Roulette World

Two hundred and fifty-fifth women who are more ruthless to themselves

"Thank you for the reward of 1888, thank you for the rewards of other book friends and the monthly and recommendation tickets for Lao Huan! "

The fourth-level choker screamed piercingly.

As if they heard some order, the advanced zombies who were fighting with the Evolutionary almost gave up their opponents at the same time, and rushed towards the Throat Locker and Ye Zhongming. Even the ordinary zombies that had crossed the ranks of evolutionists and charged towards the main building also turned their heads and gathered here.

When fighting for their lives, the choker took the lead in calling for helpers.

"Hold them! Hold them!"

A cut was cut on Xia Lei's left neck, blood was continuously flowing out, and half of her body was stained red, but seeing this scene, she yelled like crazy, causing the people around her to hold their own. opponent.

"Protect the boss! These zombies are going to help!" Xiaohu threw away the emptied gun, and rushed towards Ye Zhongming with a knife, followed by Mo Yeliang Chuyin and Pu Xiuying.

In the main building at this time, it was Lu Yi who was organizing people to defend. These ordinary soldiers saw that the corpses suddenly gathered in the center of the battlefield, and the evolutionaries and zombies were all mixed together, so they didn't dare to shoot. surgery, afraid of hurting one's own people.

"Rush down! Pick up your knives and spears, it's time to go all out! If you don't protect Boss Ye, if something happens to him, that fourth-level zombie will kill us all!"

Lu Yi's eyes were wide open, and he, who had always been called a Confucian businessman in his life, now had red hair and beard, took the lead and rushed out of the main building with a weapon in hand.

He knows better than anyone that anyone can die at this time, but Ye Zhongming cannot die. If he lives, others still have hope of living. If he dies, others will definitely die.

Yun Shao threw out the short spear in his hand, then pulled it back, taking away large pieces of flesh from several zombies, and he rushed there with the people. At this time, there is no difference between Hungry Tiger Rider and Genting Villa, there are only humans and zombies.

Sasha also led people to rush again. She had nothing in her eyes at this moment because of her stubborn personality. All she had to do was rush to the man who always looked at her with strange eyes. Protect him, let him not die.

All the zombies and humans rushed to the place where the outcome was decided!

Ye Zhongming's right hand, which had turned purplish red due to the lack of blood circulation for a long time, shook twice. He could no longer hold Feng Zhiyue, and the long white knife fell from his hand. The left hand side can still wrestle with the first tentacle, but this side is completely passive. If it wasn't for Ye Zhongming's 1-star and 2-star evolution, both of them took improvement potions, which made his physique very close to that of an ordinary 3-star evolutionary. The bloody boots are constantly absorbing energy to restore his injuries. If it weren't for the little martial arts skills he learned from Mo Ye, he is trying to use the evolutionary's ability to control muscles to delay the twisting force. At this time, his right hand may have been strangled. broken.

But when persistence finally exhausted, Ye Zhongming's right hand gradually weakened, and he couldn't even hold a knife.

Feng Zhiyue plunged towards the ground, Ye Zhongming gritted his teeth. Let the blood flow from the mouth, cut off the hand? Yes, maybe his hand will be broken soon, but he is not afraid, one hand can also be powerful, and in the future, some professionals or some roulette potions can make the hand grow back.

Ye Zhongming was only worried that once his hand was strangled, the tentacles of the fourth-level throat choker would be released, no matter if it continued to attack and wrap around his neck. Or go back to defend and kill the third-level fang beast riders, which will change the situation drastically. At this moment, the huge whirlpool battlefield centered on them may collapse because of this!

It was dark. A figure suddenly appeared beside Ye Zhongming, stretched out his hand and grabbed Feng Zhiyue, and without stopping, the other hand grabbed the tentacles wrapped around Ye Zhongming's wrist.

Xia Bai, covered in blood, appeared out of nowhere. At this moment, her back was completely opened, revealing her curvaceous snow @白@back@. Compared with the burned face, the skin on the back is delicate and smooth.

However, a huge wound almost from the shoulder blade to the waist ruined the beauty!

The wound may not be deep,

But the length was too astonishing, it was just slanted across the entire back, a full meter in length, and it was seeping blood. The blood flowed out from the wound, forming a blood curtain, forming a dazzling contrast on the snow-white skin.

Even with such a serious injury, with her back so open, she could even vaguely see her upturned buttocks, but she acted as if nothing had happened, grabbing the tentacles with one hand, while Feng Zhiyue chopped at the tentacles with the other. past.

Even though she was seriously injured, Xia Bai's mind was still clear. She caught Feng Zhiyue first, but she didn't cut off the tentacles first, because then the choker could choose to remove the tentacles, and the situation that Ye Zhongming worked so hard to manage would be wiped out. There was nothing left, so she grabbed the tentacles before swinging the machete.

The golden face of the choker was full of anger, and it almost broke the man's wrist! Just a little bit!

But facing Feng Zhiyue, it had no choice but to retreat. It was not sure that the thin tentacles could resist the cutting of the white weapon.

As for the woman who grabbed the tentacle, she didn't pay attention at all. With her strength, she had no strength to catch it.

And Xia Bai seemed to know this a long time ago. When the tentacle let go of Ye Zhongming's wrist, her falling knife suddenly stopped, and the hand that was pulling the tentacle pulled hard, her body jumped up, and used the force to roll over. The tentacles were wrapped around her body by her,

Then she threw Feng Zhiyue towards Ye Zhongming, and she lowered her head and bit on the tentacles!

Two hands grabbing the tentacles... The body is wrapped around the tentacles... The mouth is biting the tentacles...

The person who locked the throat instantly exerted force, and Xia Bai's already slender waist instantly tightened. The crunching sound of bones being squeezed and deformed was clearly audible, and blood gushed out of his mouth immediately. The hands that grabbed the tentacles and the mouth that bit the tentacles, all of them were bleeding out due to the huge force of pulling back. She, who was about to become a bloody person, now spilled blood even more!

Many people saw this scene. Even though they knew that this human being was a companion and a friendly army, the ruthlessness of this grimacing woman still made everyone's scalps tingle.

This is a person who really takes his life but not his life!

This is a person who is ruthless to the enemy and even more ruthless to himself!

Those survivors who were a little bit different before, their backs were wet after seeing Xia Bai like this, they used their toes to think, if they really do something to be sorry to Ye Zhongming and sorry to Yunding Villa in the future, just this woman, It is enough to become their eternal nightmare.

Ye Zhongming caught Feng Zhiyue reluctantly, and Xia Bai bought him a chance to get his right hand out of trouble, and bought him a few seconds to recover from his injury. I can move.

He struggled to hold Feng Zhiyue with his thumb and little finger, which were in relatively good condition, and then threw the professional skill of the glorious knife sealer at the fourth-level throat locker for the last time.

The blade light and flames covered the choker who was still unable to move. (To be continued.)

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