Roulette World

Two thousand six hundred and ninety-six Sacrifice (Part 2)

The moment Heiting Yanting appeared, the three Sioux masters who were blocking the elite dwarf team immediately broke away from the battle and rushed towards the dwarf leader. During the march, black lights flashed on the hands of the three people. , when moving, they all made the same movements with each other. Black lines flew out from the black light, fell to the ground and spread in all directions.

The dwarf team followed them closely, constantly releasing various skills, trying to keep the three of them in order to live up to the expectations of the clan leader.

The battle between the other two top masters suddenly became fierce due to the appearance of Heiting Yanting. One wanted to leave, and the other absolutely refused. It seemed that they couldn't stop if they couldn't tell the difference between life and death.

Ye Zhongming had no other thoughts at the moment, and his solid body was trembling slightly.

Naturally, no one would think that this is fear. At this point, many emotions are actually gone, because it is the most useless thing in this war.

The black body is slowly becoming lighter.

Heiting Yanting looked at Ye Zhongming with slight surprise. He could smell the power of clear rules from this person.

He knew that this person had used a certain method to get him to stand on that line, and even understood the basics of the power of certain rules because of his own excellence.

But after all, it relies on external forces. When facing the real peak master, it is nihilistic and ridiculous.

But now, it feels as if he is actually facing a master of the same level.

The dwarf leader snorted.

So what?

So what if Ye Zhongming really advanced to the level of a peak master at this time? Can you survive in his hands?

No, not really. The difference is probably just whether you can live longer or shorter.

He raised his hand and pointed towards Ye Zhongming.

In sight, there was nothing between Heiting Yanting and Ye Zhongming, but in everyone's perception, there were several invisible forces drawing arcs in front of Ye Zhongming.

Crossing space and time is a rule.

This seemingly simple strike actually contains Heiting Yanting's understanding of the rules over the years and the application of his own power in it. Even if they are also top masters, not many people can safely catch this finger.

An ice-blue halberd was erected in front of Ye Zhongming. The halberd suddenly broke into pieces just as it was spinning.

Then a fire net appeared again at the position of the halberd, but after being flapped twice, it turned into elemental power that filled the sky.

After two attempts, Ye Zhongming had the opportunity to wield the Rift.

This time, the space froze for an instant, and then the Quasi-Fire God, which represented Ye Zhongming's highest level of manufacturing at this stage, also shattered.

Ye Zhongming moved backwards, continuously moving backwards, using his own abilities and the little gaps created by the cracks to avoid invisible but fatal attacks.

However, that heart-wrenching power is still there, and it is still approaching Ye Zhongming. All the previous resistances only bought Ye Zhongming a little time.

After about a second, power passed through Ye Zhongming's body.

Amid, who would also pay attention to this place during the battle over there, had a look of pain on his face.

He didn't know how to explain it when he went back, if he could go back.

I originally thought that everything was well arranged. Even if Ye Zhongming entered Shenjiang City, his safety would be guaranteed, because not only was he, a peak master, secretly protecting him, but there were also a large number of masters from the rebel dragon clan.

Ye Zhongming's own strength has reached a very high level after taking special drugs, and he can hold on for a while or even escape when he is defeated by an ordinary peak master.

After all, the dwarves only have so many top masters. According to previous estimates, the number of masters of the same level from the Sioux Alliance and the Rebel Dragon Clan combined will far exceed them. Even if there are some unexpected factors, such as the trump cards hidden by the dwarves, it will be enough. Cope with it.

But who would have thought that the dwarves' biggest trump card was to turn the City of God's Craftsman into a monster like a giant. With the cooperation of the God's Eye, they would continuously kill the top talents of the rebel dragon clan and separate the inside and outside of the city. This makes it impossible for the alliance parties that originally had the upper hand to support each other.

In addition, Ye Zhongming found the core too quickly, making it impossible for other friendly forces in the city to keep up, except Amid, which led to today's situation.

Of course, Heiting Yanting's sudden appearance was also something unexpected. In fact, no one thought at all that the Shenjiang City itself was a God-level artifact. Naturally, they also did not expect that Heiting Yanting would suddenly disappear and suddenly appear from the control core.

This accident may have caused the death of Ye Zhongming, the actual core figure.

