Roulette World

Two thousand five hundred and sixty-seven changes in the situation

Chapter 2567 Changes in the Situation 2567

In a small airport in Fortress No. 5 of Survivor in "Two in One", an aircraft was parked in it. Ye Zhongming stood in front of the window, watching the giant transport vehicle that had been sent to the Star-Eyed Clan to get ready there. Drive into the cargo hold. Ye Zhongming didn't plan to bring Chaoyang and Yingmo into the city in a blatant manner. If that was the case, the news would spread throughout the entire universe within two hours, and there would be more problems to be faced by then. Chao Yang lay on the side, because it and Ying Mo's realm was too high, and the transport vehicles equipped for them were the most special, so they would leave last. "Chao Yang, you dragons really can't incarnate into human beings?" Ye Zhongming asked, looking at the dragon head next to him, which was taller than him even if it was on the ground. "...How many times have you asked this question?" Although Chaoyang is a giant water dragon, he is a little annoyed by the question now. Ye Zhongming looked regretful, "Fairy tales are all lies." "What?" Chaoyang didn't understand what this Chinese sentence meant. "It's nothing, I just feel that my name as a dragon knight is not worthy of my name." Ye Zhongming sighed. Chaoyang: "???" Paobai came in from the outside at this time, the shock still remained on his face, after seeing Chaoyang, his steps were lightened. There is no way, just outside the door, he was glared at by the black death-like tattoo, and now he is temporarily suffering from dragon phobia. Paobai was actually really frightened. He received a message to respond, and saw a living dragon entering the transport vehicle. That scene made him feel the biggest shock in his life. Why did Lao Ye get so many helpers after taking a trip to Rebel Dragon Clan? ! Yes, helper, because Paobai didn't see any dissatisfaction and hatred in the eyes of these powerful dragons who could kill him with a single slap, instead they were calm, fresh and eager to try. This is not the look that the rebel dragon clan should have after being caught. He knows that Lao Ye can always create miracles, but isn't the miracle this time a bit big? "Is there any trouble?" Ye Zhongming asked after hugging his brother whom he hadn't seen for several months. Transportation at the airport is actually subject to inspection, but at present Ye Zhongming does not want others to know about the rebellion against the Dragon Clan, so he needs to go through some unconventional channels, even... secret channels. It is simple and simple to do. It is nothing more than opening a line, giving some benefits to the people here, and letting them turn a blind eye. However, because of the complicated situation among all races in the universe, Ye Zhongming is a little worried about this. "There are no big troubles, and there are always minor troubles that cannot be avoided, but they are all resolved. Just wait for tomorrow's play to be complete." Pao Bai always felt that the peak dragon next to him was watching him, which made him a little restless. Although it is not that he has not participated in killing peak masters, but now this peak dragon is in a complete state, and its strength is said to be much stronger than Kun Zuo. The scheduled arrival date is tomorrow, and tomorrow there will indeed be a ship docking, and that ship is the one Ye Zhongming took when he left. Today's ship arrived ahead of time by taking advantage of the night, and it was loaded with other cargo in name, not even belonging to the Star-Eyed Clan. "An adult rebel dragon and a dragon egg should be enough for those who are watching us to get a satisfactory answer." Ye Zhongming sneered. Sometimes this is the case, for one thing, or for the environment, it will be different because of the change of one's own strength. In the past, facing these eyes that seemed to be there all the time, Ye Zhongming couldn't do much, so he could only pretend that he couldn't see it, and at most he felt sullen. But now, with stronger strength and more helpers, I find these things more and more an eyesore. Are you looking for a chance to clean it up? Ye Zhongming touched his chin. He looked to the side, there was a small town, famous for being close to this airport, inside was a small ethnic control, thanks to its geographical location, life was pretty good. Although this airport is also the one with the smallest throughput in the entire Survivor Fortress, if such a place can be occupied, it should be much easier to enter and exit in the future. With strength, Ye Zhongming's ambition also grows accordingly. Seeing below that Cheng Jijin is wearing a mask and sending the warriors of the patriarch's guard to enter these giant transport vehicles to escort the vehicles,

