Roulette World

Two Thousand Seven Hundred and Eleven Rule 2

All the fog on the top of the Sunset City peak exploded.

Inside were the shadows of more than a dozen giant flying lizards.

Their faces were ferociously distorted, so angry that they were deformed, and each dragon was burning the energy in its body crazily.

They were negligent and careless, and they never expected that Ye Zhongming would be so ruthless and that the rules he controlled were so lethal.

In fact, I don’t blame these high-level officials of the Rebel Dragon Clan. No one would think that a person facing a race... even though this race has a relatively small population... would use the power of such large-scale destructive rules at once. , and it was successful.

It is true that the peak master is the strongest combat power among all races in the universe, but this does not mean that this level is invincible.

Although the power of rules is the original force of the universe that can be used, it cannot cover the sky with one hand. There is a degree and a limit, otherwise all races would not let the slave race dominate for countless years.

From the perspective of the senior leaders of the Flying Lizard Clan, how many dragons can a newly-minted peak master like Ye Zhongming kill with all his strength? If he takes action, that's fine, the senior officials don't mind taking this opportunity to kill him.

Although behind him were both the Sioux clan and the Library Palace, that was when he was alive, and that was when he was valuable. Once he died suddenly and became worthless, the elders of the Flying Lizard Tribe did not think that the matter would reach the point where they could not be discussed.

The big deal is, you have to pay some price, even sacrificing an elder doesn't matter. Because whatever is lost will be returned several times from other races, especially the Council of All Races.

So they somewhat indulged Ye Zhongming's behavior, and they really didn't think what would happen.

But the current result has given them a lesson that is so heavy that they regret it.

The Rebel Dragon Tribe is not happy with dragons, and their numbers usually seem to be okay. That is just the visual effect caused by their large size. In fact, their number is very small compared to other races.

Now, even if there are still some members of the same race outside, most of them were turned into gray and defeated corpses in an attack by Ye Zhongming. This basically declared that the Flying Lizard Tribe has suddenly become a micro-race. While ensuring the quality of reproduction, At the same time, after several generations of reproduction, the population will be directly close to extinction.

Genocide, this is genocide.

As for the remaining elders of the Flying Lizard Tribe who were still old but whose abilities had definitely declined, Ye Zhongming, who had caused the de facto annihilation of the tribe, had not yet stopped and walked towards them. This kind of provocation and contempt deeply irritated them.

The two elders of the Flying Lizard Tribe who were closest to Ye Zhongming charged down, their bodies wrapped in hatred stretched out as much as possible in order to maximize the power of the spell.

The other four elders followed closely behind, no longer gathering together, but spreading out in all directions, obviously not wanting to give Ye Zhongming a chance to escape.

"You're dead!" The aloof elder opened his eyes angrily and shouted filial piety to Ye Zhongming.

The Great Elder knew that no peak person could remain in good condition after using such a terrifying ability. He must be in a weak state.

Ye Zhongming is definitely no exception. In this state, he still wants to challenge more than a dozen peak dragon clans. This behavior makes the elders of the Flying Lizard clan even more furious.

After saying that, the great elder regretted it.

It saw the light shining from Ye Zhongming's wrist.

"Else's second container."

A pair of fierce god-level auxiliary equipment can double the wearer's energy storage and can be used at any time.

Energy only does not include life energy.

In addition to the Earthly Curtain and Falling Holy Bow revealed by Ye Zhongming before, this is already his third Fierce God.

With this Fierce God-level item, the energy Ye Zhongming consumed before will be instantly replenished, and he is still at his peak combat power.

Facing two peak dragons, Ye Zhongming chose to retreat.

He kept moving backwards, but his eyes were locked on his opponent. It looked like he was teleporting in a weird way. Although the dragon clan elder's hateful attacks were powerful, they did not touch him.

This has something to do with Ye Zhongming's fast movement speed, and more importantly, because these elders have scruples about the corpses of their own race all over the ground. First, they can't bear to destroy them directly, and second, they are afraid that the plants on the corpses will contaminate themselves.

This makes them even less able to keep up with the speed of Ye Zhongming.

However, after all, the Flying Lizard Clan is of the same clan as the Rebel Dragon Clan. As a dragon Clan, they have natural advantages in spells and body. The two elders risked their lives to use a larger range of attacks, but they still covered Ye Zhongming.

The power of rules is mixed together, and it is impossible to completely avoid it, unless you are at the level of the old dean.

Ye Zhongming was enveloped in the attack, and a circle of thousands of small bright-colored halos appeared around his body, which made him safe and sound.

"Unedited Ring?"

The elder of the Dragon Clan felt a little tight in his chest.

Another piece of fierce god-level equipment!

The Ring of Unlimited is a single-sided shoulder armor, a famous defensive equipment of the Lena people, basically worn by queens of all generations.

The characteristic of this piece of equipment is that it stores attacks received and then releases them later.

Once attacked, this piece of equipment will activate its own defense. Before its absorption limit is reached, it will be an absolute defense. Once the attack limit has been exceeded, you will only suffer part of the damage, and the attacks absorbed by the Ring will stay stably within the internal space.

For ten hours after combat, the wearer can choose to place the piece of equipment in a location and release those absorbed attacks.

In other words, this equipment is not only a defensive equipment, but if used well, it can also be used as an offensive equipment.

The great elder did not think that the Lina Star people would completely side with Ye Zhongming, but lent or even gave this piece of equipment that had become almost synonymous with the clan leader to Ye Zhongming. It must be that Ye Zhongming and the Sioux Alliance obtained something that made the Laina people extremely excited during the battle of Shenjiang City, so they exchanged this piece of equipment for him.

But it doesn't matter what kind of equipment it is. This piece of fierce god-level equipment will allow Ye Zhongming to survive the siege of two peak elders.

The great elder let out a low cry, and the other four elders who had surrounded Ye Zhongming rushed forward from all angles.

If the flying lizards weren't too huge, the six dragons would have occupied almost all of the fighting space, and the remaining dragons, including the great elder, would all swarm forward. By then, Ye Zhongming could be drowned by just breathing.

The Wuji halo revealed fewer and fewer small rings, proving that its limit was approaching.

The dragons flew up and down, attacking wildly while waiting for that moment.

But at a certain moment, the great elder seemed to see something flash past. Before he could figure out what it was, he saw three elders of his clan falling from the sky, and a huge blood hole appeared on each dragon's body. , enough to be fatal.

Only then did the Great Elder and the other giant dragons see clearly that they were three energy arrows that appeared from unknown sources.

Together, they thought of the three seemingly useless arrows that Ye Zhongming shot into the sky with the Falling Saint Bow when he first arrived here.

This seems to be the place where he shot the arrow before.

Ye Zhongming stood in front of the three surviving elders of the Flying Lizard Tribe with a blank expression.

As an advanced master, he controls not one, but two powers of rules.

He also controls the rules, reincarnation.

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