Roulette World

Two thousand five hundred and seventy-seven was persuaded by the lunatic

"Two in One"

Chatted with Kani for a while, calmed the little girl's emotions, and talked about many embarrassing things that the mechanical ghost had done around Ye Zhongming. The little girl laughed and was obviously in a better mood. She was a little depressed because she didn't see Xiao Zhengtai before. They disappeared completely, talked and laughed for a while, and finally even looked forward to the future with Ye Zhongming.

Ye Zhongming felt that if he continued, maybe Kani would be able to say what the name of the child born with the mechanical ghost should be.

When walking out, the King of Genting sighed silently, perhaps only someone with an optimistic personality like Kani can survive the crisis of promotion again and again, and I hope she can continue to be like this until the end.

The moment before closing the door, Ye Zhongming looked at the little girl again, because he didn't know if this was the last time he saw her in his life. Maybe the next time I hear about Carney, it's that she didn't get through the bottleneck and left this world.

After coming out of Kani, Ye Zhongming and the old dean talked about the antidote. Now he has a clue for the last material, but he is not sure how long it will take to find it. At the same time, Ye Zhongming is also accumulating months. Jin, when the time comes, we won’t have things but no money to buy them.

The old dean didn't mind about this, and talked to Ye Zhongming, meaning, come and tell him how much money is needed at that time, if the library can't get it out, then Ye Zhongming will make up for what is missing.

The two sides are real allies now, and with the addition of Xia Bai's bond, they don't really care about these aspects.

After the old dean left, Ye Zhongming walked around the library palace, and went to a few acquainted bibliophiles. Most of these people were researchers in the field of genetic biology, and a few of them were studying arrays. Ye Zhongming went over , exchange research results with these people, and see if there are any new gadgets here.

Finally, Ye Zhongming went to see Aslan again.

"You are strong again." Aslan's voice was slightly low.

She is somewhat sensitive to energy, which can be regarded as a talent, which is also very good for cultivation.

The last time I saw Ye Zhongming, Aslan didn't feel like this. This time, she clearly noticed that the strength of each other has not decreased, but has grown stronger.

"If it's possible, who doesn't want to come here step by step." Ye Zhongming said, pointing to the library palace under the setting sun: "Let's go."

The two walked along the secluded path, talking in a low voice.

Ye Zhongming is very clear about Asla's role in quelling conflicts during the previous turmoil of the Star-Eyed Clan. Simply make a decisive choice.

The conversation between Ye Zhongming and Aslan meant nothing more than two points. First, let her feel at ease. If she wants to continue to practice, she can practice. If she wants to go back to take charge of the Star Eye Clan, she can go back and take over the Star Eye Clan. Don’t have any burdens. even. The second is the relationship between them. Ye Zhongming simply said that he needs the power of the Star-Eyed Clan and respects Aslan's choice.

The meaning of these words was clear to each other, Aslan lowered his head, and hummed lightly as a response, which made Ye Zhongming not sure what she meant.

Since Aslan didn't know about the close relationship between Ye Zhongming and the Library Palace, Ye Zhongming didn't say much, explained a few words, left some cultivation resources in the name of the clan, and left. go back.

After returning to Yunding Manor, Ye Zhongming did not immediately enter the working state, but took a look at the situation he was facing now.

Generally speaking, it is temporarily calm.

With the Sioux and the Musk Stars standing in front, most of the hostile forces of the Hall Stars and others were there. The recent conflict was a bit severe, and both sides suffered losses.

After the Musk Stars and the Sioux Alliance joined forces, as long as there is no large-scale conflict with the Hall Stars camp, they can basically withstand it.

The dwarf side is a bit quieter. Judging from the news, those guys are taking advantage of the Artisan City incident to expand their influence.

It's a bit ugly to eat.

This kind of behavior has caused dissatisfaction among many big and super big families, and the dwarves are also restraining themselves. Things may look like this now, but it is hard to say how it will develop in the future.

The Guirui Star Clan needs to take some precautions, because Yan Wangshu and the Yunding Department are now in direct conflict with them. Although the old dean and Ye Zhongming feel that the possibility of a more violent collision is unlikely, it is not. In other words, the temperament of those plant life forms is a bit mysterious and difficult to predict.

