Roulette World

Two thousand five hundred and seventy-three people who broke into the library palace (on)

"Two in One"

Ye Zhongming came to let a group of giant dragons escape the bad luck of being reproductively inspected.

They knew Liu Zhenghong's identity before. Along the way, Ye Zhongming introduced them about the Genting Manor, and the dragons also knew that their hope of getting out of trouble basically rested on this human woman.

However, they didn't have much idea about this person before. After all, Ye Zhongming is the core of the Genting Department, and the man who signed the contract with them is the most fundamental.

It's just that they didn't expect the legendary Liu Zhenghong to teach them a lesson when they first came here.

At this time, many giant dragons remembered that when Ye Zhongming introduced Liu Zhenghong's situation, he brought a sentence. Ye Zhongming said, it is best not to provoke Sister Hong.

Now, they have a deep understanding.

Liu Zhenghong's strength was naturally not enough in front of them, but they were able to make the red boy bow his head before Ye Zhongming came, because they had seen the horror of this woman.

Especially Chao Yang and Ying Mo, they are peak dragons, not ordinary peaks, and they are relatively strong in the peak state. The first time they saw Liu Zhenghong, they smelled an unusual aura from this human female.

For the Dragon Clan, each race has a unique aura, and humans are no exception.

The human beings they have seen now, such as Ye Zhongming, the mechanical ghost, and other warriors in Yunding, although these people have different breaths, they are still the same.

But Liu Zhenghong was different. The aura of this woman was very complicated, very strange, very... dangerous.

Yes, a weak human being who paid less than 10,000 yuan paid Leila to give the peak dragon a dangerous feeling, which the dragons did not understand very much.

Such a sense of danger does not mean that they can be killed directly, but that this woman is a threat to them.

After hearing what Liu Zhenghong said, they finally understood why.

This woman actually used herself as an experimental subject to a certain extent! Also, you are still you, but you are already me, what the hell is this? Conscious occupation? They've lived all these years and they've never seen this. Is this human female so terrifying?

If this woman pays Leila a little more, there are tens of thousands, how scary is she? What happens after she becomes a master? Or, after the peak...

The dragons were a little afraid to imagine.

Sure enough, I still have to rely on my brain and the strength to treat myself as a human being.

Chao Yang and Ying Mo glanced at each other, feeling such emotion in their hearts.

"It seems that you all know each other." Ye Zhongming came over and said.

"Little Ye Zi, you came at the right time. Peak, you're alive, I'm so hungry." Seeing Ye Zhongming coming, Liu Zhenghong felt that her back had become much stiffer.

No matter how strong she is mentally, after all, she is too far behind the group of giant dragons.

Just hearing her talk, both Chao Yang and Ying Mo wanted to move towards Hong Hai'er, feeling a bit cold.

Ye Zhongming naturally knew what Sister Hong meant. He nodded and said to Honghaier and the other giant dragons, let them take Yangos Dihuang Wan for special training and improve their strength as soon as possible, and then let Chao Yang and Ying Mo follow him. Went to the lab with Sister Hong.

Here, the two dragons, Chao Yang and Ying Mo, saw many things they had never seen before. Apart from being amazed, their confidence in Ye Zhongming's previous promise has been greatly improved.

When they saw a bone hand in the peak state, their evaluation of Ye Zhongming was even higher.

The life at the peak state basically dissipates the corpse when it dies. The reason why the dragons don't have it is because they rarely die, and they are basically controlled by themselves, and the suspension of life is controllable. The second is because they have special physiques, and when they die, there are more powerful siblings, and they are magic crystal life, so this is the case.

But Ye Zhongming had already killed Peak before going to their belt of colorful clouds and broken stars?

This person has the ability to kill life just past the peak, shouldn't it be after getting so many elemental spirits? he used to

can also?

The facts were right in front of them. After the initial suspicion, Chao Yang and Ying Mo felt that their boss should have other very powerful means that could at least pose a threat to Zenith.