Ye Zhongming let Paobai sit down and poured him a glass of wine. It will take a long time for these goods to be transported. After all, in addition to these dragon eggs, there are also many specimens brought back by Ye Zhongming from Caiyun Broken Star, including live and dead, animals, plants, etc. Those are the bulk of the traffic. "How long has the hunting ground been over?" Ye Zhongming asked. When he came out to hunt dragons, the Musk star of the Sioux led the small race alliance to the planet hunting ground today. The small race alliance in the dark strip city was led by Paobai himself. It's over. "It's been two months." Pao Bai drank a glass of wine, neither excited nor depressed, just a little helpless, Ye Zhongming probably had a guess about the result in his heart. "The result..." Pao Bai shook his head slightly, "There are gains, even normally speaking, the gains are not bad, among other things, as far as our small race alliance is concerned, the benefits obtained are basically enough for those races who participated in the battle to deduct pensions. There is still at least one year's total income of the clan left." "It's just, alas." Paobai sighed slightly: "You also know that the two great gods, Yaohansu and Beiyin, personally held the battle, and the people they sent were all They are the elite of the clan, and the number of fighters does not include us. The two super-big clans plus the Sioux camp have more than one million people, and everyone knows that the picture is definitely not small." It was very detailed, and my first feeling after seeing it was that it was stable this time." Paobai poured himself another glass of wine, and it always felt that the wine here by Ye Zhongming was better. Dragon's blood wine is not so delicious, Ye Zhongming looked at the remaining less than one-third of the liquid in the bottle, and secretly hoped that Yiselwei was in the Star-Eyed Clan today. "But, Lao Ye, you don't know, those bastards, let our coalition army choose the first place to stay. After we have chosen, the Hall star, the Talos red dwarf, and the other three super rich , chose to be next to us, and surrounded us!" "As soon as they landed, these immoral guys demarcated their own hunting areas, and sent people to notify us, let us avoid it, to prevent conflicts Paobai took a big sip of the wine, and then he breathed out the fragrance for a while before continuing: "Their mother's, do you know that the places left for us are either dangerous places or desolate places?" , or it’s the small open space between their hunting grounds, tell me, how can you hunt?” The purpose of the star hunting grounds is to hunt for various resources, and the final harvest is basically directly related to the size of the hunting grounds. Ye Zhongming also frowned. The food of these super wealthy families is a bit ugly, even if you want to restrict it, should it be so obvious? Once a conflict occurs, what if the two sides cannot stop? Their eyes are red, are they sure they can withstand the joint efforts of Yao Hansu and Beiyin? Even if it resists, how many people will die? The gain outweighs the loss, will they do such stupid things as harming others and benefiting themselves? Pao Bai continued: "Facing this kind of situation, we actually have no good solution, unless we go all out and fight them a few times. If the fight hurts, we will break the game." Ye Zhongming nodded, it is indeed the case, a few super The big clan's intention to restrict them is obvious, but it doesn't mean that those people are willing to risk the lives of many of their soldiers, or even their own lives, here. However, the Sioux camp and the Musk Stars also face the same problem, so they are willing to let tens of thousands of soldiers fight the blood planet hunting ground? "But we are actually reluctant. No matter how we look at it, we are at a disadvantage. We are fighting with others. In fact, we lack confidence." "However, the Sioux is indeed a leader race. The elite of the Musk Stars set off with them, penetrated through the encirclement, and put them in some suitable hunting grounds." Ye Zhongming's eyes lit up when he heard that, this is indeed a good method. "Although it takes a lot of energy to do this, because the teleportation array is not a large-scale formation, it can't teleport too many people, but the number of teleportation arrays is large, and there are many places to hunt. We attack everywhere, and the pain is exhausting." The cost is higher, but the harvest is not bad." When Pao Bai said this, his mood improved a lot. This method has determined the main tone of the planetary hunting ground this time. If you hunt in this way, there will be no one time. Sexually earning a lot of income can be accumulated, and it will not be restricted by the dwarves and Hall stars. Only the Sioux could do this. Only they would carry a large amount of materials for making short-distance teleportation arrays with them, and only they could accurately manufacture a large number of short-distance teleportation arrays in a short period of time and maintain their operation. The members of the Sioux tribe may not be so belligerent, but they are the race that Ye Zhongming has seen, and the overall academic atmosphere ranks second among all the races in the universe. They are the leaders of the short-distance teleportation array research. . As for the first place, it must be the Library Palace, and the motivation of those bibliophiles to seek knowledge cannot be compared with the three Sioux. "Did the Hall Stars try to stop the destruction?" Ye Zhongming asked. "Why not!" Pao Bai's eyes narrowed, "Not only did they take action to stop them, but they were also very large in scale. We suffered a lot in the beginning, otherwise we wouldn't have lost so much and died so many People." Through Paobai's narration, Ye Zhongming knew that the dwarves and the Hall star discovered the problem about ten days later, and then sent many people to search around, looking for the Sioux Musk star who used the teleportation array as a Center established camp.

