Roulette World

Two Thousand Seven Hundred I am from the Library Palace (Part 1)

Ye Zhongming put down his arm with difficulty. When he looked over, he could already see several lakes of flesh and blood above, revealing the bones inside.

Just now, it seemed like the whole sky had stepped down.

In other words, space collapsed.

Because of the existence of elemental elves, Ye Zhongming is not very afraid of space-type crises. However, the space collapse just now was not complete, but space cracks were raging. Ye Zhongming tried his best to dodge, not wanting to be sucked into these cracks. Or cut into sections.

Although he survived in the end, he suffered serious injuries in several places on his body.

He looked around and saw that the elite dwarf team had turned into corpses all over the ground. Almost everyone had confusion and unwillingness on their faces.

This is a battle between superiors. If you haven't reached that level, or you don't have as many life-saving means as Ye Zhongming, when the aftermath of the competition hits, all you can do is suffocate and wait for death.

A few rays of light shone on the ground, and Ye Zhongming raised his head. The previous isolation force here disappeared, and the broken metal beast revealed its lifeless body.

Ye Zhongming flew up and went out through a relatively large gap. What he saw was devastation.

He was a little confused, and the living beings around him told him with their height that this war, which did not last long but was so fierce that it destroyed a super-rich clan...our side won in the end.

He was very tired, and the pain at the wound seemed to be more unbearable than when he was injured before, but Ye Zhongming landed on the Shenjiang City, his eyes were still red with laughter.

This should be considered a miracle, right?

Ye Zhongming asked himself this in his mind.

Yes, it should be.

Before this war, the red dwarves of Talos were extremely powerful and at the peak of their momentum. They were attacking frequently, bringing pieces of cake into their arms.

Normally, this shameless eating behavior would definitely arouse public outrage and eventually lead to backlash. But this time may be very long, so long that Ye Zhongming has no life left to wait.

There were some cheers below. The sound was not loud at first, only a few scattered places, but in the following time, the cheers became louder and louder, reaching into the sky.

The life that is still alive has witnessed a miraculous war.

It seems normal for several people to join forces to destroy a race, but the ones they destroyed were the Talos red dwarves, one of the richest and most well-armed races among all the races in the universe. The only ones who could rival them were the other two leaders. Race.

Ye Zhongming felt that he was a little lucky. If he had not received the support of the Rebel Dragon Clan, if he had not been recognized by the Library Palace, if he had not persuaded the Sioux Alliance and the Musk Star people.

Then what awaits him will be a cosmic escape if he is lucky. From then on, he will wander in the vast and mysterious universe until he encounters an irresistible accident and dies.

But things are like this. When you work hard for something, you don’t feel anything. When you get the desired result, you will feel like you are in another world.

"Little Ye Zi." Sister Hong came to him wearing a set of dwarf combat auxiliary equipment.

Maybe other people wanted to vent their emotions and celebrate wildly after victory, but the people in Genting were different. The prerequisite for victory in their hearts was that their leader was safe and sound, so Sister Hong came over immediately.

"Aren't you going to plan the battlefield? There are all good things here." Ye Zhongming made a joke to wash away the complicated emotions in his heart.

"It's still very orderly and very... rules." Sister Hong opened her mask, revealed her face, and glanced downwards.

After cheering, cleaning up the battlefield is naturally the top priority.

Without benefits, neither the Su Clan nor the Rebel Dragon Clan, or even the Library Palace, would take this risk because of their personal relationship with Ye Zhongming.

The reason why they can unite to attack the powerful Talos red dwarf is because there are enough benefits to grab.

Now, it’s time to harvest.

There was no unfair distribution as imagined. After all, whether it was the Sioux people who had seemed harmless for countless years or the Musk people who had rebelled and had great ambitions, their ancestors were all meat-eaters. This kind of thing was familiar to them. Knowing the difference between eating a meal and eating every meal, he was very orderly when cleaning up the battlefield. He was divided into several teams. Each team had representatives from various forces, and it was also ensured that there were at least two people in each team. station recorder.

"For us, things outside should not be as valuable as inside." Sister Hong naturally knows what Ye Zhongming is good at.

Of the things outside, the most valuable ones are naturally the God-level equipment, each of which is terrifying in terms of improving combat effectiveness.

It can be seen from this battle that the top masters of the dwarves have God-level equipment, which gives them many advantages. Otherwise, the masters of the same level as the rebel dragons with the top bodies of the dragons will be their nightmare.

Ye Zhongming shook his head slightly. Since he witnessed the battle between the Divine Eye and the final Heiting Yanting, he felt that the carrier recording the highest manufacturing skills of the dwarves should have been destroyed in advance.

"The elders of the Rebellious Dragon Clan want to see you."

A Su warrior came over and brought the news. Ye Zhongming immediately rushed over under his guidance. At a place dozens of miles away from the ruins of Shenjiang City, in addition to collecting the corpses of his own clan, all the surviving rebel dragon clans were there. Here it is.

Ye Zhongming counted roughly and was a little silent.

This race that yearns for unfettered freedom should have suffered more than 90% of the damage in this battle. From the beginning to the end, they were almost always the main force in the battle, almost to the point of annihilation.

"This is what Patriarch Ye left for you when he left. I am the new earth elder, Dijian."

"The patriarch...died in battle."

Did even Page, who was best at defense and recovery, die in battle?

Ye Zhongming looked at a ball of light floating in front of his eyes, sighed, closed his eyes and gently placed his hand on it.

Inside, there was a page of messages sent to him before his death.

It is completely different from the enviably beautiful light-type dragon in the impression. The body of Ye in the photo taken by his mind is broken, and his head is hit by an unknown object with a terrifying gap. Even in the photo, Ye Zhongming is also You can feel the dragon clan leader's shaky state.

There is only one sentence in the thought photo.

"Remember your promise."

Ye Zhongming opened his eyes, and the ball of light slowly dispersed.


Although this battle is in Shenjiang City, there are actually many battlefields that are some distance away from here. Even the Shenjiang City battlefield is huge, so the finishing work cannot be completed in a short time, even if all the battlefields are still movable. The soldiers all participated in the cleaning, but when the day was about to end, only 20% of the battlefield had been cleaned.

After all, Shenjiang City will be demolished and taken away.

When dawn arrived, the troops on guard outside suddenly issued a warning.

The flying lizard tribe's army landed from the Muri Airport on the other side and was rushing here.

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