Roulette World

Two thousand five hundred and sixty-three crisis is approaching

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"Two in One"

The fire elves have a total of ten abilities, the first two of which are common to all elemental elves, unobstructed space and big stomach king.

In Ye Zhongming's view, these two energies are more like their passive skills.

In addition, the remaining eight abilities are - Lava Affinity, Crazy Stone Fire Rain, Flame Sea, Natural Disaster Fire Fall, Sky Lantern, Shock Circle, Burning Guard, and Skyfire Weaving Web.

Seeing these abilities, Ye Zhongming probably understood what they were, because he basically experienced them all before.

The ability of lava affinity is replaced by a semi-passive and semi-active ability, controlling magma, using magma, and being able to use magma to restore abilities, even in normal practice, it can also be carried out in magma.

This point... is a bit similar to red hair, but red hair is more like a half-way monk.

Because of this ability, the flame elves were able to control those magma attacks before.

Crazy Stone Fire Rain, the attack skill, is the ability of the magma eruption that Ye Zhongming suffered before to hit countless stones. It's just that this skill can present a variety of situations after being controlled, and the one attacking Ye Zhongming is only one of them. The flame elf can play freely according to the terrain, target location and other factors.

Yan Hai, this ability is a bit severely limited, at least Ye Zhongming sees it this way, just like him, flying directly from above.

However, if conditions permit, this ability is still very good, forcing you to take a magma bath, it will be hot just thinking about it.

The natural disaster Huoyun is the three flaming rocks that fell from the sky before. In fact, this ability of the flame elf was not very good just now. If it used it with all its strength, it would be much more powerful than that. Save the energy for last.

Blazing Guard is a summoning skill. The two flame giants summoned by the Fire Spirit before, one for close combat and the other for long-range attack, have caused Ye Zhongming a lot of trouble.

There are actually many types of guards for this conversion, melee and long-range physical magic can be used, it depends on how the fire elves control and distribute energy at that time.

The last three abilities are those sky-filled flame lamps, flame circles and flame nets that Ye Zhongming encountered on the giant peak, that is, sky-linking lights, shock circles and skyfire weaving nets.

These skills seem to all deal damage like flame heat, but there are still many differences.

Lightning is a range skill. Although it is not an active attack, it can greatly limit the target's actions. Once the target touches Lightning, it will cause them to explode, causing extremely high fire damage in a small area. , At the same time, it also has a special spiritual imprint, once this imprint reaches a certain level, it will cause permanent damage to the target's spiritual power.

The skill of the shock circle is an excellent group attack ability, and this is the ability that completely relies on fire damage. The flame temperature in that circle is extremely high, and there are very few that cannot be smelted. After the target is stained with flames, the longer it lasts, the more intense the damage of the flames will be, and it will even suck the flames from other places in the flame circle.

Skyfire Weaving Web is still a range attack, and the speed is not fast, but this ability adds cutting force to the fire damage, and uses high temperature to produce the effect of a sharp blade. Once it is covered, it is basically impossible to dodge, and can only find a way to carry it. But the effect of that sharp blade is terrifying, almost indestructible.

Ye Zhongming looked at these abilities, and immediately felt that the skills were a bit lacking, and the power was not as powerful as he imagined.

But he figured it out right away.

These are actually the abilities controlled by the fire elves themselves. How can this little guy say that he doesn't perform very well in such an environment, and he shouldn't be particularly good at fighting.

Just thinking about it for a while, Ye Zhongming felt that after the birth of the elemental elves, they were not aimed at fighting. Even though the abilities of the flame elves were all attack skills, they were actually not good at fighting.

What they are better at is to cooperate with the fight, assist in the fight, and fight with their own targets.

Only in this way can they display their truly terrifying power.

That's why Ye Zhongming felt that the Fire Spirit wasn't that powerful.

No wonder, when this kind of roulette is thrown to other planets, the test is mostly the competition of the life above, rather than letting the life above face the elemental spirits.