"Sister Hong's research is the key to unlocking the toxins in your body, and Sister Hong is also leading the research on Fuleila Pharmacy, so you all need to cooperate."

After Ye Zhongming finished speaking to the two giant dragons, he said to Sister Hong again: "Necessary experiments are of course possible, but unnecessary ones, you should be more appropriate and don't scare them."

The two peak dragons are not good again, what is appropriate, what should not be done, should be firmly denied, okay?

"Got it, got it!" After finishing speaking, Sister Hong waved to Ye Zhongming, indicating that you can leave.

Ye Zhongming left with a smile, and closed the door of the laboratory under Chaoyang and Yingmo's aggrieved eyes.


"Form the formation!" Xiao Min shouted in a deep voice, and all the red makeup guards immediately formed an ancient formation, surrounding the target in the center.

"Back three!" Xiao Min's voice came again, and the whole team took three steps back in an orderly manner, followed by another sound of 'fall', and all the weapons swung in one direction.

Then, in the formation, dozens of circular light spheres appeared around the target. They swelled up from the moment they appeared, and after a second, they all turned into beams of light with a diameter of about 30 centimeters and shot towards the target.

The black wings behind the target joined together, and these small beams of light blasted on it.

A few black feathers fell to the ground, fluttering, but at a certain moment, these feathers suddenly flew up again and shot out towards the surroundings.


The red makeup guards changed formation again, and the crisp sound of weapons colliding sounded, and energy lines appeared in front of the soldiers, colliding fiercely with these feathers, clanging non-stop, and I don't know how many times they collided.

This kind of impact caused the red makeup guards to retreat continuously, and they didn't stop until the fifth step.

"Okay, don't fight, let's stop here today."

A bibliophile nodded in satisfaction, and waved to Xia Bai, "The dean wants to see you."

Without closing his wings, Xia Bai flew directly into the sky, flying towards the old principal, while the red makeup guards gathered together and began to discuss the gains and losses of the previous exchange.

Soon, Xia Bai arrived at the room and flew in through the window. The old dean who was reading raised his head and looked at his closed disciple with a kind smile.

"Sit." The old dean pointed to the stool in front of him.

Xia Bai sat down obediently, but the next moment he stretched out his hand and snatched the book from the old dean's hand, looked at it without any interest, and then returned it with a smile.

This movement was never seen in the previous Xia Bai.

The old dean shook his head helplessly, but everyone could see the pampering on his face.

He glanced at Xia Bai's face, nodded slightly, and said, "The recent stage is good, and you have made great progress, not only in Fu Leila, but also in your understanding of the body and the use of various energies."

In the past few months, Xia Bai can be said to have been continuously taught from top to bottom by the library palace, learning how to understand his body, how to control his own strength, and how to fight properly.

These things are very simple to say, but there are very few people who really understand and do it.

The teachings of the librarians and the old dean opened a door for Xia Bai, and then led her to quickly absorb all kinds of knowledge and learn various skills in it.

This is why Xia Bai's Fu Leila has grown rapidly in the past few months. At the same time, her combat power has far exceeded the level that Fu Leila should have shown.

"Master, when will I be able to break through the great master?" Xia Bai asked in a low voice.

She felt that if she could help her boss, she must at least be a master.

"Hehe, I want to run before I can walk well." The old dean reprimanded him gently, then thought for a while and said, "According to the current speed, there shouldn't be any problems within two years."

"Two years?" There was obvious disappointment on Xia Bai's face.

"Is two years a long time?" The old dean was a little helpless. He became a master in two years. This speed is unprecedented, but it is definitely something that only top geniuses can do.

"Hey." Xia Bai smiled and didn't speak, but the meaning was obvious.

The old dean shook his head, "If some external force is used, this process can be shortened, but I'm afraid you will be very tired and suffer some very painful torture."

"I'm not afraid!" To Xia Bai, tiredness and torture are nothing at all, as long as she can become strong quickly, she can do it.

"En." The old dean took a piece of paper from the side and began to write on it, and gave the paper to Xia Bai after a while.

