Roulette World

Two thousand seven hundred and eight, flowers bloom all over the city

Ye Zhongming opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was a starry sky.

He looked down and saw that he was on a desolate planet, surrounded by red lava.

But he didn't feel the heat.

Ye Zhongming tried to take two steps forward, but he felt nothing when he stepped on the lava, as if his body only existed in his sight.

He walked aimlessly, through the rising smoke and across the deep chasms.

Shouting, running.

No one answered, and no fatigue was felt.

He didn't know how long it took, but he traveled all over the planet and couldn't find any sign of life.

At the same time, Ye Zhongming seemed to have forgotten many things. He only remembered who he was and some of his abilities, but all other past and familiar people were forgotten.

He didn't know why he was here, or why he was like this.

He kept walking alone on this planet, trying to find some undiscovered places, trying to find similar people, trying to retrieve lost memories.

But all failed.

He doesn't need to rest, he doesn't feel tired, he won't get hurt, and he's not in danger.

He was wandering like a lonely ghost, but he didn't know what he was going to do.

After a long time, he finally gave up the idea of ​​going out and began to rest.

He sat in the hot lava, watching the hot and sticky water rolling and flowing around him. He stood on the beach, watching the stormy waves and the clouds rolling and relaxing. He lay on the grassland, watching the stars move and the wind and clouds drifting gently. He wandered in the forest, watching everything begin again, and watching the vegetation wither and flourish.

Finally one day, he understood something. He stretched out his hand and felt the temperature of the magma, the moisture of the sea water, and the vitality of the vegetation.

It's like becoming a human again.

But he is still lonely, still unable to leave here, and unable to remember everything about himself.

If you don't feel the same way, you can't understand the feeling of being alone for a long time.

Ye Zhongming then observed everything more carefully. In other words, he tried every means to kill time.

Because he is afraid that he will go crazy.

So after unknown years, he learned something.

He can paint with lava, he can make grass and trees fly, he can dry up the sea, and he can darken the sky.

Ye Zhongming regarded these as toys and played with them endlessly.

Until...he ruined this planet.

He fell into the deep space, surrounded by cosmic bodies of varying distances.

He returned to his original state. He could walk in the universe, and every step he took could cross the two nearest planets, but he felt nothing except loneliness.

So he began to observe these stars carefully.

As time passed, Ye Zhongming forgot everything and just focused on studying everything he saw.

He could only forget about loneliness in this way, and he always hoped to find life on a certain planet that could communicate.

Until one day, he can smash a planet with just one hand, walk directly into the stars, or blow away nebulae in one breath.

Ye Zhongming had a feeling that he might be able to walk out.

But just after he could create or destroy these cosmic stars at will, at a certain moment, he returned to the original place, that planet, that piece of lava.

Ye Zhongming didn't quite understand why this happened.

He tried for a long time and found that he couldn't find the reason at all, so he could only start over to prevent himself from forgetting himself.

Fortunately, he did not forget what he had learned before. He soon stepped out of the planet and was able to wander in the universe.

But when he reaches a certain state, he returns to the starting point.

Time and time again, Ye Zhongming fell into a cycle that he couldn't break out of.

He had to let himself stop again, to think, to experiment, and to search for answers among all things.

He began to grasp patterns, and then control.

Gradually, he remembered some things, the nagging instructions of his parents when they left that morning, and himself crying in the corner downstairs that night.

He remembered the house that gave him only a sense of security when the monster roared outside, and the excitement and uncontrollable fear when he swung the knife for the first time.

He thought of the tentacles piercing his chest, the five-colored light in front of him, and the torn, cold and warm fragmented space.

Is this so...

Ye Zhongming kept murmuring and stretched out his hand, wanting to touch something.

Until heaven and earth are turned upside down, until the beginning is connected.


In the library palace, many people surrounded Ye Zhongming.

All the top-level scribes are here at the moment, including Liu Zhenghong, King of Hell Shuliang Chuyin, and even Xia Bai, who was strictly ordered to practice by the old dean.

These people all stared at Ye Zhongming, not letting go of his expression.

"Master, is he really okay?" Xia Bai asked the old dean suspiciously.

The old dean was slightly embarrassed and coughed lightly.

"It should be...nothing."

Hearing this, not only the people from the Yunding Department, but also the librarians rolled their eyes at their dean.

Ye Zhongming has been standing here for seven days and seven nights.

Although for a person of his level, standing still for seventy days is no big deal, but this state of stillness with eyes closed and no reaction to the outside world is indeed worrying.

The original intention of the 'Dream Walking' ability invented by the old dean was to allow Ye Zhongming to better understand the rules. When he thought about it, he completed the 'Dream Walking' ability after taking Ye Zhongming to communicate at the conscious level, which only took a few hours at most. , and then Ye Zhongming slowly understood it himself, accelerating his speed to become a peak master.

Based on Ye Zhongming's situation at the time, the old dean felt that it was even possible for him to reach the top immediately.

But who would have thought that when the dream walk ended, Ye Zhongming did not wake up at the same time.

Now the old dean himself is a little panicked.

Don't let this kid become a vegetable all of a sudden, right? Then... his apprentice will probably not recognize him. This is the rhythm of being alone all his life.

The old dean couldn't bear this, so he decided to try to get Ye Zhongming to wake up.

But just when he wanted to make a move, Ye Zhongming, who had been motionless, suddenly opened his eyes. One eye was pale gray, and the other was distinctly black and white.

This made Ye Zhongming look very strange at this time.

Then, a ray of light came across the space, directly tore apart the defense of the library palace, and fell on Ye Zhongming.

All this happened so fast that even a being like the old dean was unprepared.

The light continued, connecting to Ye Zhongming himself from an unknown space, making Ye Zhongming's whole body seem to be shining.

Everyone didn't know why. After looking up at the torn sky in a daze, they could only keep retreating under the gestures of the old dean.

Light poured from Ye Zhongming's body to the ground, and everyone quickly flew up. Even those who couldn't fly for the time being were picked up by others.

Everyone's eyes widened as they watched the light spread over the ground and over the many flower beds in the distance.

The flowers in the flower bed were originally in a state of being contained and ready to be bloomed, but when the light passed through, they all bloomed at once, and they were colorful for a while. But then it quickly withered, like a flash in the pan.

This is not over yet, those flowers that had withered bloomed again instantly, returning to their previous delicate and charming appearance.

While the light is not dissipated, the flowers continue to bloom and wither, and the cycle repeats.

Finally, when the last ray of light entered Ye Zhongming's body, the library palace returned to its original appearance, and even Ye Zhongming's eyes returned to normal.

The King of Clouds closed his eyes again, and suddenly waved one hand, and a large ball of light exploded over the city where the Library Palace was located.

As a result, flowers bloomed all over the city.

At this moment, Ye Zhongming officially reached his peak.

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