Because the fire elf was subdued by Ye Zhongming, its abilities are now usable, so Ye Zhongming activated a sea of ​​flames, adding his own energy to it.

A large turbulent magma sea appeared under the giant peak. The sudden heat wave caused Ye Zhongming to retreat far from the top of the mountain. When he looked down, the magma sea had a real feeling when the sea was encountering a typhoon that kind of power.

This was when neither he nor the flame elves were using their full strength!

The red boy flew up in fright, looking at the magma sea in front of the dragon, the fire dragon didn't feel friendly at all, and some were just afraid.

"How do we get out?" After completing the simple experiment, Ye Zhongming was satisfied, and asked the flame elf the way out.

The flame elves didn't say anything, they waved their hands, and the surrounding fire elements immediately surrounded them. The next moment, the ferocious faces of the dragon bosses reappeared in front of Ye Zhongming's eyes.

"Congratulations... Ye."

The voice of the patriarch of the dragon clan sounded, but Ye Zhongming smelled like lemon no matter what he heard.

Compared to the patriarch Ye who couldn't see his expression clearly, there was a lot of resentment on Xuanxi's face.

In fact, not only it, but also other dragon clan bosses.

Ever since Ye Zhongming entered the roulette, more and more dragon bosses gathered here. Those who left before came back, and those who didn't come also came, and even many peak dragon clans who hadn't shown their faces all year round came.

The roulette guarded by their era has been given in by people.

This is the same as the goddess who has been licking for many years suddenly wants to marry, they are not reconciled.

But, the fact is there, people go in, you don't go in, they succeed, you don't, the reality is so cruel.

After Ye Zhongming came out and got the confirmed news from Hong Boy, the dragon bosses realized after sighing...Since this human being can complete the challenge of an elemental elf, then the remaining few roulettes are also... …

So the dragon bosses ate the lemon collectively.

Ye Zhongming let the fire elf come out to meet many dragon bosses. The little guy was very proud. Except for the star elf and the earth elf, he didn't have much cold for others, even Ye Zhongming, who was obedient Obedient, but a little cold.

Xuanxi let out a long sigh, and looked at the other elders of the Dragon Clan who still had the roulette wheel, and those elders also sighed, and looked at Ye.

"Ye, are you going to... take the other roulettes with you?"

After Ye Zhongming came out, the roulette here disappeared, so it is not wrong for Ye to say so.

"It's all here, let's take it away together." Ye Zhongming looked troublesome.

Surrounded by the cold snorts of the dragon bosses.

This was the Dragon Clan's promise to Ye Zhongming before, so now that Ye Zhongming said so, they couldn't object, and people took Ye Zhongming away.

"Patriarch, do we just let him get those elemental spirits? If we get..."

A senior peak dragon said to the page with some reluctance.

"We can't stop it." Page's voice was completely calm at this time.

"The situation inside, our clansmen have already told Xuanxi through the blood relationship secret technique, which proves that our dragon clan cannot make the elemental elves loyal, that is, me, we are the guards, just the guards."

In this sentence, the resentment of Ye and the entire dragon clan can be heard.

"And we have also made an oath. The oath of the dragon clan is still the creed we abide by."

"There is no need to talk about this matter. What we have to do now is to prepare for the possible changes once all the roulette wheels here disappear."


All races of the universe.

When Ye Zhongming left here and went to the territory of the rebellious dragon clan through the star gate, in a city he had been to, something that would involve him was happening quietly.

Divine Craftsman City.

Heiting Yanting sat on his patriarch's chair, looking at the four people below with some cold eyes, two Talos red dwarves and two foreigners.

"Let me wake up the patriarch from the refinement. What important things do you have? Can you talk about it now?" Sitting next to Heiting Yanting is his wife, Lingqin who is also a master craftsman .

Just now, these people found Lingqin and asked her to let them see the patriarch no matter what. They had something important to report. Lingqin asked what it was, but they didn't say anything. Lingqin was a little dissatisfied.