After the imprint on the back is re-sealed, Ye Zhongming has a safety period of about 50 days. This is the stage where he can prepare and develop with peace of mind.

The time was short, but Ye Zhongming had nothing to do.

The situation was like this, seemingly calm, but Ye Zhongming didn't have much time left.

Every day after fifty days, those dwarves may come to the door. Even if the seal will not be broken immediately, but only intermittently, it may take a little longer, but it will never be too long. According to the first experience, this The maximum time is 20 days, and taking into account other factors, Ye Zhongming has the most, and there is a preparation period of about 80 days, of which the first 50 days are the absolute safety period, the last 30 days are the relative safety period, and after 80 days , into a dangerous period, the longer the time, the greater the danger.

The feeling of a huge crisis made Ye Zhongming a little dull and depressed.

In the past, after he came to the universe, he was not without encountering danger. It can even be said that from the novice training to the novice battlefield, and then to the planetary hunting ground, and the artisan city, his life is always in danger. He was threatened, but he saved himself from danger.

The enemies they encountered were not completely invincible. Even Kun Zuo was only in a state of serious injuries, which was already the biggest gap in strength between them.

But now, once he is exposed, he will face the attack of a super rich family. It's not just an ordinary super rich family, it's the Talos Red Dwarf who ranks third in overall strength!

How to do?

Ye Zhongming looked at the Yunding Manor that he built with his own hands, and fell into deep thought.

It would be an exaggeration to say that there is no power to fight back. After all, there are still two peaks on the side, but the power to fight back is only a little bit.

Ye Zhongming touched the bridge of his nose and pressed it lightly twice.

A bold idea popped up from the bottom of my heart.


"Can it be done?" Ye Zhongming looked at Yan Wangshu and asked.

Luo Luo thought for a while, then nodded, "There should be no problem."

"Will it affect you?" Ye Zhongming was mainly afraid of this.

Yan Wangshu smiled, "It is impossible to have no impact at all, but if it is dealt with in time, it will recover in about five or six days."

Ye Zhongming felt relieved after hearing this, and said to Miss Hong who was waiting beside him, "Let's start."

The Yama tree showed itself, and after that, Jingying's body trembled a few times, and bent to one side, the liquid in the body circulated rapidly, and part of it was concentrating towards a short branch.

After a while, the brightness of that branch obviously surpassed that of the others. At a certain time, Lolo's body trembled the most, and then, that branch fell to the ground.

Luo Luo regained his human form, his complexion was very bad, and he looked a little weak.

However, Luo Luo's eyes were very excited. She looked at the small section of branch that had been floating on the ground and passed her own energy.

The branch turned into a brand new individual, which was 80% similar to Ye Zhongming.

Luo Luo was very satisfied with her prank, and kept laughing non-stop. Ye Zhongming threw a bottle of things angrily, and then ignored her.

In front of him is Lolo's avatar.

In fact, with Luoluo's strength, she is not yet able to have a clone, which is a unique ability of the peak realm of plant life.

However, Luo Luo is special, she is an existence that absorbs the brain of life, and is a plant-based life that can be transformed into a human being on the earth. In addition, she has learned a lot of secret techniques in the library palace, so that she can transform into a clone in front of her .

This kind of avatar refers to the avatar of a complete life form, not the kind of puppet that is casual and silly.

The avatar is moving his body, obviously he needs to get used to it.

But Liu Zhenghong didn't give the clone time, went to the side and injected a tube of medicine into her body with a puff.

Yes, even though it looks like Ye Zhongming, this clone is still a woman.

"When will the result be available?" Ye Zhongming asked after watching Sister Hong connect the avatar's body with many tubes.

"It's hard to say. If it goes well, it will take three or four days. If it doesn't go well, I don't know how long it will be. I know you are in a hurry, but it depends on luck. By the way, call three of those giant dragons after you go out. "

Sister Hong has already entered the working state, and she will not speak politely to Ye Zhongming.

Ye Zhongming nodded and asked Luo Luo to stay here to cooperate with Sister Hong, and he walked out by himself.