As long as you have the heart, it is actually not a difficult task. In the first few days after it was discovered, many of these strongholds were destroyed. None of the soldiers there survived, the teleportation array was destroyed, and they were even used as traps. It keeps killing people who come from inside like waiting for a rabbit. "Later, our side also made a response, that is, moved closer to the occupied place from other undiscovered teleportation points, and attacked the enemies encountered. A counterattack." "After that, the two sides entered a stalemate. In order to retaliate, we attacked those super-rich clans at the main camp, but they also fought back. No one took much advantage. Everyone The rationality is still there, and the conflict is kept on a small scale." "It continued until the end of the hunting ground, and we sacrificed a total of about 50,000 people here. The people of the small race alliance in Dark Stripe City are relatively weak, and the losses are greater. .” Speaking of this, Paobai basically finished introducing the situation. "At this stage of coming back, are there any other actions by the Hall Stars?" In the planet hunting ground, everyone can make a proper move and kill each other. When you go outside, as long as you haven't completely torn your face, it won't be too much. After all, everyone There is also a fairly restrictive ten-thousand-race parliament on top of it. But it doesn't mean that Hall Stars will let it go. "Yes." Paobai pondered for a moment and said, "The Hall star camp has begun to impose comprehensive sanctions on the Sioux and Musk star people, mainly in terms of economics. They control the inflow of high-tech products to the two race alliances, and control rare The inflow of materials, the control of the inflow of strategic materials and raw materials, and the crazy competition in many fields, the purpose is to seize the market of the two races." "Now, except for a few types of industries that cannot be replaced, all others are It was a big blow." "Last month, the trade volume of the Sioux and the Musk Stars has created a record low in the past century." "At the same time, there are some high-tech talents who were innocent by Hall Stars. Detained, charged with unwarranted charges, in order to coerce the Sioux and Musk people to make concessions in some places, and even assassinated some middle and high-level people." "Anyway, there is a bit of turmoil outside now It means that this month, the prices of food, weapons and equipment, war beasts, formation disks and other strategic materials have increased a lot, and many races think that there will be no big war, but they are still preparing for war." When Pao Bai said this shaking his head. Because at this time, the problem of insufficient background of the Star-eyed tribe and other small races is reflected. Prepare for battle, this is definitely something that a race needs to work hard to do. But in the face of the soaring prices of various materials, other races can buy a lot, but small races like the Star-Eyed Clan can't. "One more thing is very strange." Paobai said suddenly: "It stands to reason that the red dwarves of Talos have been wearing a pair of pants with the Hall Stars recently, even in the planet hunting grounds, but in recent days, their There seems to be a change in attitude. There is news from Jiesu that these dwarves have suddenly reached a huge deal with the Lena star. The dwarves must be sending weapons and equipment, but from the Lena star. No one will know what they are getting." If this news is true, it is just strange, but it is indeed not simple, and Ye Zhongming is a bit confused about what the dwarves are going to do. "Oh, by the way, here is a message for you. Your people know that I am in charge of this delivery, so please ask me to bring it to you." What Pao Bai gave Ye Zhongming was an encrypted terminal, and only Ye Zhongming had the password Know. Ye Zhongming opened it and looked, his face changed slightly.

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