Roulette World

Two Thousand Seven Hundred and Two I am from the Library Palace (Part 2)

Kedanolodi sat there quietly, listening to the people around him analyzing the pros and cons. Most people's eyes were filled with excitement.

They all believed that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the Hall people.

In the past, when I wanted to attack the dwarves, it was because I had an agreement with the Lena people and it was with the help of the entire camp.

For that plan, it took dozens of days to complete just the execution steps. The war preparation materials have been prepared quietly for several years.

Even so, everyone felt at the time that the chance of achieving strategic results was only about half, the remaining 40% would be unsuccessful, and there was still a 10% chance of failure.

At that time, Kedanrodius also knew about it and also nodded too much.

Of course, it does not mean that Kedan Rodi's opinion can influence the group's decision, but that as the true first elder of the Hall people and the longest-living old monster, everyone respects his seniority and strength.

Kaidan Roddy is one of the strongest people on the Hall planet. Although he has not made a move for hundreds of years, not to mention all the races in the universe, even within the race, only a few high-level officials know his true strength.

If the war against the dwarves or the Sioux Alliance had happened at that time, everyone would have seen Kedan Rodi's terrifying combat power.

Even if he really goes through a war, he may not have much life left.

Now, the tribe has a new idea, an idea that will definitely have a profound impact on the tribe and even all races in the universe.

Everyone came to ask for his opinion again.

Seeing that the ancestor nodded in agreement, the following secluded elders, clan leaders and several serving elders had already begun to discuss specific actions.

At this moment, Kedanrodi suddenly stood up and disappeared into the room under everyone's puzzled gazes. When he reappeared, he was already high above the city.

In front of him stood a man in black hood.

The man whose face could not be seen clearly nodded to Kedan Rodi, then stretched out one hand, put his fingers together, and scratched from top to bottom.

At the same time, the sky suddenly darkened, and a huge pressure almost enveloped the entire city.

Kaidan Roddy looked up, and there seemed to be nothing in the sky except darkness, but he could feel that a huge and unparalleled sword of rules was falling from the sky, and the target was himself.

With an extremely solemn expression, Kedan Rodi also raised his hand, palm upward, aiming at the invisible sword. After a few seconds, his eyes opened angrily and he closed his palms violently.

The huge shock rushed towards the sky at this moment, and a moment later it broke through the limits of the man-made fortress and spread into the sky.

Several nearby satellites shattered into pieces and turned into floating space debris.

The darkness in the sky disappeared and the calmness returned to before.

The man in black coughed twice and rubbed his chest.

"Library Palace, Monk Qing." After saying that, he nodded to Kedan Rodi again and turned to leave.

Such a huge energy fluctuation naturally attracted the attention of most of the royal city. Many high-level officials of the Hall people came to the vicinity one after another. When they saw Kedan Rodi floating there, they came to pay tribute, but their eyes were probing around.

Kedan Rodi seemed to wake up from some state after a while. Looking at the people around him who were just sitting in the room talking enthusiastically, he suddenly said: "I think this matter can be left alone."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, but no one asked why, because they all thought of the terrifying energy fluctuation that suddenly appeared and disappeared just now.

"Perhaps, they are far more powerful than we thought." Kedan Rodi whispered to himself, completely giving up the idea of ​​the Hall people taking advantage.


Ning Ji Huamei and Ana were walking in the corridor of the palace. Ana, a maid and good friend, whispered what she had seen before. On that fleet, she saw the dragon shadows in the sky and the crumbling Shenjiang City from a distance. .

"I don't know if I made the right decision, but at that time..." Ana had a look of recollection in her eyes.

"I really feel that if I give another order, things may go in an unpredictable direction, and it is very likely that it will be bad for us."

"I, I really don't know if it's the right thing to do."

After Ana finished speaking, she sighed softly.

Now that the allies of the Sioux tribe have indeed won, they have created a miracle and captured, no, destroyed the city of Godsmith. The Talos red dwarf race is expected to be expelled at the next general meeting.

But what if I had sided with the dwarves? What will be the result?

It is not to help the dwarves and the Su people to fight directly, but to hold back that army and hold back some people. Then will the war in Shenjiang City turn around?

Or the result is still the same, but it can consume more strength of the Sioux Alliance. Is it more beneficial to the Laina people?

Ning Ji Huamei listened and did not say anything immediately. Instead, he walked slowly in his own palace, admiring the art paintings hanging on the walls on both sides, which were all extremely expensive.

"They are also arguing, saying that now is an opportunity, saying that masters such as Monument Seal, Rebel Dragon Clan elders, etc. are not something to be afraid of for us."

"We can raise troops to attack, and the Su clan will definitely retreat and give us the treasure-like ruins of Shenjiang City. They will even give up more benefits in order to prevent us from continuing to attack them."

The Queen shook her head slightly as she spoke.

In front is Ning Ji Huamei's bedroom, which is also the core hub of the entire palace. If this place is attacked, Ning Ji Huamei can complete all command and control in his own room.

Therefore, this is also the place with the strictest precautions.

But before opening the door, Ning Ji Huamei suddenly frowned.

Ana, who had a great tacit understanding with her, immediately entered a fighting state, her hands glowed with a faint light, and a light shield appeared in front of her. Then she took Ning Ji Huamei's place and opened the door.

It seemed that the room was no different from usual, but the two people's eyes fell on Her Majesty's desk almost at the same time.

There is an extremely exquisite box.

It doesn't belong here.

"He's gone." Ning Ji Huamei said softly and walked to the table, glanced at the box and picked it up.

Opening it, there was a piece of material inside that could not be seen, but Ning Ji Huamei and Ana were well-informed and immediately recognized what it was.

Split the bones.

The skull of an extinct star monster is recognized as one of the hardest substances in the world.

Now, there is a clear handprint on this cracked imperial bone.

Under the handprints are lines of text.

"Library Palace, Monk Qing, respectfully."

The two were silent for a while, and Ning Ji Huamei suddenly laughed.

He patted the maid's arm and said, "Now I can give you a definite answer. You did the right thing."

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