Roulette World

Two thousand five hundred and forty-five evolutionary mature body

Ye Zhongming naturally didn't know what the space-time storm was. This was what he meant by insisting on opening the time-space gate to take a look.

On the one hand, he needs to have a precise cognition, and then form a rough concept that is not necessarily comprehensive, but at least has an outline.

On the other hand, he wants the little guy to feel the situation inside to see if he is sure to go in.

Although the feedback received was not bad, it was not very sure, so Ye Zhongming carefully upgraded the elves to maturity and made special armor for them.

As for the armor material, dragon scales are the main material, but it doesn't have to be the dragon scales of the starry sky dragon.

Ye Zhongming first used the scales of the starry sky dragon as the model material, mainly because of their defensive ability, but he didn't know the type of damage caused by the space-time storm, so he could only experiment again and again, while simulating that A mysterious power, while communicating with the elemental spirits, get some advice and inspiration from them.

Fortunately, after seeing the energy storm in that channel with his own eyes and experiencing the power that emanates slightly, Ye Zhongming has a relatively clear goal. I also have a general idea in my mind. After so many experiments, I feel that I have touched something substantial.

After doing many experiments with the scales of the starry sky dragon, he switched to making armor with the scales of water-type ice-type and earth-type dragons.

The process is basically the same, most of the manufacturing is a failure, the quality of the finished product is also fluctuating, some are excellent, some are extremely poor.

At this time, no one thought that Ye Zhongming was in an unstable state. Everyone could see that he was looking for a suitable or right way to manufacture some special equipment.

The situation stopped at a certain moment, because the star spirit told Ye Zhongming that it had completely digested all the absorbed energy.

So Ye Zhongming began to drink dragon blood again to purify energy for the star spirit to absorb.

The elemental elves need too much energy to grow to maturity, and there is no change in drinking all the dragon blood of the starry sky dragon again, so Chaoyang can only go down to the Broken Star Belt to get it again, including Ye Zhongming's own choice. That time, this is the third time, this time the tide brought ten bequests.

However, it is still not enough.

Cheng Liujin and others were shocked, Chao Yang was shocked, and the dragons below were shocked? Even Ye Zhongming himself was surprised.

This little guy? Is it edible?

Chao Yang was very anxious, because the companions below might not be able to hold on at any time, and their bodies would be severed and they would die completely.

But now it can't help it? So the fourth time it bequeathed more than thirty? There are hundreds of bottles of dragon's blood.

It doesn't believe that the energy generated after these proposals? It's not enough for Ye Zhongming to use. Even if it is the most powerful rebel dragon, if he took so much dragon blood before? It is enough to replenish the energy in the body several times? If it wasn't for Ye Zhongming's continuous absorption and purification, Chao Yang would have suspected Ye Zhongming was cheating up.

Using the time to digest energy, Ye Zhongming is still manufacturing equipment, and the types have transitioned from armor to other items such as helmets and combat boots.

The manufacturing this time? The beginning is the same as before? The state of the equipment is unstable, good or bad, with a single function, and it is not suitable for use, so it can only be regarded as a failed product waiting for recycling.

But later? The equipment manufactured by Ye Zhongming began to become 'presentable', excellent in all aspects? The overall performance of many pieces in a row surpassed the first-line quality Lenny level.

These equipments are naturally cheaper for the members of the patriarch's guard, and those who get the new equipment are happy? Those who haven't had their turn are looking forward to it.

Only Chaoyang and Cheng Liujin frowned.

They don't understand again.

Before, because of Ye Zhongming's experimental manufacturing? They all thought that they were looking for a way to fight against the space-time storm.

This is actually not difficult to guess.

The single-function equipment manufactured by Ye Zhongming does seem to be progressing in a certain direction.

But now? These equipments are no longer 'normal'? They have returned to the category of conventional equipment.

This... Chao Yang has to suspect that Ye Zhongming is pocketing his own money.

Ye Zhongming didn't have any explanation for this, but other people can also see that they don't bother to explain, which is probably the commonality of top craftsmen.

In fact, Ye Zhongming is still experimenting, but only he himself knows the process of his experiment, and no one else can guess.

Now, he is very close to success.

Ye Zhongming further put forward some requirements, that is, he needs materials such as dragon scales of all element systems.

This time Chaoyang didn't agree to it right away, but went down to discuss with the elders of each element system. Ye Zhongming naturally agreed, and Chaoyang left again.

But before it came back, Ye Zhongming suddenly received a call from the Star Spirit.

It is about to evolve!

Ye Zhongming immediately purified a ray of energy for emergency needs.

At a certain moment, the star spirit jumped out of Ye Zhongming's body and floated in front of him.

Some radiance is slowly flowing out from its body.

Ye Zhongming was taken aback at the beginning, for fear that he had managed to accumulate all the energy, and now all of it leaked out, but he immediately found out that the situation was okay, these lights were not energy, but a kind of... something similar to special effects, actually The function is to add force, similar to BGM.

Such a star elf naturally attracted everyone's attention, and many people were watching. Although they were afraid that it would be far away from it, they had already gathered around.

As you can see, this elemental spirit is growing.

Yes, the body shape is visibly increasing with the naked eye. Although the rate is not fast, you can still see circles of 'blessing'.

At the same time, although the star elves did not radiate energy, their power began to increase. Except for Ye Zhongming, everyone else felt the great pressure and retreated unconsciously.

The Earth Spirit probably also knew that the little friend was about to evolve, and also appeared on Ye Zhongming's shoulder, sitting there smiling and watching, and kept clapping silently, as if cheering the little friend on.

The body stopped after growing to a certain extent. The little guy closed his eyes, and his hands were folded in front of his chest. At this time, he had put them down. Ye Zhongming saw that there were two five-pointed star-shaped energy marks forming on the palms of his hands. .

After a while, they became complete, and began to emit palm-length soft radiance outwards, and these radiances gradually formed a light yellow five-pointed star energy body.

After the two energy bodies were completed, the star elf opened his eyes.

It jumped at Ye Zhongming laughingly, hugged its owner's head and rubbed it, then looked around, as if it was not satisfied with the surroundings, it jumped into the air, and the light yellow pentagram in its hands was facing the surroundings. One click, one up, one down, one after another bright stars appeared everywhere in the cabin, shining light while exuding a bright spot similar to fireflies, making the cabin instantly dreamlike stand up.

Ye Zhongming suddenly felt that this scene was a little familiar...

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