Roulette World

Two Thousand Seven Hundred and Four After the War (Part 2)

For many victorious races, the most valuable things are different.

For example, for many small races nowadays, a large amount of high-quality equipment and a large amount of monthly gold are the best. After all, these can not only make up for battle losses, but also maximize the racial strength in the short term. After laying a solid foundation, racial development will enter the fast lane.

For some middle-level races, the compensation will definitely be much greater than the loss. In addition, they already have some good foundations, so what they want is more advanced technology and some rare equipment. Of course, high-end equipment and certain techniques are also what they like.

As for those big races, they gained too much. After getting a large amount of top-level equipment, they will definitely have to share some. These things can greatly improve their combat effectiveness, making their high-end combat effectiveness a big step forward among all races in the universe.

Moreover, this battle will serve as a training ground for troops. Some races that have not fought for many years will gain a lot of experience that is impossible to gain in acting. Racial warriors will also gain strong self-confidence, and ordinary tribesmen will gain a strong sense of racial honor.

In addition, the large amount of resources left by the dwarves and the unparalleled accumulation of generations of dwarves have become the possessions of these large races. Many things that are so precious that they can only be found in legends have also appeared in the dwarves' warehouses.

Although the crazy dwarves destroyed a lot of good things at the last moment when Shenjiang City was destroyed, what was left was enough to burp the rich clans who participated in the war.

As for the super races, the Sioux Musk Stars, etc., they get the most valuable things. In addition to the fierce god-level equipment, rare treasures, etc., the intangible things are more important to them. For example, among all the races in the universe status, the right to speak in the parliament of all races, etc. These invisible things will bring huge and sustainable benefits.

The acquired dwarf technology can also make up for the technological gaps and deficiencies of the clan. A super clan with an advanced and complete technological system will be able to unleash huge productivity in the future.

On the contrary, it is the God-level equipment that is coveted by other wealthy families. The demand of these super wealthy families is not that strong.

It's not that it's not necessary, but compared with something that can improve individual combat effectiveness in a short period of time and something that can improve the overall strength of the clan in the long term, super-rich clans with no existential crisis prefer the latter.

But for Ye Zhongming personally, what he desires and needs most is the dwarf's equipment manufacturing skills.

It's just a pity that as far as the current situation is concerned, all he got was some basic and intermediate technical knowledge, and the high-end ones were almost all destroyed.

After reading the 'Key Points and Summary of Holy Refining Techniques', the huge room was already empty, and Jie Su and others who were still here just now left one after another.

Judging from the name and material, this set of ancient scrolls seems to be very powerful, and it should record advanced theories and techniques. However, after reading the whole text, it is still very basic, and many of them are even conjectures.

But Ye Zhongming is very satisfied.

Because this set of ancient scrolls was not written in the present era, although many things in it have lagged far behind, many conjectures have also been confirmed, so the fields, technologies, basic disciplines, etc. involved in the conjectures basically mean that least feasible.

These can all be deduced by analogy. So for Ye Zhongming, after reading this set of ancient scrolls, it inspired him a lot, and he figured out many key dwarf skills.

He is an excellent top craftsman himself, and he has worked hard to study the manufacturing skills of dwarves before. Now that he has the opportunity to systematically learn the basic and intermediate knowledge of dwarves, he can naturally understand a lot.

Of course, although Ye Zhongming has already created a semi-divine weapon, it is still not possible for him to create God-level equipment now. Not to mention that the required materials are too precious. Even the dwarves' inventory is not enough to refine even one God-level equipment.

Even if there are enough materials, the chance that Ye Zhongming can successfully refine it is very low. Once there are too many failures, the value of the materials will exceed that of God-level equipment, and the cost-effectiveness will drop a lot. Of course, it’s okay if the refining is successful in the end. After all, the increase in combat effectiveness cannot only depend on the amount of monthly gold, but the greater possibility is that it has never been successful...

So after weighing his current situation, Ye Zhongming gave up the idea of ​​refining the God of Fire immediately.

Although the Fierce God level cannot be tried now, after acquiring the knowledge and technology of the dwarves, Ye Zhongming is somewhat confident about semi-artifacts, which are equipment half a level lower than the Fierce God level. The success rate should be much higher than before, and there are more types of rule powers that can be imitated, and the weapons and equipment produced will have more diverse functions.

After looking at the list of materials in the trophies, Ye Zhongming touched his ears, looked at the time, stood up and left the room.

