Roulette World

Two Thousand Six Hundred and Seventy The Battle of Shenjiang City (20)

It is not unreasonable for many races to call God-level equipment artifacts.

This level of equipment has some abilities that actually go beyond the concept of ordinary items and produce a slight magical change.

Such changes may be in space, time, or other types. In short, the sign of God-level equipment is to have one or even several abilities that other beings will find supernatural when used.

For example, the current Sunshine Cloak instantly expanded to the point where it could cover the shooting angle of the entire fleet in a certain direction. This ability to suddenly expand its area was not something that ordinary equipment could achieve.

Even though Ana prevented the fleet from deliberately "not having time to adjust the target", the subsequent attacks were still somewhat irregular, and the maximum power was almost a third of the warship salvo.

These energy cannons hit the enlarged Sunshine Cloak, denting the huge piece of cloth that was moving in the wind, but... it was not broken.

This kind of scene is actually very shocking. After all, the battleship's gunfire can penetrate even metal several meters thick, but now it can't be done with pieces of cloth that are only a few millimeters thick.

"Adjust the shooting angle, the second detachment from the left, the third detachment from the right, go around this thing to pursue the enemy!"

"The flagship raises its height, distances itself, the light cannon is charged, and all sights are aimed at the cloak."

"You two, be prepared. When I go out, I will quickly chase the two legions and entangle at least two of their top experts."

"Rodil Yan...don't you want to be a hero? I will fulfill his wish."

Ana issued orders continuously while letting the other two top masters prepare.

If you want to really make these races who just want to take advantage but don't want to fulfill their obligations be determined to follow the Lena Stars, there is no better way than to fight the peak dwarves with their own hands.

Before the queen came, she didn't explain anything else, not even a hint. She just told Ana to keep an eye on the dwarves in the noisy castle and not to let them leave until the outcome of the battle in Shenjiang City.

In this case, Ana felt that everything she did was right, and there was no burden at all.

Just like when she was a child, the queen was responsible for coming up with ideas and she was responsible for fighting. In just one year, the two of them defeated the geniuses of the same age in the entire Lena Star.

The fleet was divided into three, and the middle part continued to attack except for the flagship. The other two squadrons were activated to outflank both sides.

"Come on!" Rodil Yan roared, and two strange weapons appeared in his hands. They looked like a pair of metal gloves, but at the front of the gloves were not finger gloves, but metal tubes arranged in a field.

He raised a hand, and four black things immediately shot out with a pop. In mid-air, they unfolded into four metal nets. At the nodes connected horizontally and vertically on these nets, there were black spheres.

The four nets are not very big, only about two meters in diameter. The four nets added together cannot cover even the smallest warship.

But Rodil Yan's shooting was continuous, shooting left and right alternately, each time with four metal nets. In addition to his fast shooting speed, a large area in front of him was covered with such things in an instant.

I don’t know what Rodilyan’s idea was. He did not block the two squadrons that started to circle. The target of his attack was the middle part.

No one knew what his strange gloves were or what the metal net he fired was, but everyone else understood what he meant. He actually wanted to fight against the fleet in the middle alone.

No one laughed at him, but many people became alert.

Previously, Rodil Yan used God-level equipment to cover the retreat of the two dwarf legions, but now he is indifferent to the detour and outflanking branch fleet? This doesn't make sense.

In this case, he must have other means to intercept the branch fleet.

"Leave it to me, you do your own thing."

Ana gave an order, and her body suddenly disappeared from the flagship. When she reappeared, she was already outside the flagship and floating in front of Rodil Yan.

The peak dwarf man smiled slightly, and the nets flying in the air suddenly became very fast, sticking to the hulls of many battleships from all angles.

A huge energy flow flashed across the battleship, followed by a dull explosion from inside, and a small aircraft and escape capsule suddenly ejected.

No one thought that this small metal net could break through the defense of the battleship itself and cause such a strong impact.

The damage obviously didn't stop there. The internal explosion quickly caused damage to the entire structure. One battleship after another was blown up, and more than half of the battleships that were still in place were lost at once.

Faced with such explosions and battle damage, Ana had no expression on her face at all, as if this was not her fleet.

"I have long heard that in addition to the God-level equipment, the dwarves also have some semi-artifacts of a small number and variety, and this is the one you have, too." Ana glanced at the weapon in the opponent's hand and said calmly.

The red dwarf of Talos knew that other races secretly called them dwarves, and those with bad relationships were called dwarves, but they didn't dare to call them that in front of a top dwarf expert.

So when Ana bluntly called him a dwarf, Rodil Yan, who had been smiling slightly and remained calm even though he knew he was going to die, became angry for the first time.

Of course, the words "dwarf" could not cause any actual harm to him, but it was too insulting.

After Ana finished speaking, she stopped continuing. Without waiting for her opponent to reply or anything, she drew a strange shape on her chest with her hands, and the entire space suddenly blurred.

It seemed as if a large space around her and Rodil Yan had been cut off from the original space.

"Great air-capturing technique?" Rodil Yan whispered, and the gloves disappeared, replaced by one of his commonly used weapons, a long metal stick divided into seven sections.

"Let's decide between life and death." Ana said.

The body of Ning Ji's gorgeous maid disappeared, and when she reappeared from another place, a slash of light struck the peak dwarf.

After the attack, Ana's body disappeared again and appeared elsewhere in an instant, followed by another light slash.

In this way, in the skill that Rodil Yan called the Great Space Seduction Technique, Ana's figure kept appearing and disappearing, definitely moving in an instant. As she moved, streaks of light slashed towards the dwarf in the middle. When the general chopped off, light immediately shone in the not-so-large space. Rodil Yan was surrounded by light, and energy flowers bloomed on his body.

The Grand Space Shooting Technique is the secret skill of the royal family of Lena Star. Only the purest royals can learn and master it. Although Ana has been with the gorgeous Queen Ningji since she was born, and the two grew up together and love each other as sisters, but she does not Meet the conditions for learning this skill.

But she just knew how to do it. It was obvious that she had a very transcendent status in the hearts of Queen Ningji and the entire Lena star.

This ability does not have actual attack capabilities, but it can completely control the battlefield space in a short period of time, and has all-round enhancements for the user. It can be regarded as an extremely beneficial combat field.

Obviously, Ana used this secret skill of the Lena star, and did not want others to interfere, just to kill Rodil Yan.

The peak powerhouse of the dwarves seemed to be attacked continuously, but there was a light film around him that was very similar to the God's Eye defense. While supporting him, he took out a set of weapons from the space that no one else had seen. The most advanced mechanical armor.

After putting it on, Rodil Yan immediately released the defensive skills that could keep him safe for a short time but could not move at all. He used this mechanical armor to carry the light slash and launched a counterattack against Ana.

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