"Give it to him, let him find and bring over all the above things, it should allow you to become a master within a year."

Speaking of this, the old dean said with some pride: "Many ancient but effective methods can only be found in the Library Palace."

Xia Bai took it and looked at it. They were all materials, and she didn't understand. It's just that Zizikaba passed this stuff on to her boss, why give it to herself.

But she immediately thought of a possibility, and a look of surprise appeared on her face.

"Well, I just received the news that Ye Zhongming came back from the rebellious dragon clan, and he is safe and sound. Don't worry about it. He will deal with things and he should be here in a few days. After all, I have to see See what happened to the mark on him."

When Xia Bai thought of seeing Ye Zhongming, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, he was filled with joy.

The old dean was still about to say something, but suddenly stopped, his eyes looked at the end of the window, and he couldn't help but laugh.

Xia Bai was stunned for a moment, and it took two seconds before he realized it. When he turned his head, he saw a thin vine spreading silently along the window, probing towards her.

"Ah~~~ It's really boring, why did you find out so quickly."

As a somewhat angry voice fell, the rattan quickly disappeared, Luo Luo's figure appeared at the door, came in and sat down next to Xia Bai, hugging her and shaking her back and forth.

Xia Bai smiled and did not resist, and still let Luo Luo do the action.

The old dean laughed, and he also found it very interesting to Luo Luo, who was a little mischievous now.

Don't be fooled by Luo Luo's seemingly boring tricks. The old dean knows very well that this plant life is actually very smart, no, very smart.

She knew that Xia Bai was the darling of the library palace here. Although she was valued very much, apart from her own reasons, it was more because she was Xia Bai and Ye Zhongming's companion.

So she did some mischievous things, one is to attract attention, and the other is to make everyone happy and build a good relationship, so that she can stay here comfortably and possibly get more.

The old dean has lived for too many years, so he is not disgusted with this kind of behavior, on the contrary he finds it very interesting.

Intelligent life, wherever it goes, is subject to phantoms.

"Recent progress is not bad." The old dean looked at Yan Wangshu and said.

"Also?" Luo Luo looked at Xia Bai and said, "Then do I know how fast she is improving?"

The old dean nodded.

ah? Luo Luo was stunned, he didn't expect that he improved faster than Xia Bai.

"Don't be too happy!" The old dean said slightly seriously: "You are improving fast, because you have received more external bonuses, and you have absorbed the things sent by Yunding. That's why you are faster, but your foundation It’s still not stable, after a few days you have completely absorbed those growth rings, you have to lay a solid foundation, otherwise it will be very difficult for you to break through the bottleneck in the future.”

Luo Luo immediately became serious when he heard this, and nodded repeatedly.

Seeing that she had listened, the old dean nodded in satisfaction.

It was also at this time that his gaze passed them and looked outside.

"Master, what's the matter?" Seeing the old dean's expression, Xia Bai asked.

"It's been so many years that no one came uninvited, but one came today." The old dean replied.

"Then let's go take a look?" Luoluo was a little excited. She was the kind of character who was not afraid of anything. When she heard that there were unexpected guests coming, and there were so many experts here, she was even more eager to try.

"No, it doesn't matter if you go, a bibliophile has passed by." The old dean didn't move, his eyes fell on Yan Wangshu again and said: "It should be for you."

Lolo: "???"


On a small road on the north side of the library palace, a figure was walking slowly.

"This place is really kind. These old buildings look much more comfortable than the current ones."

As he walked, the man thought.

He walked into a room, came out again after a few seconds, and continued to look around, but his face was slightly unhappy.

In the room, he ran into a bibliophile and wanted to ask about the situation, but unfortunately, that weak guy didn't tell him, so he could only make that bibliophile shut up forever.

After walking another few tens of meters, he stopped, looked up, and looked at a house on the left, where a bibliophile was standing.

It's just that he didn't look at the uninvited guest, but set his eyes on the room just now, through the window, looking at the companion lying on the ground who had obviously lost signs of life.

Biqudu unique address:

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