When they got outside, Jie Su and Yserwei were both there.

"Call me in a hurry, what's the matter?" Jie Su asked with a smile.

After getting the notification, he rushed over immediately, knowing that Ye Zhongming must have something urgent, but he collected all kinds of information and found nothing imminent.

Ye Zhongming let the two sit down, and then said: "I need a lot of materials, and channels that don't need to be completely secret, but can guarantee the shipment volume and speed of weapons and equipment. You keep the money earned from these channels, and The materials I need must be purchased by you in advance and shipped over."

Ye Zhongming got straight to the point and put forward his own conditions.

Yserwei and Jie Su glanced at each other, and the former said: "Zhong Ming, haven't you already obtained a lot of materials from us before? Why do you want more? You still ship? Now the dwarves are strictly inspecting it. It is very easy to be targeted, and if your identity is exposed, things will be serious."

When they saw Ye Zhongming, they felt that his state was not right, not that he was mentally abnormal, but that he seemed to make a desperate decision after making a decision.

"Don't worry, I know what I know." Ye Zhongming took a deep breath and said, "I know this request is a little too much, and you need to pay a huge amount of money in advance for me, and you have to bear a lot of risks for me, but Believe me, I'm not going to make a joke of my own life with the race of your best friends, I have a plan that has a high probability of success, once completed, it will allow us to have a long period of smooth development , just want to carry out this plan, I need too many things."

Jie Su and Yservi looked at each other again, but didn't speak for a while.

"The reason why I called you to talk in person is to show that I am not doing this suddenly on a whim, nor is I risking our future, but I really need your strong support so that I can successfully complete the early stage preparations, when the time comes...perhaps we won't be too far away from our ideal."

The two heirs who were destined to take over the super rich clan thought about it for a while, and then began to contact the clan.

This is also Ye Zhongming's purpose.

He wanted to get the support of Jiesu and Yiserwei first, and then through them, get the support of the Sioux and the Musk Stars, instead of trying to convince the decision-makers of the two super-big clans by himself.

This is a kind of temptation. If the two big families disagree, then Ye Zhongming will give up this plan. After fifty days, no, after forty days, he plans to leave here and take refuge in the Library Palace or the Caiyun Broken Star Belt.

Of course, he still hopes to gain the support of the two big clans, after all, the chances of persuading the big ones are higher if they recruit the young ones into the group.

About half an hour later, the replies from Jiesu and Yserwei came.

The Su tribe and the Musk Stars basically agreed to Ye Zhongming's request. However, Yaohansu and Beiyin hoped to talk to Ye Zhongming in person. They wanted to know the specific details of the plan before they could decide whether the assistance would be limited. Yes, or unlimited.

Ye Zhongming left and went to communicate with the two bosses.

"Why don't you let us listen!" Iserway was very dissatisfied with Ye Zhongming and Yao Hansu Beiyin's separate meeting for not allowing her to participate.

"Because the current Ye Zhongming is at the same level as our fathers, and we are left behind."

The words of the stele seal are a bit full of emotion.

He and Iserway are already geniuses enough, the outstanding young generation, looking at the entire universe, there are very few who can stand shoulder to shoulder with them in their age group.

But this time when they saw Ye Zhongming, facing Ye Zhongming, they didn't hide the aura that they exuded. They knew that their good friend and brother, who hadn't seen each other for a few months, had surpassed them by a lot, and it was close to the peak. Breath, maybe one day, he may pass that hurdle and become a truly powerful figure of all races in the universe.

Thinking about the short few years since Ye Zhongming came to the Ten Thousand Clans of the Universe, both Jie Su and Yserwei found it incredible.

"Pervert..." Estherway muttered, and at the same time let go of the comparison.

It took Ye Zhongming a long time to discuss with the two big bosses. It took more than an hour before he came out of the room. Jie Su and Yiserwei knew from their expressions that he had persuaded the two patriarchs.

After leaving, Jiesu and Yiserwei contacted Yaohansu and Beiyin respectively, wanting to know as much as possible what Ye Zhongming's plan was, but the answers they got were the same and a little frustrated.

"Don't ask, he's a lunatic...and we were convinced by the fucking lunatic!"

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