although he had something that others wanted in his hands, he didn't have any strengths that people would look up to.

Naturally, there is no such thing as respect.

However, the king of Yunding did not hurt his self-esteem. In this universe, it is estimated that there are not many beings that Xuanxi can respect.

After Xuanxuan left, Ye Zhongming contacted the aircraft on standby and asked them to choose Honghaier's territory to land directly, and took away Cheng Liujin, Liileiao and the red makeup guards.

At first, Cheng Liujin and others naturally didn't want to leave, but Ye Zhongming's attitude was very firm. Wait a minute, if the results are good, then it makes no difference whether they are there or not. If it doesn't turn out doesn't matter if they're there or not.

In the event of a bad outcome, they would at least survive after leaving.

Seeing the aircraft carrying everyone away, Ye Zhongming has no worries for the time being.

Although these rebel dragons are powerful, they should not be able to fly freely in the universe without the planet.

About two hours later, Ye Zhongming raised his head, not far away, a stream, no, several powerful energy clusters that covered the sky and covered the sun quickly approached here, and after a while, they came to Ye Zhongming. Zhong Ming's head.

Among them, there is the fire-type giant dragon elder Xuanxi who has already seen it, and the remaining seven dragons of different colors should be the controllers of several other elemental systems.

Being stared at by so many top experts, Ye Zhongming's forehead was also covered with sweat.

The giant dragons of the eight series landed around Ye Zhongming one after another and surrounded him. Originally, the bodies of the dragons were huge, but Ye Zhongming looked like a small bug in the middle of the house.

"Xuanxi, you are talking about him? He doesn't even have a peak state, so what he said is credible?"

The one who came up to express doubts was a black giant dragon, and it seemed that it should be of the dark type.

"The realm doesn't mean anything, as long as he has what we need in his hands."

Expressing such meaning was a giant dragon glowing with crystal white light, it seemed to be an elder of the light system.

Perhaps because of the mutual restraint of attributes, the two elders are obviously not very harmonious.

"Hmph, didn't you get cheated less before?"

The dark dragon snorted coldly, and stopped talking after saying this.

Xuanxi looked down at Ye Zhongming and said, "Is there still that liquid? Show it to everyone. If everyone approves of your stuff, then we will meet your request."

Fortunately, Ye Zhongming was still there, so he simply took out the remaining three bottles.

These giant dragons immediately stretched out their whiskers.

Ye Zhongming waited patiently for these elders to 'taste'.

"It's really okay."

"Just don't know if it's sustainable."

"There are side effects. It may not be a big deal to us, but the children below... It's hard to say."

"Don't talk about these useless things, do we want to? Bet or not?"

The last sentence was said by Xuanxi, and its temper was obviously more irritable.

After the eight series of dragons looked at each other, they collectively looked at Ye Zhongming.

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