Without him, the Rebel Dragon Tribe and the Alliance of Small Races would be in a state of essentially out of control. Perhaps they would still side with the Alliance because of the situation, but no one could predict such a thing.

In addition, Ye Zhongming's own value is worthy of investment by any race. Not to mention that he has reached the peak threshold in a short period of time and is worthy of being called a monster. Let's say that his equipment manufacturing level has already made the top leaders of all races in the alliance Astonished.

No one would question Ye Zhongming's ability to reach the position of a divine craftsman. Most people even believed that he would surpass the level of a divine craftsman and become a unique being.

At that time, it was when Ye Zhongming showed his greatest value and could push any race to the status of king of all races.

But, it seems I can’t wait any longer.

Amed's mood was affected by this. He and Fei Gema had been attacking and defending each other before, and he was suddenly at a complete disadvantage.

A huge hole appeared in Ye Zhongming's chest, which looked extremely scary.


Heiting Yanting made a sound unexpectedly.

"Transform?" the dwarf patriarch muttered to himself, raised his arm, and pressed down in the direction of Ye Zhongming. Another even greater invisible energy appeared from the top of Ye Zhongming's head and smashed it down as fast as possible. .

Ye Zhongming was not dead, he raised his head and looked over. The hole in his chest was being repaired very quickly, and it had shrunk by half in just one breath. However, the body that had been somewhat solid before turned into a mist. Obviously, after stepping on the peak line, the energy of transformation also increased significantly. Improvement, at least the defense has been greatly enhanced, in order to block a fatal blow.

But now facing the even greater power of rules, Ye Zhongming had no other way to stop it. He could only choose to use the degenerate sleep of the elemental spirits to avoid death, but he also knew that it was just drinking poison to quench his thirst.

At the moment of life and death, a black pattern protected Ye Zhongming's head, colliding with the suppressing power of rules, and the two sides actually formed a stalemate.

Heiting Yanting turned his head and looked at the three Sioux people who had stopped halfway. At this time, they were hovering in the air, their bodies spread out, and the black light on their palms was connected to a large number of black lines, and these black lines had spread to most of the area. In space, a huge magic circle was formed silently on the ground.

The black pattern that appeared appeared to have the same origin as the magic circle.

The next second, the body of the Sioux on the far left exploded.

The black pattern sank a little deeper toward Ye Zhongming's head under the heavy pressure.

The elite team of dwarves did not watch the excitement. Their attacks had already covered the other two people. However, probably because of the formation, these attacks were blocked by the black shields on the two people.

"Sacrifice?" Heiting Yanting was surprised, "Have you mass-produced this kind of drug that can temporarily enhance combat power?"

He now saw that these three people should have taken the same medicine as Ye Zhongming, which made the three people's combat effectiveness temporarily reach the level of pseudo-peak masters.

These three people do not have as obvious fluctuations as Ye Zhongming, and they can make people feel the power of sporadic rules.

It may be because their strength is not as strong as Ye Zhongming's, or it may be because after taking the enhancement potion, their combat power is not as great as Ye Zhongming's.

Heiting Yanting was sure that they also took the potion and sacrificed themselves because of this formation.

A formation that can only be used if one knows how to use the power of rules, a formation that requires sacrificing the person setting up the formation in exchange for defensive power.

In order to protect this person, the Sioux people and the Musk people really worked hard.

This made Heiting Yanting more determined to kill Ye Zhongming.

He raised his arm again and pressed it down again. The black mysterious pattern then descended, almost sticking to the top of Ye Zhongming's head. On the other side, the second Sioux man also exploded.

Ye Zhongming was struggling. He wanted to get out of his current position, but the rules around him made it almost impossible for him to move.

At this moment, he finally realized how big the strength gap was between himself and the real top masters of all races in the universe.

Heiting Yanting groaned in his throat. The black pattern finally couldn't hold on anymore and broke into countless black spots and disappeared. The last Sioux died and disappeared.

The leader of the dwarves coughed, his face looked very bad, but there was a smile in his eyes. At this moment, Ye Zhongming was completely exposed in front of him.

He stretched out his hand to use his killing move on Ye Zhongming for the third time.

With a click, a slash of light fell from the sky, forcing Heiting Yanting's outstretched hand to change direction and collide with the slash of light.

Ye Pingsu slowly walked into this space with half-bent body, one hand falling back to his side.

The eyes of the two top experts collided at this moment.

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