In half an hour, the victory party's celebration banquet is about to begin. The senior leaders of almost every participating race will come here to gather together. Some individuals and units who have performed outstandingly in the battle will also participate and receive awards. Naturally , this is the visible part of the celebration banquet, and will be broadcast live for all victorious races. And what happened behind the scenes was actually the real purpose of the senior executives coming here, which was naturally to 'divide the spoils'.

Ye Zhongming simply ate something at the celebration party, and then went to the large conference room behind to wait.

It didn't take long for all the high-ranking members of the race to arrive, leaving only a few people whose status was high enough to stand up to the occasion to stand in front of them.

Before this ‘spoils sharing’ meeting, the demand for all the spoils had actually been communicated to each race. After several rounds of communication, everyone basically knew what they would get, and they all agreed.

Therefore, the atmosphere of the meeting was always very good. Everyone got benefits that far exceeded the losses. Everyone was happy. The leaders of the small and medium-sized races left quickly.

There were not many people in the conference room, but everyone at least represented a big clan.

Ye Zhongming clicked on the terminal a few times at this time, looked at the dozens of smiling people around him and said: "I have a new idea about distribution. Please take a look and see what I have to pay to get these materials." What."

Everyone was stunned, including Yaohan Su Beiyin and others. Ye Zhongming had never communicated with them about this matter before.

Showing an apologetic smile to the two elders who had always supported him, Ye Zhongming said softly: "I also have a lot of ideas after seeing the dwarves' manufacturing technology, so I want to try it."

Some things don't need to be said too clearly. Suddenly everyone knew why Ye Zhongming had to temporarily change the originally planned distribution plan.

They want to make the most high-end equipment.

These senior officials knew Ye Zhongming's ability very well, so their eyes changed a little, and their original dissatisfaction with Ye Zhongming's change of heart also disappeared.

This is the person who will eventually become a master craftsman, the person who will eventually stand at the pinnacle of roulette skills and dwarf skills. If you pay more for this person now, the rewards in the future will definitely be indispensable.

"I will auction two of the four pieces of the God of Fire that were originally allocated to me, and the proceeds will be distributed to the races that need to pay for the materials I selected."

"Hey, no need, no need, just take whatever materials Master Ye likes. In our hands, these things are just decorations in the vault. They can only play their greatest role in your hands."

"Yes, yes, now Master Ye is about to enter the ranks of top masters. It is the time when God-level equipment is needed. Besides, to climb to the pinnacle of dwarf manufacturing technology, if necessary, you can also disassemble one or two pieces in reverse. It's a God-level thing, if you take out two of them, it will make things difficult for Master Ye."

"You're right, you're right. It's like this. Take it all. If Master Ye has any works in the future, just remember to notify us and we will buy them first."

Yaohansu and Beiyin looked at each other, shook their heads and smiled.

Although Ye Zhongming is not yet a top expert, and his combat prowess is not high in his own camp, he has a strong man behind him. The Rebel Dragon Clan and the Library Palace stand like two mountains.

Although the Rebel Dragon Clan is now disabled, they still have some top experts, and they have great potential for future development.

The library palace is even more terrifying. The old dean can almost suppress all races in the universe with one person, and such a being has only one word for this spoils sharing conference.

"Ye Zhongming decided."

Therefore, Ye Zhongming's current status is basically on an equal footing with that of Yaohan Su Beiyin. Even taking into account his development potential, status as a top craftsman, and the contact person and initiator of the war, it is still higher.

For such people, the two patriarchs understand the intentions of the patriarchs of these big races to have a good relationship with them.

Ye Zhongming nodded to these people and expressed his gratitude.

Since Ye Zhongming made changes to the distribution plan, everyone discussed it again and determined the final plan.

Just when everyone was chatting and laughing and about to leave, Ye Zhongming motioned for everyone to wait.

"How long will it take for you to rest and be ready for combat again?" Ye Zhongming's words shocked everyone present.

"Master Ye, don't you want to attack another race? It won't be... Hall, the star people, right?" The leader of a big race had a hard mouth.

Even now, everyone actually thinks that this battle in Shenjiang City is a bit dreamy and unreal. The moment they nodded and agreed to participate, they all thought it was the craziest decision they had ever made in their lives.

Now, regardless of the victory, everyone is actually hopeful.

They really can't bear to do it again, and they are prone to sudden death.

Fortunately, they saw Ye Zhongming shaking his head.

"No, no, they're not from the Hall planet." Ye Zhongming coughed slightly, "They're from the slave tribe."

Many people's eyes went dark.

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