Although she doesn't care much about the affairs of the clan, but her identity is here, not only the master craftsman of the clan, but also the wife of the clan leader, and they don't even recognize her dual identity?

In addition, she knew what Heiting Yanting was doing.

Her husband has recently learned about manufacturing again, and he is in a semi-closed state. If he can accurately grasp the inspiration, he may be able to determine the idea of ​​a new piece of Raging God equipment. After the technology is perfected and materials collected, there may be another piece of equipment. The artifact came out.

Such an opportunity is very easy to continue if it is interrupted.

For these reasons, Master Lingqin's tone of voice is not very good now.

Heiting Yanting was also in a bad mood. Being interrupted from thinking might mean that inspiration slipped away. To be more serious, a Vulcan-level idea might be lost.

However, although he was angry, he suppressed his anger when he saw these people, because these people were all sent out by him to find the guy who made trouble at the auction in Divine Craftsman City. They should come together. There is clear news.

"Longku, tell me."

The person Heiting Yanting refers to is the Talos Red Dwarf, who is also the current chief person in charge of this matter, and his strength is very high.

"Patriarch, there are eyebrows."

When Longku said something, Heiting Yanting's eyebrows frowned, just beautiful eyes?

Sensing the patriarch's displeasure and dissatisfaction with his answer, Longku hurriedly said: "That's right, we have been looking for people who have been marked by God's eyes on various survivor fortresses, and at the same time, we are constantly passing through God's eyes, To detect possible opportunities."

Heiting Yanting nodded, he knew that the so-called opportunity was to suddenly and clearly sense who that person was.

In that case, they will directly dispatch people to arrest people.

As long as it's not from Hall Star or Lena Star, Heiting Yanting doesn't need to come forward, the people below will take care of things.

It's the same even if that person is on the side of the Sioux tribe or the Musk star who has been jumping recently.

None of them are worthy of Heiting Yanting's action.

"Continue." Heiting Yanting waved his hand.

"God's Eye recorded the total number of people marked at that time. This number is definitely not wrong. However, shortly after we started the operation, several of them disappeared one after another, and have never been detected again."

Although the mark left by the divine eye is weird and mysterious, it cannot be precisely located, and sometimes it will temporarily lose its position.

However, the number of marks sent by God's Eye is certain, and the dwarves will check one by one according to the vague location.

At the beginning, some races were not very cooperative. Of course, this was related to the domineering of the dwarves, who would kill people if they disagreed.

After knowing what they were going to do, many people who were marked began to tell the Talos red dwarves, which made the screening work progress very quickly.

What they need to check now are those who are unwilling to reveal their identities.

Those people are basically not clean. During this process, Longku represented the red dwarves of Talos, retaliated and liquidated wantonly, and caused many races that were hostile to the dwarves, or planted eyeliner or even nails there. .

Although it will be impossible to complete all the screenings in a short while, Heiting Yanting has been very satisfied with the progress and the results.

Without the pressure from the clan, Longku worked harder.

However, not long ago, he caught the penultimate person who used some kind of secret method or equipment to cover up the mark, that is to say, now there is only one person who has covered up the mark and has not been found.

They have a hologram in their hands, which is the approximate location of all the people marked by the imprints, and they are looking for people according to this.

A few days ago, the last hidden imprint sent out a weak signal at a certain moment. Although the time was extremely short, it did appear, and the divine eyes caught it.

In the next few days, this signal would appear once in a while, and it was still weak, but the dwarves knew that this should be a sign that the ability to cover up the mark or the equipment had begun to fail.

They identified which survivor's bunker it was, and sent men over.

"But not long ago, this imprint suddenly disappeared again, and it was that kind of complete disappearance. Then there are only two explanations. One is that this person repaired the method that covered the imprint that was about to fail. The second is that He left the survivor's fortress, and out of the detection range of God's Eye!"

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